World of Warcraft MoP PTR is now up!!!

In combat charge, execute buff. Overall damage buff. I'm a little concerned that the only way to generate rage are white hits though. There's always rage potion I guess.
In combat charge, execute buff. Overall damage buff. I'm a little concerned that the only way to generate rage are white hits though. There's always rage potion I guess.

So haste for warriors might be useful. Execute doesn't really affect me because I never use it.
Two interesting observations about the account-wide mounts and achievements thing that I noticed during my few minutes of fiddling around on the PTR-

1. Long before I went F2P I deleted everything on my account. Total scorched earth, no toons, no nuthin'. My F2P client is attached to my old empty account (gotta use my authenticator to log in etc...). Ol' Spoochycoo logs into the PTR and gets the Raven Lord mount + FoS and the Tabard of the Explorer. Did I get those from my long-dead main or is it a fluke? Maybe I got the tabard because the trial restrictions are lifted on the PTR, but then again I didn't get the green protodrake or polar bear mounts from Northrend. Curiouser and curiouser. Perhaps everyone on the PTR gets a Raven Lord mount as a door prize, who knows?

2. I copied Spooch to the PTR and managed to long in for a few minutes. I went back to live, played a couple bgs and got the 50k achievement. Went back to the PTR and bingo, my clone gets the achievement on login. The real-time sharing of achievements surprised me.

Your mileage may vary.
Thats about Right. right now on live my warrior has about 1.3k hp flat, and on PTR I have 1.6k. A Druid who I was fighting against had 1.8k which double AGM's, no trinket in the slot, but she didn't need it because with 15% damage reduction plus 30% PvP Defense, I was only hitting her for about 200 on MS And slams.

EDIT: They still have not fixed the Disconnection problem, and I am making a report about healing. I want strong healers, not freaking immortal Gods of life deciding who lives and who gets pooped on by the opposition. lol
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Thats about Right. right now on live my warrior has about 1.3k hp flat, and on PTR I have 1.6k. A Druid who I was fighting against had 1.8k which double AGM's, no trinket in the slot, but she didn't need it because with 15% damage reduction plus 30% PvP Defense, I was only hitting her for about 200 on MS And slams.

EDIT: They still have not fixed the Disconnection problem, and I am making a report about healing. I want strong healers, not freaking immortal Gods of life deciding who lives and who gets pooped on by the opposition. lol

The healers are op'd at max lvl to , this WILL NOT make it live

And a bal drood with full pvp boa's(not pve) should have 55% dmg reduced(not counting armor)
I am not bis, but i am hitting a dummy for 1030 crits with eclipse SS's( i do NOT have the boa staff)
getting this error when tried to copy my twinks :
Error: No World of Warcraft Account Attached
There are no World of Warcraft Game Licenses attached to this Battle.Net Account.

de hell?!
AAHH They got rid of the fakkin PvP Sword at the Silverwing pvp vendor!

EDIT: Nevermind. There seems to be a new filtering System for Vendors that sell gear.
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character copied , logged in , pooow nothing there
tried copy another character same thing , each time i copy character and get successful message I still have 4 copies left ...
bugging out bro !

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