World of Warcraft MoP PTR is now up!!!

Yes Awesome!
It's level 20; no class is 'hard'. But he wasn't making mention to their difficulty, he was talking about their effectiveness.

I'm still curious why ExLegion thinks demo are OP in MoP. I get... ~200 soul fires while other classes are running around getting 900+ crits.

Blizz nerfed warlocks because salfqt and bizqt are just too pro and were wrecking kids
Demos effectiveness is increased very much actually. Pets actually do hurt this time around, and their kiting is significantly more powerful thanks to Meta leap, and the Hand of Guldan, giving them the snare locks at this level desperately needed (Not including Conflag's snare). I'm fully BiS save for the shoulders and the axe. and I could just barely beat the warlock I found in Guru. He beat me, then beat the other war when he was at half life. but Dark Regeneration was up by that time. He never even used his Voidwalker's Disarm to beat us. Idk what you are saying Soulfire hit me for more than 200. It still takes a good player to play a warlock effectively, but its definitely certain that Warlocks are stronger than they are on live. Definitely nothing to snub your nose at. Sadly mages seem to have gotten the short end of a stick as I beat a pyro mage twice, and she barely ever got me down to below 35% hp. Its all just opinion, but Warlocks might actually be a threat.

Edit: Actually the first few fights I had with the Warlock he never even deigned to cast Soulfire, he just kited like a boss while I slowly died to his pet and dots.

I realize that Demo warlocks are going to be very strong against melee classes. In the duels I've done on the PTR so far I have just been extremely out-DPS'd by ranged classes. Or, alternatively, I've dueled healers and not managed to make a dent. I haven't dueled any warriors or rogues, but I can definitely see why you would think demo is OP when that's what you are playing.

Also, I'm BiS except for ivycloth/mindthrust and my soul fires were critting on both priests, paladins, and druids for 196-204. So... not sure how someone else could be getting higher hits.

Maybe I should try dueling some DPS classes instead of hybrids/healers. I lost interest in the PTR pretty quickly when a Hpal out-DPS'd me and then flash healed for all of the damage I had done.

I also lost interest in the PTR when I realized I had lost about half of my spells. Not looking forward to an over-simplified WoW.

Blizz nerfed warlocks because salfqt and bizqt are just too pro and were wrecking kids

<3 pouchqt
hmmmmm as a resto druid dueling anyone is extremely boring . i can spam regrowth indefinitly and never go oom in a semi spirit set.

FERAL CHARGE= gay as fuck . all of your charges function like a mages blink which make it imposible for you to use feral charge for any sort of fun jukes on roof and tunnel top.

balance spec. i was critting around 1.6k starsurges on mobs unbuffed. so a lazer chicken will definately be a huge threat. astral atunement lets you always be in lunar state for lolz crits. im not sure about the moon kin disengage as to wheter it is like a blink or like a hunter jump.

mages look so fun right now but i hope the spell power scalling goes in their favor.

if it comes to it and moonkin disengage is like a backwards blink i will for sure take the vanish . im tempted to take it anyways. i mean really . a 1 min cd vanish.

lazer chickens f2w
No one right now can kill healers. Even Balance druids using rejuvenation out heal all of my warriors damage, especially since my only form of Rage generation is coming from white hits with a slow 2H weapon and Mortal strike. each white swing generates twelve rage, and I know if I go on live and swing at mobs I'll be generating double than this, which is total BS. which means Warrior DPS is crap right now, and its only made up by the fact that we have some of the mobility we had back in Wrath with the charge/intercept combo( back when I had a full account), and even that tiny buff barely makes up for the fact that we barely have enough rage to use slam. But whatever I guess. They gave Arms Anger management passive to Defensive stance...... but we are far better off than rogues. They have the mobility warriors have right now on live, but maybe a little worse.

Edit: Also the new Fury stance is like the old Battle Stance on live except without the damage increase/taken. So thats probably gonna be the PvP stance in MoP. We don't get access to this stance unfortunately which makes me believe Fury Spec will be in Battle Stance for PvE. I can tell because I generate rage easier when I'm fury but I don't have the damage that arms does. Its just... ugh.

Double Edit: Warriors no longer lose all their rage by changing stances. Another good thing, especially since warriors have their damage taken reduced by 15% while in Defensive stance.
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It's wsg Call to Arms on the PTR!

I'm also visiting Dalaran right now, have never been there. :D
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Also the 85 Premade character template is working, so Im gonna Mess around on a 85 warrior for a while lol

Check that, they seem to have brought the servers down. hopefully they are fixing the Dcing issues

EDIT: Darnit. nvvm it was a bug of some sort
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Have 2 85's on Nobundo, but they're in the Carbon guild, i tried to invite an 85 earlier on my 20, and got a message saying i didn't have permission to do so. Still dc'ing unfortunately.
Have 2 85's on Nobundo, but they're in the Carbon guild, i tried to invite an 85 earlier on my 20, and got a message saying i didn't have permission to do so. Still dc'ing unfortunately.

hey random im logging on so pm me on my druid for a guild invite or post the names of your 85s
Alright, at 85 Prot warriors are semi unkillable. Healers are unkillable and also unoomable, who would've figured. Disc dps is terrible, archangel gives pretty wings <3.

That is all I learned from testing a copied 85 priest, who took very little damage even in pve gear

and rogues are also really bad
Got an 85 and my 2 80s from p2p on Broxigar. Dozens outside SW to duel and decent queue times. Highly recommend playing a premade if you want a break from f2p, don't waste mulah re-subbing
I have a 380 ilvl dk, on anesterian, there was a nice active guild, idk if its still there, made 1/8 DS, kingslayer, of the nighfall,beware cause its free, most ppl dont pull 10k dps( i will kick if less then 15K)
Tried to Do Tol'vir last night, but everyone was Disconnecting it was impossible. 4 days and blizzard hasn't said anything. this is utter BS. On a side note, The Reforger is making people crash.... so there is that lol.
Holy Healing Batman! Second wind is too good to be true. I was fighting this rogue outside of Org, and he just could not get me under 35% because of the passive healing. Now I sorta wish blizzard had given warriors the healing tier first lol.

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