World of Warcraft MoP PTR is now up!!!

Melee and spell hit are the exact same stat, and you only need 6 hit rating to reach cap against 20s. Further, the NE racial is now dodge, so horde don't need more hit to reach cap. Don't forget that spells can now be dodged and parried Matrix/samurai style.
6 hit rating to reach cap against 20s
Do you mean 6%?
I deleted the PTR, so can't go back and check, but it was 3-4% for melee. The stats were supposed to be the same.

Edit: Okay, on reading up, it seems that hit rating gives the same percentage of hit for melee and spell, but it seems that spell hit cap still requires more percentage to reach cap, which seems odd considering spells can now be dodged and parried too. I CBF downloading the PTR again to confirm, I'll find out in September.
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Melee and spell hit are the exact same stat, and you only need 6 hit rating to reach cap against 20s. Further, the NE racial is now dodge, so horde don't need more hit to reach cap. Don't forget that spells can now be dodged and parried Matrix/samurai style.

Hunter attacks can be dodged'parried, not spells
Dev Watercooler reads:

-Hit and spell hit will no longer be separate stats. The hit stat negates melee miss and spell miss.
-Expertise will negate dodge and spell miss, then parry.
-Ranged attacks will be able to be dodged. Hunters will benefit from expertise and will have it on their gear, which will also allow hunters and Enhancement shaman to share gear more easily.

It must have been the fact that expertise negates spell miss that got me thinking it would be used that way. That would explain why melee hit is 3% and spell hit is 6%. It does make me wonder though, with some classes using spell and melee, if they will need to cap spell as well or if they will get passive hit for spells to compensate.

6 hit is 3% and 12 is 6% at 20, so that's melee and spell hit cap.
Ranged attacks will be able to be dodged. Hunters will benefit from expertise and will have it on their gear, which will also allow hunters and Enhancement shaman to share gear more easily.

While i think your wrong bout exp reducing spell MISS, only melee/hunters can be dodge'd parried
That i know for certan
Casters need (not exact) 18% spell hit to cap vs elite
physical dmg dealers( melee/hunters) need 9% hit, and 9% exp

Not real values
It's not me that said it, it's Ghostcrawler, in the link: Dev Watercooler

Against ??, it's 7.5% melee hit and 15% spell hit. The reason for expertise working against spell miss was to make ret/enh/DK spell hit capped. At 20 there's not going to be a lot of expertise but at 90 cap should be simple enough to reach.
It's not me that said it, it's Ghostcrawler, in the link: Dev Watercooler

Against ??, it's 7.5% melee hit and 15% spell hit. The reason for expertise working against spell miss was to make ret/enh/DK spell hit capped. At 20 there's not going to be a lot of expertise but at 90 cap should be simple enough to reach.
Correct, however it only works vs miss, not spells are dodgeable/parryable
Could also use the hit cloak with Garrosh's Pardon, if you were prioritizing more stam.
I didnt even know there was a hit cloak, and I wouldnt be surprised if theres other hit items I forgot about. But I guess the heart of the matter is that we're going to need more hit in MoP.
The dc's have been fixed for the most part, and if you play an 85, the battleground queue's are 5 minutes as of this post.
Screw Bgs, for now. I wanna run some Dungeons for a bit lol. this is the only time I will be able to

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