Seeing an 8 man Ap premade with 5 healers, 2 mages and 1 hunter and 3 capping them with only ally lv 24 being a enh shammy.
Must been an "amazing" AP pugmade... a true AP would have been a different result.
Seeing an 8 man Ap premade with 5 healers, 2 mages and 1 hunter and 3 capping them with only ally lv 24 being a enh shammy.
99% of the good players left AP, as a result its a terrible community filled with terrible players who think theyre amazing.a true AP would have been a different result.
99% of the good players left AP, as a result its a terrible community filled with terrible players who think theyre amazing.
Must been an "amazing" AP pugmade... a true AP would have been a different result.
Actually they were pretty good. All the healers were decent and mages actually knew how to poly (the hunt wasnt that good though) but I had my own misha 4 man premadeIm not sure how to post a screenshot but they were alakazoo, Cgreenwood, Meaning, FLynn, Moofire, Sabzop, Palonabanana, impossible and aquastss
99% of the good players left AP, as a result its a terrible community filled with terrible players who think theyre amazing.
This one was part of the 52.47% that are true47.43% of statistics are purely made up on the spot.