I used a spider for the web
fishing hat
WSG neck
talbar mantle
sentry cloak
defias chest/tunic of westfall
forest leather/wrangler bracers
4/4 scouting gloves
defias/screecher belt or the blindwatcher belt
i actually forget what pants they used before scouting 5/5 with nethercleft =/
fishing boots
wsg ring
seal of sylv/seal of wrynn
PvP trinket
crescent staff/wsg staff/staff of the friar and i think 1 more that im forgetting
someone help me out with a few of these please
spiders did not have web at 19 in vanilla WOW and even in BC that was something not seen until like 39+ brackets
pre-BC and in BC nearly every hunter is 19 and 29 brackets rolled hogs because they were only pets with a ability. they charged players and momentarily stunned them. another thing about hogs is that they ate anything you feed them....yes you had to feed pets near every 10-15 minutes or it affected their loyalty to you and their damage output.
pets used to be grouped into 3 groups and this affected their damage, cats were high and ravagers were even higher....rare but some hunters used them.
somewhere in WOTLK some pets got abilites in 19, spiders and bats which caused a huge switch. also around that time all pets no matter the grouping had their damage equalized.
I'm 99% sure that I had a spider with web in BC and many hunters used either spiders or boars for webs/charge.nope!
spiders did not have web at 19 in vanilla WOW and even in BC that was something not seen until like 39+ brackets
pre-BC and in BC nearly every hunter is 19 and 29 brackets rolled hogs because they were only pets with a ability. they charged players and momentarily stunned them. another thing about hogs is that they ate anything you feed them....yes you had to feed pets near every 10-15 minutes or it affected their loyalty to you and their damage output.
pets used to be grouped into 3 groups and this affected their damage, cats were high and ravagers were even higher....rare but some hunters used them.
somewhere in WOTLK some pets got abilites in 19, spiders and bats which caused a huge switch. also around that time all pets no matter the grouping had their damage equalized.
can you post the priest gear?
what's with the shield enchant on the cloak?LFH
WSG Neck
Talbar Mantle
WSG Cloak
Tree Bark Jacket
Bright Bracers (or mindthrust, personal choice if you wanted to lose HP)
Magefist Gloves
Keller's Girdle
Darkweave Breeches
Sanguine Sandals/Fishing Boots
Seal of Wrynn/Seal of Sylvannas
WSG ring
Twisted Chanter's Staff/WSG Staff/Staff of the Blessed Seer
Gravestone Scepter
Link: Fortt @ Bleeding Hollow - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
(W/O TBJ and WSG Neck)
what's with the shield enchant on the cloak?
and was the gear the same for locks/mages?
was robe of moccasin/robe of evocation/corsair's overshirt available as an alternate for the tree bark jacket? from what I understand tree bark jacket was hard to find. Were green tinted goggles always available?
no.....robe of moccasin/robe of evocation/corsair's overshirt were not blues with the stats you see now in van-wow. either was arugal's robe.
priests/casters/healers were hella expensive to twink for many years due to rarity and cost of tree bark jacket