Things that make you /facepalm

Must been an "amazing" AP pugmade... a true AP would have been a different result.

Actually they were pretty good. All the healers were decent and mages actually knew how to poly (the hunt wasnt that good though) but I had my own misha 4 man premade :) Im not sure how to post a screenshot but they were alakazoo, Cgreenwood, Meaning, FLynn, Moofire, Sabzop, Palonabanana, impossible and aquastss
A random backpedalling ret in SFK that accuses me of being a terrible healer, then brings up being a valedictorian as one of the reasons that he's right.
One belf is duelling another out in durotar. After the fight, one asks the other "how u silence?"

Seeing 7-10 man Ap premades in AB and having one game go 1550-1600 while we controlled 4 nodes at the end, one game going like 1300-1600 and one going 740-1600 where they have atleast 4 other 24s with them. Idc if it means ally loses more bgs just please you original AP'ers come back.. these phonies are just bleh to bg with :/
People who assume without actually reading a post. I was pointing out how bad these new AP'ers have to be to have ANY kind of close game vs a pug and asking for the original Ap to come back so atleast I can take my whooping and get the bg over with like a 10 man premade is supposed to do

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