Is it worth making a 19 guild? (US)


Hi, so I'm considering making a guild / premading team with some of my friends from the 70 bracket but I'm still kind of torn on if it's even worth it, or if this bracket is even in an enjoyable state anymore. I used to play 19s back in BC on Cyclone and loved the bracket, however with the removal of dispels and whatnot I felt as though it just went way downhill and quit it.

So my first question is, who is the top guild in the bracket right now? My friends and I are very accomplished players both at 85 and 70 (we are currently the top RBG team in the bracket by miles) and we love competitive games. If there's a guild who stands out way more than any other and actively premades, we will roll on the opposite faction of them in order to hopefully have good games.

Secondly, how many guilds actively play? And thirdly, is dodging still a problem here? My 70 team gets queue dodged constantly and it's one of the most frustrating things ever. I hope you guys can be honest and tell me if guilds here still dodge or are actually respectable, otherwise we more than likely won't bother to play. Thank you in advance :)
lul hi anatomy

-penance <3

edit: but yeah there is virtually no premading in the bracket atm, people are trying- but its like really occasional. The top guild waw tawent (H) hasn't done a real premade in fucking forever
Haha you play here too, weird :p

But yeah I'm pretty aware of WT's history from having played in the bracket in the past, and to be honest i'm not particularly fond of them. pretty unfortunate that no one queues premades anymore though =/

idk, we'll see though. thx
The bracket actually isn't that bad, if and only there are a low amount of hunters in a given bg. if there are 3+ gg (unless the opposite faction also has 3+ which is pretty stupid)

Dodging hasn't been an issue as of late, but in the past <waw tawent> is known to do so.

Alliance active guilds are:
- Noodle Arms led by Slydx
- tRain cOw led by Me
- Lethal Synergy led by Sneaky?
- Beantown Bullies led by Ore
- Grindin My Gearz led by Gearz

Horde active guilds are:
- Laughing Skull FTW led by Hunnybuns
- Proxy led by Awesome
- Masta Ballerz led by Saxx
- Waw Tawent led by Pizza

As for the faction choosing. i'd say go horde bcause everytime waw tawent gets capped on once with their precious bufFz they all afk and go on alliance..purposely ruining ques for the night.

edit: premades are happening, but aren't being announced on TI
twink guilds seem to come and go because they are twink guilds.

players expect too much, they fail a few times, nerd raging sets in, they break up, players switch guilds/factions and even change names....rinse and repeat. alot of hand holding is required, but if you have you own crew of solid players...make the guild

also twink and faction integrity is very weak right now. it's really hard to trust players you may recruit. so many players have dual rolled twinks and duplicate twinks scattered thru out servers, you could get a player in your guild that you really can't or maybe shouldn't trust. players that were supposedly kicked out of another guild or quit. they will play subpar when needed, do questionable stuff and even to the point of feeding the opposing team info. after your failed premade...amazingly they are on your oppositions team/faction/guild again.

WT....imo is a guild with strong twink presence, but imo is not a twink guild. some disagree and call it symantics on my part....and i disagree with them.

there are many alliance guilds with 5-8 players just as good as WT, infact even with numerous buffs from outside sources WT has been forced to AFK at times. and since they roll 5-8, they can always put fault on other 2-3 non-guild members. recently alliance has been dominating WSG pugs thru various guilds as much as WT has and GY farm too now.
just saw the guild list

horde WT 19's and alliance GMG 19's are mostly same people, they win log roll as needed
edit: premades are happening, but aren't being announced on TI
We've got one coming on the 21st or 22nd :p Against <Meat Puppet>, still have yet to catch Air online on the twinkinfo vent to discuss it in detail, but it's there and we'll have a vid up somewhere. No uber elitist competitiveness, just fun practice :p
If your team is as good as you say, don't expect a premade against Waw Tawent, Pizza will dodge for literally months or years if he has to, to avoid a loss much like had happened against the original Masta Ballerz. He will only play you if he knows for certain they can win, think Hunter/AFK mentality. For WT Epeen > Competitiveness, Pizza has even admitted this on vent, his exact words "After Crushridge Legends I'll do anything to avoid another loss", sad but true.
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Yeah I know all about them. It's incredibly pathetic that they think people respect them for queue dodging constantly but whatever, anyone with a clue realizes what kind of people they really are.

Either way after talking to Slyddur, I'm 99% sure we're going to be rolling a guild on Horde to queue into his new guild. You can expect to see us popping up on Sargeras, the guild will more than likely involve something with "xxmd" in it :p

Hope to see you all in the future
A few people and I have use to play 19 twinks in BC on Earthen Ring, but we all quit. We are starting up again and making a guild there called <T M N T> (Teenage Mutant Ninja Twinks) corny name I know, made it when we were younger haha. If you can't find a place and want to come join us and help build it up again on this server, that would be awesome! But also, by what I hear, Wow Tawent is the best guild so far.

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