Pre-BC (Vanilla) 19 hunter gear, what would it have looked like?


What would a level 19 hunter twink have looked like in vanilla wow?
Crescent staff, talbar mantle, blackened defias armor, venomstrike, fishing boots, fishing hat... That's all I can remember off the top of my head.

Edit: Oh, and seal of sylvannas, forest leather bracers, wsg ring, wsg neck, wsg cloak and AGM.
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Maybe Minor Recombulater, since AGM was a dodge trinket if I remember right?
AGM had the same on use effect, except the amount absorbed varies like 500 - 1500 instead of static value. It had 1% dodge which was later converted to 12 dodge rating and finally 12 stam. It has always been BiS.
AGM had the same on use effect, except the amount absorbed varies like 500 - 1500 instead of static value. It had 1% dodge which was later converted to 12 dodge rating and finally 12 stam. It has always been BiS.
750-1250. :)
And AGM was actually way better back then since it was basically impossible to burst the shield down in about 2 seconds.
no of the fang gear? Was that not around in vanilla? venomstrike comes from WC?
fishing hat
WSG neck
talbar mantle
sentry cloak
defias chest/tunic of westfall
forest leather/wrangler bracers
4/4 scouting gloves
defias/screecher belt or the blindwatcher belt
i actually forget what pants they used before scouting 5/5 with nethercleft =/
fishing boots
wsg ring
seal of sylv/seal of wrynn
PvP trinket

crescent staff/wsg staff/staff of the friar and i think 1 more that im forgetting

someone help me out with a few of these please
AGM had the same on use effect, except the amount absorbed varies like 500 - 1500 instead of static value. It had 1% dodge which was later converted to 12 dodge rating and finally 12 stam. It has always been BiS.

It still doesn't have a static value, the value shown is just the average.
hunters did not use venonstrike pre-BC, infact it wasn't buffed and turned into a blue until end of 2007, it was a weak green bow prior to that

many used engineering guns, timmy's peashooter or WSG bow . horde had a killer green bow Bow of Plunder - Item - World of Warcraft from questline in hillsbrad area where you got deadskull shield, the bow had highest damage of any ranged in the bracket. your XP had to be extremely managed to get it, you had to be run thru the area for all the discovery XP at about 16 or prior also.

horde only: screecher belt, trailblazer boots, seal of sylvannas, Bow of Plunder - Item - World of Warcraft

bothsides: feet of lynx, talbar mantle (shoulders), devaite scale belt, leggings of the fang w/libram +8int or, +8 agi, or +8stam, or +100hp applied by higher level thru trade. most had eng goggles with libram enchant, because fishinng hat was hard to get. with the level of STV mobs, along with fishing requirement of the area, 19's cap on fishing skill at the time, a +100 lure, +5 pole and +2 glove enchant you were very bordeline at catching fish. fishing in schools required same skill as catching stuff in the area not in schools

alliance only tunic of westfall, seal of wrynn, ammo quiver with higher haste/ranged speed from duskwood questline

AGM was really hard to get and many rolled without one. and used minor recombulator

XP was also a issue that kept players from being able to fish in STV due to discovery or getting a AGM.
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