World of Warcraft MoP PTR is now up!!!

character copied , logged in , pooow nothing there
tried copy another character same thing , each time i copy character and get successful message I still have 4 copies left ...
bugging out bro !
yeah i know it takes a lot, 10 hours for me

edit: do it only once or you will get more copies of the same char... i have 3 hunters in one server lol
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Can I play my twinks live while waiting for dem chars to be copied ?
still waiting for my Request to join the Twinkinfo Guild... Anyone know who the guildleader is? :eek:
So? Agility is good for crit and leather isn't that bad....

Interestingly, agility does not give crit anymore. Also, in the new quests, as in RFC, you can only choose one quest reward that is class and spec specific. If you want to choose a RP item, a more expensive vendor item, or more importantly, an OS item, you're shit out of luck. I understand that Blizz is trying to dumb down the game, but that seems a little OTT to me. No more eyepatch for strength users in MP?

Currently you can choose the eyepatch, or anything else, but that could be because they haven't converted old quests yet. Also, I found that as a non agility user I couldn't get the agility/stam neck from the PvP vendor. It's not a major issue, since non agility user BiS is the JC neck, but it's an easily obtainable placeholder item for those that haven't leveled JC. It also was a key item in crit sets.
Interestingly, agility does not give crit anymore. Also, in the new quests, as in RFC, you can only choose one quest reward that is class and spec specific. If you want to choose a RP item, a more expensive vendor item, or more importantly, an OS item, you're shit out of luck. I understand that Blizz is trying to dumb down the game, but that seems a little OTT to me. No more eyepatch for strength users in MP?

Currently you can choose the eyepatch, or anything else, but that could be because they haven't converted old quests yet. Also, I found that as a non agility user I couldn't get the agility/stam neck from the PvP vendor. It's not a major issue, since non agility user BiS is the JC neck, but it's an easily obtainable placeholder item for those that haven't leveled JC. It also was a key item in crit sets.

I didn't notice this, I will definitely have to go back and check. That sounds absolutely ridiculous - what if you want an item for its aesthetics rather than your 'appropriate' quest reward?

That's what I keep picking up on MoP though. They're treating us like we're stupid and it's embarrassing. I am perfectly capable of picking which quest reward I want. And frankly, if I weren't, I probably wouldn't deserve to be fed the right one.
Interestingly, agility does not give crit anymore. Also, in the new quests, as in RFC, you can only choose one quest reward that is class and spec specific. If you want to choose a RP item, a more expensive vendor item, or more importantly, an OS item, you're shit out of luck. I understand that Blizz is trying to dumb down the game, but that seems a little OTT to me. No more eyepatch for strength users in MP?

Currently you can choose the eyepatch, or anything else, but that could be because they haven't converted old quests yet. Also, I found that as a non agility user I couldn't get the agility/stam neck from the PvP vendor. It's not a major issue, since non agility user BiS is the JC neck, but it's an easily obtainable placeholder item for those that haven't leveled JC. It also was a key item in crit sets.

This seems really stupid, and goes against the whole transmogrification feature pretty badly.

Not only that but in my time, unusable quest rewards were a great source of gold on my P2P (eg. choosing 2h quest rewards to vendor/disenchant). I'm sure I'm not the only player who did that.

Hasn't SM also been converted into a new instance also? Someone with higher level characters should go test to see if the new SM quest rewards have also been dumbed down.

If Blizz goes ahead and converts all the existing quest rewards to also have this "one item only" design, then a lot more of our gear will potentially become grandfathered, so to speak.
Yes, RFC ally quest rewards are the same as the live horde ones. SM is not in the game yet. Another thing I found interesting was that SM has plate items that require level 30. Perhaps they're lowering the level that plate/mail becomes available? Also, the current PTR SM items are placeholder of current level tier. Also PTR pet training, which costs 80g with discount, requires level 91, which just means they don't want people using the pet battles on PTR yet. PTR TM and VS was really expensive initially too. That ended up scaling with level live and I wouldn't be surprised if that happens with pet battles.
Currently Warrior Rage generation is really bad.... I believe Im getting maybe 12 rage... or it may be my imagination but Im not too sure. MS helps, but slam cost 30 rage so... bleh.
wtf... feral pwns hard even funner class
rogue is ok... i mean, i cant really judge anything but although it isnt a big buff/nerf, i still prefer cata 20 rogue
warlock is... i dont know either. i only tried demo and i think the leap is just so good but the rest is meh.... (i want soul link and instasoulfire back)
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Also, in the new quests, as in RFC, you can only choose one quest reward that is class and spec specific.
Does this also apply to armor type? In other words, can a holy paladin take a leather or cloth quest reward with caster stats? How about loot rolls? Can a holy paladin still roll on, say, Corpse Rompers?
Hmm can everyone go to Anasterian now since thats where all my characters are and i think the server wait times are gone?
As a holy paladin you can only get Searing Belt - Item - World of Warcraft from The Dark Shaman - Quest - World of Warcraft even if you wanted to get the leather Ragefire Leggings - Item - World of Warcraft because you have no choice in the matter. Check out the Wowhead links, it's not exactly working perfectly right now.

Taragaman the Hungerer - Quest - World of Warcraft is the original horde quest for reference.

This is what I meant by class and spec. As a paladin of any spec, leather and cloth is not for your class. As for rolling, you can roll on anything in the one dungeon I did in a group, which was RFC. This is the case currently, where even clothies can need roll on mail items they can't even use, binding them to the clothy, and because of the laws of scrubs, noobs and ninjas getting +bonus rolls, I lost a TM item this way.
Whats the range like on the warlock leap? Does it work the same way as a warrior heroic leap?
no its kinda like disengage but forward and less distance. I say distance is not bad at all.. i think its 75% of disengage

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