Melee and spell hit are the exact same stat, and you only need 6 hit rating to reach cap against 20s. Further, the NE racial is now dodge, so horde don't need more hit to reach cap. Don't forget that spells can now be dodged and parried Matrix/samurai style.
Ranged attacks will be able to be dodged. Hunters will benefit from expertise and will have it on their gear, which will also allow hunters and Enhancement shaman to share gear more easily.
Correct, however it only works vs miss, not spells are dodgeable/parryableIt's not me that said it, it's Ghostcrawler, in the link: Dev Watercooler
Against ??, it's 7.5% melee hit and 15% spell hit. The reason for expertise working against spell miss was to make ret/enh/DK spell hit capped. At 20 there's not going to be a lot of expertise but at 90 cap should be simple enough to reach.
So unless something changes casters will need to use GSoJ, slippers and lavishly jeweled ring