Interestingly, agility does not give crit anymore. Also, in the new quests, as in RFC, you can only choose one quest reward that is class and spec specific. If you want to choose a RP item, a more expensive vendor item, or more importantly, an OS item, you're shit out of luck. I understand that Blizz is trying to dumb down the game, but that seems a little OTT to me. No more eyepatch for strength users in MP?
Currently you can choose the eyepatch, or anything else, but that could be because they haven't converted old quests yet. Also, I found that as a non agility user I couldn't get the agility/stam neck from the PvP vendor. It's not a major issue, since non agility user BiS is the JC neck, but it's an easily obtainable placeholder item for those that haven't leveled JC. It also was a key item in crit sets.