Mocha, Salt, Apnea, Deaddra, Yowza, + a few thousand more

Is rogue even fun to play atm? I mean without gouge, shadowstep, the utility is just weak... I would guess it's like a warrior on the side of gameplay atm. What do you rogue-owners think?
Is rogue even fun to play atm? I mean without gouge, shadowstep, the utility is just weak... I would guess it's like a warrior on the side of gameplay atm. What do you rogue-owners think?

its fun when u hav some nice healers imo :p but as rogue ya def need some speed pots eu
Is rogue even fun to play atm? I mean without gouge, shadowstep, the utility is just weak... I would guess it's like a warrior on the side of gameplay atm. What do you rogue-owners think?

beat u in dmg done despite joining later

not that this means a lot though
Not sure how the rogue skillcap has gotten higher. Imo it was lowered substantially and instead of being able to cc and move, you have to get a kill in an opener or its gg.
Not sure how the rogue skillcap has gotten higher. Imo it was lowered substantially and instead of being able to cc and move, you have to get a kill in an opener or its gg.

Not really. You have to learn to play your cards right to be able to reset and set up your burst (I'm talking on EFC's)...especially with the fact that most FC's have been druids and shamans who have lots of mobility. Of course there is much less CC on healers, seeing as we can't focus gouge and only idiot healers would allow themselves to get focus kicked with our current mobility, so the skill cap has been lowered in that aspect.

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