Rate the twink above you.

I dont know why it wont update.. But my rogue has Protector's Sword with 15+ agility for MH

9.5/10. replace your Leg armor ;)


rate my FC drood. i'll never run out of twinks for you guys to rate.

oh and dont make fun of my hat :(
@Ramune, seeing as you didnt even bother leveling a profession, engineering would be your first priority. Unless you have a different proffession, that isnt acceptable, and also, highly recomment change out your entire chest for Defias with 4 stats, other than that it looks not to bad.


Rate my hunter please: [char=Frostmane]Tourguide[/char]

And my paladin: [char=Terenas]Tourguide[/char]

And my rogue: [char=Staghelm]Twinkzruz[/char]

Ok, the hunter, obviously has the jungle hat so he could get skinny with the Anatomy crit rating, working on AGM and Fishing hat.

The paladin is fairly new, still in need of repair, dont be harsh about the chest and its enchant.

The rogue is one of my oldest twinks, still fresh from 3.1, not many updates, but once 3.2 will get his proffesions (1 bar till 20).
Ramune said:

9.5/10. replace your Leg armor ;)


rate my FC drood. i'll never run out of twinks for you guys to rate.

oh and dont make fun of my hat :(

AWWWWWWWW douchebag move!

haha, well, i dont wanna! but i guess you could also take points away for not having proper proffs either, the 450 mining gives me no buff SOOOOOO lol, its just me trying to show that im "kinda old school" lmfao.
Keep in mind that I don't play 19s much:

Elude said:
I give you a 7/10.


[char=us-Korialstrasz]Elude[/char], where is your hit rating? You absolutely need hit rating on a rogue.

Drop mining and pick up engineering till you get your hat, engineerings bombs are ridic.

+Gloves of the Fang

+Minor Speed

+Cruel Barb


very nice rogue, all i can think of is switch out those meadow rings for a WSG ring, those rings arnt very good with recent dodge nerfs.

Dont have armory link but:

Tonkks - Nazgrel

Nzxer said:
[char=us-Korialstrasz]Elude[/char], where is your hit rating? You absolutely need hit rating on a rogue.

Drop mining and pick up engineering till you get your hat, engineerings bombs are ridic.

+Gloves of the Fang

+Minor Speed

+Cruel Barb



I'm not picking up engineering. I'm just going to get the lucky fishing hat and keep the mining (for the stamina boost).

As for hit rating, I have some from the belt. The rest will come once I get my BoA shoulders. Also, I don't absolutely need it, considering misses aren't that common.

Tonkks: You're rogue is very good. I would however use a thief's blade with +15 agil in your offhand. Also, throat piercers would be a better ranged weapon.
Elude said:
I'm not picking up engineering. I'm just going to get the lucky fishing hat and keep the mining (for the stamina boost).

As for hit rating, I have some from the belt. The rest will come once I get my BoA shoulders. Also, I don't absolutely need it, considering misses aren't that common.

Tonkks: You're rogue is very good. I would however use a thief's blade with +15 agil in your offhand. Also, throat piercers would be a better ranged weapon.

Hit cap is very much needed. You need 11 hit as a rogue.

I believe 225 skinning gives a +4 crit percent which is allot better than mining.
Nzxer said:
Hit cap is very much needed. You need 11 hit as a rogue.

I believe 225 skinning gives a +4 crit percent which is allot better than mining.

Yeah, I have skinning and mining. I didn't choose herbalism for some reason...
I have a macro for throwing to switch out my thrown wep for ppl running away, then use another to put the bow back in, i have a thiefs blade and it is not as good in offhand as cruel barb now because of the dodge nerf, still working on getting another shadowfang at decent price :D
^ User does not have any link to an Armory.

I just got mining to 225 in one night :3 One expensive night.

Shaman is level 75! BoA Shoulders and trinket are approaching! Then I should have perfect gear.

Suggestions? Ratings? I like 5 resists on my cloak btw!

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