what about a new server... ik these sorts of things have failed before but what about a new server, exclusive and with a ZERO tolerance policy. a new place for such twinkers as aspire to build a reputation for honorable and competitive play can build a home.
Excellent post. The difference with this idea and AP H (the way it used to be) is the word exclusive. AP H has always been a come-one-and-all server. I suspect that this aspect has directly led to the way things are now. If we were to choose a new server where these rules were set in stone and the
price of admission, I can only imagine it would flourish. What do all the server hubs out there advertise? Numbers, friendly people, helpful people, premades, a few (let's be honest) arenas. I would take it a step further. The way the server I am imagining differs from them all is we would
build strong players. Not just teaching about gear, but teaching them how to reach their full potential. A server where twinks are
expected to actively and consistently apply themselves towards improving and assisting them in that endeavor. A server to learn and grow. A server where arenas occur as much as premades. Perhaps are even more prominent. A server to set an example in behavior and skill. Also, Skype required. How strictly rules are enforced and what the consequences would be for breaking them can be worked out at a later date. For now it only makes sense to gauge interest in my opinion.
I would prefer to 'take back' AP H and make it better than ever. As I imagine most of use would, afterall, our twinks are there! Our friends are there. However, as I previously stated, that might not be possible. It would certainly be difficult to leave our twinks behind, but honestly, a fresh start might just be the best choice. These policies we followed for so long have not been strictly implemented in recent times and it's probably too late to ethically enforce them again. I could be wrong.
We all know how much effort it takes to get basic gear and professions completed for a reasonably BiS pre-boa twink. Do we
really need LFH, AGM, DPR and rares to get what we want from this bracket? With the implementation of level scaling it is now more than ever possible to overcome the 24s through skill alone. Hit bug aside.
What say you oldies? Do we show these people the error of their ways? Or do we strike out on our own for a fresh start and do it the way it was meant to be done? Or, do we sit idly and let things play out the way they have been and lose more of the members we are so fond of? If things continue in this fashion I will be one of them. I will either quit entirely or reroll and log on AP strictly for arenas I schedule ahead of time.
We could always implement these ideas on an exclusive channel on AP, but I haven't given that idea a whole lot of thought since Cata. Perhaps this would enable us to retake the server 'diplomatically' once the newer players see what they've lost. As always I am eager to hear feedback from those of you on AP H. I'm just tossing out ideas here, its getting late and I'm a bit fried. I hadn't meant to go into this yet but Frostymax kinda forced my hand.
(To those of you who do arena and are thinking, 'Wtf Activate doesn't even arena.'
This is true but only because of my situation irl. Lack of time to really apply myself and the inability to Skype. I had always intended to. Every time I saw people begging for arenas I felt bad for not participating.)