1)worthless alexandraza 24 premades(and we thought duopaladins group was bad if 1 24 and a 20 can push 7 24s to the GY)...those 24s are actually even worse..think again..duopaladins group skilcap>theirs.
2)IQ>10 players
3)retarded 24 druids and rouges(inculding 20s)..this goes to ALL the rouges and druids in this bracket...why take the berzerking when someone will do 5x or 6x more damage than you...
all rouges.druids ..why are you so useless..im yet to see a good alliance rouge there is only a couple of decent horde rouges that i can think of .MAybe 1-2 druids on both sides.ITs the same thing in 70-85..any bracket..but who am i to judge..people dont learn. .. But.. both factions suffer this mental syndrome..no wonder my friend goes 90-0 or 110-0 almost every damn game.We play 5-7 games for a daily 500-0..its not the hks or winning flags..its all in the killing blows.
like this retardation...plagues the bracket..hinders when your best dps (the only one that will keep you from getting GY farmed by a somfas azuremyst premade full of bad 24s ) dont take the berzerking.,.DO NOT TAKE IT..dont question WHY ...my friend and me have to type in caps..and they still dont understand. ......HAVE TO USE A SWIFTNESS POTION JUST TO GET IT...and sometimes we never get to take the berzerking cuz the dumb rouges 70% speed buff .