The ultimate EU-ranking list -- post your list -- don't flame/troll

all those times random19 claimed he wasnt anarchism, 1 look at his list and its so blatant that he is, a blind man could see it.

R0fl tell me about it :p Also, anyone know who Tnakra is?

For my part without trolling or flame some people:


#1 Katyperryirl
#2 Phonebook
#3 Histéria
#4 Junoo (only when he decide to play)
#5 Sashagreyirl


#1 Khoma
#2 Mesikammenqt
#3 Hurrx
#4 Heidiklumirl
#5 Elight


#1 Ownaque (only for perfect jump with pressure)
#2 Healbear (omg he is so nice as healer)
#3 Trialdruid (this guys no gear still play good)
#4 Mesikammen
#5 Buffalo


#1 Gingerbred
#2 Histéria
#3 Roula
#4 Colerei
#5 Eljero


#1 Nazzr
#2 Anarchism
#3 Nick
#4 Sely
#5 Massakra/Jlyi


#1 Bracketsdead
#2 Nazhifajtm (only that for FC cuz only 3 guys play FC active)
#3 Lolywar

#1 Histéria
#2 Thai
#3 Falsthyr
#4 Touch
#5 Quit


#1 Boalol
#2 Mignonne
#3 Rastaman
#4 Juliavothirl
#5 Mezzjuc ( only one survival cuz it's the only survival who play very nice control wingclip / scatter on deep burst / scatter control / snare all etc...)


#1 Spacedead
#2 Cast
#3 Wewewewewewe (Phonebook)
#4 Garitos
#5 The guys from Al' Akir (don't remember this gnome name)


#1 Vianco
#2 Squirtle
#3 Rihannairl
#4 Stormiie
#5 Balditron

Now Khoma's ranking cuz he forgot his log on this forum:

Mage :
Viancoqia #1
Squirtle / Cele #2

Hpal :
Kattyperyirl/Sashagrey/ Histéria #1
Ericah/Phonebook #2

Rdrood :
Chèvrementhe/Buffalô/Kaméha #1
Mesikammen #2

Heidiklumirl/Clysthene/Neverh #1

Nazzr/Anarchism/Thai #1
Jlyi/Nick #2

Chaman :

#2 Powpowpow


#1 Spacedead


#1 Boalol
#2 Mignonne


#1 Bracketsdead / Nazhifajtm
#2 Histéria
#3 Thai

he put some old schools guys cuz this guys miss him lol


Isa cuz trinket snare.
Runfish cuz he overrate survival
French rogue who need to bind kick
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Yeh Mate you are good happy to have you on my list.

but you put lejn and anarchism as joint top in the EU, so it kinda invalid your opinion, didn't it? now if it was an arse kissing poll...

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but you put lejn and anarchism as joint top in the EU, so it kinda invalid your opinion, didn't it? now if it was an arse kissing poll...

lejn is totally one of the top rogues in the bracket though no matter how much u attempt to troll him
lejn is totally one of the top rogues in the bracket though no matter how much u attempt to troll him

and what about the other named candidate?
19 need more arena or premade bgs instead of twinkrankings... you can nvm rankings when you got some nice arena tournaments or good working premades. But if there is one (Chill planned one few weeks ago) no one appears. How can you rate random battleground skills? You also blame other twinks skills whatever based on a few battlegrounds that were random? Better try to improve this bracket than doing this shit.
19 need more arena or premade bgs instead of twinkrankings... you can nvm rankings when you got some nice arena tournaments or good working premades. But if there is one (Chill planned one few weeks ago) no one appears. How can you rate random battleground skills? You also blame other twinks skills whatever based on a few battlegrounds that were random? Better try to improve this bracket than doing this shit.

This, even tho i like to see people's opinions on certain players :p
Ownaque 7.6
Healbear 7.1
Mesikämmen 7.6
Vianco 8.7
Khoma 8.1

Phonebook 8.8
Snáck 6.8
Histeria 8.3
Winlog 8.6
Bpar 7.3
Stubs 9.1
Ericah 8.9
Jun 7.5
Isa 7.5
Lightdude 4.5
Fhayr 7.6

Gingerbred 7.3
Roula 6.9
Eljero 6.7


Tirea 9.5
Anarchism 9.5
Nazzr 9.1
Sély 8.1
Ondura 8.2
Nick 8.5
Imnot 8.1
Redrum, 8.6

Cåst 9.0
Spacedead 8.8

Balthasaur 8.4
Nazhifajtm 8.2
Touch 8.0
Critrage 5.3

Khoma 9.3
Hurrx 8.1
Mesikämmenqt 7.4
Viotin 7.6
Heidiklumirl 9.0
Yayme 8.4
Sainttwink 2.3

Viancoqia 9.7
Magikadehex 5.8
Squirtle 9.0
Cêlê 8.1
Chill 7.2

Boa 9.4
Rasta 8.1
Mezzjuc 7.6
Juliavothirl 8.1
Kalmah 5.8
Tnakra 9.0

Fuck you am in PAR with isa. remove me from your list.
19 need more arena or premade bgs instead of twinkrankings... you can nvm rankings when you got some nice arena tournaments or good working premades. But if there is one (Chill planned one few weeks ago) no one appears. How can you rate random battleground skills? You also blame other twinks skills whatever based on a few battlegrounds that were random? Better try to improve this bracket than doing this shit.
indeed, therefore we should play way more arenas. jk no one wants to play on draenor >.<
lejn is totally one of the top rogues in the bracket though no matter how much u attempt to troll him

for once in my life i'm not trolling, i honestly dont think he's top5, not saying he's bad but not top.

in no order.

phones rogue

fit lejn in if you like but for god sake, if nicozy's good then the above are gods.
I like how most of you cry about your rating when you really haven't proven anything else, not like we get arenas. We all know we don't have a lot of tools to operate with at 19 and therefore tools such as positioning and normal gamesense really means a lot and imo requires the most skills. Bad until the opposite is proven :).
ps. saintwink why are you even posting in the 19 bracket? you talk so much shit it's unreal and ontop of that you're horrible. Why do you wanna 1v1 everyone? you're like a drunk steroid guy in the clubs like "COME AT ME BRO COME AT ME 1V1 Y000?!" I mean you might be able to 1v1 f2p players on your lvl24 rogue, but I mean who can't press shs ambush evis?(or in your case it might be clicking)
You don't have to agree with everyone, but it makes no sense to tell people that their lists sucks, because its their own personal opinion, rather its based on friends guildies or w/e.Ofc you can argue that some are better than other, but you will never agree since you have only seen fractions of the listed peoples gameplay, and ofc that will be what you base YOUR list on.

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