RIP Aerie Peak Horde

Since everyone seem to be looking for a migration server i suggest Alleria it was my first server and will always be my favorite because there is a lot of experienced players and veterans on this server and i think that the oldschool portion of this community would be at the right place and could teach us the honorable ways of the f2p :)
All this server recruitment is ironic since apparently no1 realized that open server recruitment and the "join AP we are the best and most popular place" is what caused alot of the people to join there. There is noway to premote a community as much as AP was premoted and not have it turn to crap down the road. You can't lock people out of a server and where there's a population there will be trolls. Where there are trolls there will be drama. Where there is drama alot of people won't want to stay. Open and continuative server recruitment is what killed AP so premoting your server on here or suggesting new servers on here won't be smart.
Accepting anyone who could install the addon is what contributed to the detriment of AP. I believe I already mentioned that.

There won't be a new "it" realm right off the bat if people are really jumping ship from AP that fast. It won't be as simple as oh look "insert server here" is the new top server everyone respectable come here. Just take it via PMs like I have and recruit nice respectable friends who you can get along with and try to form a community from the ground up. Don't go all in and premote it 24/7 on here or in bgs so all the trolls and the people who ruined AP gets a sense of a new server and jumps ship to ruin your sever as well. Just a tip ^-^
aww helll naw to promoting in BGs, and frankly the server choice i couldnt care less about, presuming this actually gets off the ground naturally mum would be the word and PMs the order of the day, no1 outside would have to know who our other/old chars were and follow us. besides, channel bans :D mod runs of the first accounts on a server right? also, if some1 is totally excluded from all activities and interaction on a server, why would they stay?
Promotion would also be very different than any other server hub. It would be constant however the influx of new members would be strictly controlled. As the lesser skilled players already there move up the ranks, there would be openings on the bottom rung. It would be a definite number. If anyone wants to disrupt or troll they would be dealt with. Zero tolerance. Controlling the flow of new members while filtering for quality types of personalities. Sure anyone could come to the server but they can't get in the channel and they can't participate. With Skype required, we know who we all are. We would have time to meet the new people and integrate them into our local community.

These ideas, again, could and should be attempted on AP H first. I'm all for purging the riff raff.
Moving to a new server would be difficult but I wouldn't go so far as to call it unrealistic. I don't think we'd have any issues getting enough for a starting player base. The change of atmosphere to something more productive and focused may not be suitable for some. Attitudes that have run unchecked may need to be checked to protect comradery. The obvious issue would be p2ps for grouping and I myself would contribute in that area if necessary.

I'm glad you think an exclusive channel is realistic though. While a new server sounds great it would be a ton of work with plenty of room to fail. Working on AP H is my first choice.
Sounds like some heavy duty elitism.

In no way is it my intention to look down on anyone. I am far from reaching my own potential on any class. I'm very glad you mentioned that though. The last thing I want is to found snobville. Some parts may work some parts may not. I'm still waiting on feedback from interested parties.
Accepting anyone who could install the addon is what contributed to the detriment of AP. I believe I already mentioned that.

Promotion would also be very different than any other server hub. It would be constant however the influx of new members would be strictly controlled. As the lesser skilled players already there move up the ranks, there would be openings on the bottom rung. It would be a definite number. If anyone wants to disrupt or troll they would be dealt with. Zero tolerance. Controlling the flow of new members while filtering for quality types of personalities. Sure anyone could come to the server but they can't get in the channel and they can't participate. With Skype required, we know who we all are. We would have time to meet the new people and integrate them into our local community.

These ideas, again, could and should be attempted on AP H first. I'm all for purging the riff raff.

I really haven't done justice identifying how much more important the fun aspect is than anything else. Maybe some better equipped people will chip in in that area. Names that come to mind are Izac and Rhaelia. I'm looking for a balance of light-hearted fun and competitive play. I don't really have much more to add without feedback.
One more point that comes to mind is I do obviously look down on 24s. :p It's time for the f2p community to truly meet the threat they have posed with real competition that doesn't crutch on 10/15man premades. Let's step it up.
Enough whining and melodrama now.

Kick/ban people that gy farm, end of story. If you're still not happy and want to leave the server then [ ] <- here is the door.
I like the idea of moving to a new server. Instead of mindlessly farming BGs for honor, we can focus more on playing the game as a community. We could have world PvP events, maybe PvE. The Hellfire fortification event was one of the most fun times I've had on F2P so why not do another one of those?
I am very interested in starting something like this. I may not be the most active posting user on this forum or the most active player in the f2p-community. Although I have been lurking here and playing on and off on AP since early start of the f2p era.

What makes this so interesting to me is the fact that it's completely fresh and innovative. To give new players a chance to learn from friendly folks while having conversations over skype seems like a great idea to me. Not only will the community get closer to eachother and more friendly, it will also have a high chance of success. Voice communication > BG chat

If something like this were to happen, hit me up! I would love to start fresh with some dedicated peeps on whatever server you choose!
Enough whining and melodrama now.

Kick/ban people that gy farm, end of story. If you're still not happy and want to leave the server then [ ] <- here is the door.

Perhaps would could institute a training program for arenas on AP. I only wanted to limit the number of new folks to make the work load reasonable for people doing the 'training'.
so yeah I went and ranted in f2p chat a bit, iII sum up my points

We aII know that f2p 20s make up the majority of this bracket. Even though there are OP cIasses within f2p , it's stiII for the most part pretty competitive.

When it comes to twinking there can be two types of fun. The first kind of fun is to aim to have fair, competitive games, kind of Iike end game, where the point is to use strategy, teamwork etc, using the Iimited advantages that f2ps can have access to (swiftness potions, knowIedge of tunneI jumps, etc) - twinkers who want this kind of fun get into twinking because of the fact that they dont have to keep acquiring new gear, they can gear up and just pIay

24s pIay this bracket for a different kind of fun. What ive found is that 24s often use the Iine "oh yeah we do 24 vs 24 premades" as a coverup. Most of the time their purpose of being in this bracket is to dominate, to be unstoppabIe, to have a reputation for being hated and overpowered, to be the bad guys and knowing theres nothing any of us can do about it -- I know because I used to enjoy that type of fun myseIf

AP horde is the biggest f2p reaIm there is, it's kind of Iike the headquarters for f2p. And some of you may say "weII yeah, 24s arent going anywhere so we need to adjust, we need to pIay with 24s and we need to make OP cIasses". But if we start pIaying with 24s we start justifying 24s being used in premades on other reaIms as weII

Iet 24s be 24s -- Iet them faceroII you in gemming premades -- try your best to win but if you don't, don't worry about it -- Iosing to them means nothing about your skiII, how weII you pIayed, how hard you worked, etc -- it just means you can't afford or choose not to pay for this game. theyre having their kind of fun, and f2ps are having our kind of fun.

And our kind of fun is better.
I'm not sure about "better fun" that would be in the eye of the beholder. I can say after having been playing my first "legit f2p" ( )has been really fun so much so I may take a break from giving Blizzard 30 dollars a month on my two paid accounts and play strictly f2p for a while.
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I like the idea of moving to a new server. Instead of mindlessly farming BGs for honor, we can focus more on playing the game as a community. We could have world PvP events, maybe PvE. The Hellfire fortification event was one of the most fun times I've had on F2P so why not do another one of those?

Maybe I'm over estimating the amount of people on AP H who don't want to follow no 24s/gy farming. Feels kind of silly to try to gauge it on TI. I just can't think of a way to do it. We could just start banning as Ferro said and see what happens. :p
The thing about starting another server IMO is that you need a reason to move. If you are just going to go to another server and just have it be premade and that stuff, no one will want to move because they have characters and friends on AP. EU for example, have a horde based server, and alliance one. People go to aggramar because they feel like wanting to play horde, and people go to twisting nether to play alliance. What I think we need, is a server based around Arenas. This would be a reason to play on a different server than AP, to try something different, and actually start increasing skill in pvp. Arenas make you more aware, increase your communication skills, reaction time, and just make you a better player. People can just grab 2 friends and make a character on this "arena server", get to 20, and start arenaing. Just a dream of mine though

EDIT: Also with a server like this, it wouldn't matter if ur from AP, BWL, Vashj, etc. because its a different community. There is pretty much no competition on what server to roll on, and its not like you are completely moving onto the server and "representing it". On a server like this, you represent yourself.

EDIT 2: I might look into starting this.
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i'm interested & experienced and i have skype/vent, but i won't do medium armor kits

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