Is rogue even fun to play atm? I mean without gouge, shadowstep, the utility is just weak... I would guess it's like a warrior on the side of gameplay atm. What do you rogue-owners think?
Is rogue even fun to play atm? I mean without gouge, shadowstep, the utility is just weak... I would guess it's like a warrior on the side of gameplay atm. What do you rogue-owners think?
Not sure how the rogue skillcap has gotten higher. Imo it was lowered substantially and instead of being able to cc and move, you have to get a kill in an opener or its gg.
Is rogue even fun to play atm? I mean without gouge, shadowstep, the utility is just weak... I would guess it's like a warrior on the side of gameplay atm. What do you rogue-owners think?
beat u in dmg done despite joining later
not that this means a lot though