RIP Aerie Peak Horde

Every time I do this in a 24 premade they aII want to come find me and try to get to me instead of farming mid/gy -- our team has a chance to group up and get to the efc at horde base and a few times actuaIIy manage to kiII him and return the fIag -- so at Ieast our team has some smaII sense of victory instead of getting farmed

I've seen you do it when the other team was just trying to end the game. You are trying to justify that how?
I've seen you do it when the other team was just trying to end the game. You are trying to justify that how?

Moral victories!

You couldn't faceroll me!


I'm not even kidding by the way...
I've seen you do it when the other team was just trying to end the game. You are trying to justify that how?

Trying to bore them into quitting WoW entireIy

or getting them to come whisper me on IeveI 1s whiIe I queue into a game that I can know won't be against their premade team

or severaI of the other reasons that were aIready taIked about, a few of them work

They go "oh man we pwn, let's queue again!" regardless of whether or not you can hide the flag for X mins.

I disagree. Theres something about sneaking past them on the far side of the fieId whiIe they crash mid, grabbing their unguarded fIag and getting into the gIitch spot that makes the atmosphere feeI Iike we won and they Iost in some smaII way

It sIows down their faceroII, takes em out of "the zone"

a coupIe times I've done it and haIf the 24 premade /afked -- there were four shadow priests and then aII of a sudden there was just one -- then my team were the ones farming their GY, saying "izac dont Ieave that spot"

I picture them going "that's it for me guys im gonna go pIay on my 90, dont want to get into another game Iike that if Izac's queueing" -- thats just the vibe I get from them after a good, Iong, boring game spent in a gIitch spot

so yeah just doing my part to heIp this bracket however I can
You guys are talking about the rules of AP but I dont think they are here on the forums. Make a sticky that state the rules of this community and tell people that they WILL get banned if they dont respect them. I think that it would be a good way to ''educate'' the new players who join this bracket. Sorry for my noob english. ^^
I picture them going "that's it for me guys im gonna go pIay on my 90, dont want to get into another game Iike that if Izac's queueing" -- thats just the vibe I get from them after a good, Iong, boring game spent in a gIitch spot

so yeah just doing my part to heIp this bracket however I can

From experience, I can tell you I have never heard/seen anything you mentioned. There is /rofls. There is report so and so. There is "let's go farm mid for X mins." There is lively chat, generally not WoW related. There is "hey let's practice X jump." But never "AMG I CANT REQUEUE IN CASE SOME BAD GETS IN THE WALL AGAIN."

Sure some terrible s-keying Priests may have afk'd. I bet you could have won versus them if you played legitimately.

And... how exactly do you slow down a faceroll? Someone hiding with the flag in the wall doesn't change the fact that a 24 can 1-shot you. Rollin', rollin', rollin'.

Don't get me wrong. I don't care what you do. I know how to get in the wall. I posted a video so others can too (despite QQ). But the impact exploiters make.... yeah, not really there from what I have seen.
From experience, I can tell you I have never heard/seen anything you mentioned. There is /rofls. There is report so and so. There is "let's go farm mid for X mins." There is lively chat, generally not WoW related. There is "hey let's practice X jump." But never "AMG I CANT REQUEUE IN CASE SOME BAD GETS IN THE WALL AGAIN."

Sure some terrible s-keying Priests may have afk'd. I bet you could have won versus them if you played legitimately.

And... how exactly do you slow down a faceroll? Someone hiding with the flag in the wall doesn't change the fact that a 24 can 1-shot you. Rollin', rollin', rollin'.

Don't get me wrong. I don't care what you do. I know how to get in the wall. I posted a video so others can too (despite QQ). But the impact exploiters make.... yeah, not really there from what I have seen.
Maybe they requeue again. But I don't think it's completely ineffective. I know I get slightly annoyed when I see some guy on top of a ledge or something which completely neuters my pets effectiveness.

It's not going to change anything, but it has the power to annoy somebody. People. And I think 24s kind of deserve the annoyance.
You guys are talking about the rules of AP but I dont think they are here on the forums. Make a sticky that state the rules of this community and tell people that they WILL get banned if they dont respect them. I think that it would be a good way to ''educate'' the new players who join this bracket. Sorry for my noob english. ^^

That's a great idea that I've definitely considered. However, if the players who reject those rules outnumber those who accept them, then it really isn't an ethical option. It wouldn't be right to abuse our ability to gain ownership and force people to do what we want if the majority doesn't back those ideals. Despite how firmly I believe in them.

I haven't been able to come up with any way we could vote either. Certainly not on TI where polls aren't restricted to players who play on AP. How could we ascertain who is and isn't actually playing there? What about the people who only log in occasionally, don't use TI and don't see this conversation? How could we prevent people from voting more than once? I can't come up with a feasible solution to move things in that direction on AP H that would be fair. If anyone does I'd be delighted to hear it.

Your english is better than many native speakers. :cool:
From experience, I can tell you I have never heard/seen anything you mentioned.

Sure some terrible s-keying Priests may have afk'd. I bet you could have won versus them if you played legitimately.

And... how exactly do you slow down a faceroll?

I posted a video so others can too (despite QQ).

- I have

- not with 8 man 24 premade, haIf of your team afks before game even starts, and the rest IiteraIIy burst into fIames in mid

- take away the thriII of dominating everything in sight, and being in a 24 premade Ioses its appeaI

- that's good, honestIy I think the more the better -- mutuaIIy assured gIitchers
dont bother [MENTION=16866]Izac[/MENTION] .. remember that to some people if you glitch while getting gy farmed you are the bad ones. The gy farmers are just trying to dominate in those 5 person 24 premades and do w/e they choose so glitching is a no no cause you are one less person to get farmed ^-^
[MENTION=16959]Atsuro[/MENTION] (regarding your prior post)*: I'm not so sure that everyone in the AP f2p chat channel is on TI. It would be nice if the f2p chat had a guild announcement type thingy, but I don't think that such a thing exists. An addon that did something similiar might work...

*quote thing does not work well on the Wii browser.
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i wont deny ive done my fair share of GY farming in my days as a nooby lowlife on randoms servers, but i remember coming to AP and it being a VERY strong part of the culture there that GY camping was strictly forbidden, i miss that. i slip sometimes pugging on offserver chars(especially if im testing new DPS methods) but when im on AP, especially on my Rdruid(made in cata before some1 calls me fotm) i always publicly denounce GY farming, midfighting etc, especially if someone in my premade suggests it. if you want to farm and roll with or as 24s, go elsewhere. AP is, or was, the capital of F2Ps wheres the best of the best made their home and raised up newcomers with honorable traits. i fear that much like the great players and friends i made in 2011, the quality of AP is almost gone. I would not say im entirely unproud to be a part of AP, i was there pretty early, almost in the oldschool crowd. if these new players want to tear down the community i loved, i shall resist it but never relinquish my pride in what once was.

i hope that everyone who had a chance to experience AP in its glory days will never forget the good times we had.

also, what about a new server... ik these sorts of things have failed before but what about a new server, exclusive and with a ZERO tolerance policy. a new place for such twinkers as aspire to build a reputation for honorable and competitive play can build a home.

as for a possible server, Shu'halo is the home of my first char and ive always wished he had a community to partake in, or whatever server oldspike is on(i forgot)
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