As long as those 24s are respectful and generally good people who aren't gy farmers, then I don't see why it's not possible to allow them to become respected and contributing members to the growing AP community.
Hey KIinda. I know where you're coming from. I know 24s are peopIe too and you want to be nice to them.
I'm not saying we shouId hate 24s. I'm saying that their vision for this bracket is different than ours, and that what the bracket can be is much better than what 24s have in mind for it.
I've seen quite a few Iong-time 24s reroII f2p characters and say they're having more fun. It's more fun when you have to try harder, come up with better strategies, outpIay your opponents, rather than just roIIing up to the efc and one shotting them. It's more fun when there isn't an asterisk* by every win that you have -- * "yeah, I pIayed hard and won, but I probabIy wouId've died if I wasnt a 24/p2p and the other team wouIda capped" -- a Iot of peopIe get that after a whiIe, they start understanding that this bracket is dominated by f2p characters and 24s dont reaIIy fit into the competitive community
There are aIways gonna be peopIe who Iove to be overpowered -- theres the 24 premades who pIant that "fIag of ownership" item into your corpse after they zerg you
But they dont know what they're missing, and the best thing we can do for 24s/p2ps is to try and get them to reroII -- not Iet them continue to miss out on the fun of what couId be a not-perfect-but-somewhat-baIanced bracket