I'm sure those 24s were really upset that they got stuck farming the rest of your team in the base for 20 minutes. They really need that call to arms honor. You showed them!
Personally I feel that someone on my team doing this is an extremely frustrating and selfish waste of time. If I don't want to AFK, my options are hiding somewhere or getting farmed for 20 minutes instead of waiting out a 5-8 minute 3 cap and requeueing. Not everyone's going to agree with me there though. If my team is doing some unconventional flag exploration to drag out a shitty game, I'll complain/troll for a couple mins then give up and do something else. Tab out, practice jumps, switch characters, etc etc.
Keep you rhetoric to yourself. I believe in science.
[derail]They aren't mutually exclusive - pitting science and religion against each other is an intellectually immature debate.[/derail]
I banned him for recruiting trials into his premade. They didn't know any better. I would do it again.
That's like banning beer commercials because a high school kid got drunk. Tell new trials that it's frowned upon in the community, but you can't make their decisions for them. Other people grouping with 24s doesn't really affect you or the great games you've had and will still have with AP f2p groups. The advantage of a community that size is that it can accommodate a wide range of people. They wont all share the same views and the majority opinion will inevitably change with time. The only thing you can control is your own experience within the community. And if you get caught up at all in people saying "LOL AP PREMADING WITH 24s" when you aren't involved in that, you should hone your stupid-people-filtering skills.
Needing time away is understandable, I'd recommend rolling a quiet alt, maybe with a couple other people on a different server to get away to sometimes. Just make sure you get what you want out of your play time. AP isn't what it used to be and change is inevitable. Don't feel obligated to continue playing there if you don't find value in it. The advantages of f2p are in the restrictions. The only ties you have to a server are the people. If you play mostly with a small group that doesn't enjoy the server's majority, you guys can go anywhere you want to. There's no need to identify with/only play on one server.
I don't care to go back through and make this coherent, so get whatever you can out of the rambling