World of Warcraft MoP PTR is now up!!!

Hue RFC looks really fun :) and since there was more then 4 quests at the start that means Ally can finally get the 20 quest acheve. ty for posting was curious about RFC. Also not sure if you skipped it or if it was deleted but did they change/buff up the top boss razz- something or just take it out completely
What realm(server?) is everyone on? I dun wanna be alone :(
Solo'd RFC on Beef tonight, Dc'd several times even during a couple of the boss fights, and was still alive when I logged back in..... Resto Drood = WAAAAY op atm on ptr....

Same. Good thing the log in is so fast. I wanted to complete the quests and get the hit boots. It seems possible to me to cap against 24s with minimal stat loss. Cap against 24s seems to be 9% which is 17 rating. I also went to Stocks on horde and no quest givers or quests. Also, SM instance isn't on the PTR yet.
Hmmm Alliance Side on Nobundo seems empty. Everyone on horde side Atm?

Thats were alot of us are. But constant DC's is keeping me off.

Quite interesting to play a priest, basically my reign of terror is done with them. Basically no dps but bubbles are rediculous and 1.6k crits heals seems just a tad OP.

BUT 1k crits on my bal druid is quite fun. Druids have much more stuff now, really fun. Loving wild charge.
It's all one client and you can choose whichever server you like. The KR one just has shorter queues than most of the others so was chosen for that.
Alright paladins hitting like wet noodles against pretty much everyone because of the base resilience.... Feral druids are even worse, and Boomkins just poop on pretty much every class... At least warrior mobility is much better. And Execute actually executes. Had a 1.9k Execute crit. everything else is 900-1.2k. >:D Happy so far with this.
I'm having doubts now. It seems that damage and healing scaling gets worse with every expansion. Any priests tried healing at level 3? Yeah it's overpowered. Just cross your fingers that blizzard will scale things better. Because if level cap scaling gets fixed and the 20s doesn't, then this bracket is over.

Another thing to point out is the reason I found why Blizzard makes low level pvp unbalanced. They are trying to encourage players to level to cap and try not to pvp at low levels at all. I see it clearly because some low level pvp problems can be easily fixed by moving concussive shot to level 60 etc.

Only my opinion. After all, Blizzard doesn't give a damn about twinking.
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Alright paladins hitting like wet noodles against pretty much everyone because of the base resilience.

Ret has taken a 5% overall damage Nerf, back to before 4.3 numbers. Also, agility no longer provies any crit. All SP scaling and healing seems OP right now, so I don't expect it to stay that way. Warriors do get a much needed buff in some ways though.

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