Regarding Epeen...


I am finally attracted more to pixels than a 40 year old virgin to a Blood Elf Female :O!

Just wish there were more in retalliation battle-group, as of right now my 19

2v2 is rated 2266 (/flex).

But besides the bit of /flex there, I think every twink should have this addon, spread the word incase you missed Rip's blog about it =D.
Does it only adjust your rating if your opponent is using it? I don't see how that would be possible but it seems a little pointless if not. Farm scrubs all afternoon bam 2500 rating.
Ymir said:
Does it only adjust your rating if your opponent is using it? I don't see how that would be possible but it seems a little pointless if not. Farm scrubs all afternoon bam 2500 rating.

Yeah. Basically Win/Loss Ratio > Rating.
Imo, they need arena for 1-9 and possibly a wsg :O. Egosvaultx + Radiosvaultx = win 2v2 Level 1 twink team :D. But currently (2286 team rating as of tonight before I go to bed), according to epeenratings, that #1 in the world :O!!!

/cheer Ego

Edit: Not everyone is a scrub either, actually we try to avoid any "scrub matchup". I'll have to say there are alot of Shaman/Hunter -- Shaman/Rogue comps out there, and we seem to have the most trouble with them. Maybe xp toggle will fix arena to =P
i'm in the Retailiation group, but haven't been in any 19 bracket. i do see many alliance 19s on the Terokkar realm where i am most active
Vindication BG, my 3v3 team is 1512! which is amazing considering having us all on and wanting to do it, plus waiting in 1-2 hr queues...

I don't have a 2v2 yet though :(
Ego said:
Imo, they need arena for 1-9 and possibly a wsg :O. Egosvaultx + Radiosvaultx = win 2v2 Level 1 twink team :D

WTB THIS!!! I have often thought of it, and man it would be fucking sweeeeet!!!

Level 9 twinks...mmm, warriors would be OP :)
Recently got it and today got a 19 partner im comming for the title lol

P u R e T w I n K z

only prob is cant seem to find a 39 partner which sucks Aszune full of twink haters just plums that cant pvp tbh !!!

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