Replacing the old Code of Conduct with a New Twink Charter

1) So you're admitting that you were the root of the problem and the biggest reason why that problem went on to cause so much trouble with the community?

2) You'd think someone that fucked up this bad would try to have nothing to do with any revisions being made after the fact.

1) Not at all. You guys shouldn't have banned yourselves. Regardless, you should have thought to log on and actually play the fucking game instead of creating more TI accounts after you banned yourself.

2) Nah because whether you like it or not, I'm still a contributor and a member of this community. We all have the privilege to voice our opinions. Until Myrm chooses to remove my privileges, I'm going to voice my own opinions whenever and wherever I feel inclined to and there's nothing you can do to prevent me from doing such.
How about we contribute to the discussion directly? As in make an argument for the future standards users will be expected to uphold.
1) Not at all. You guys shouldn't have banned yourselves. Regardless, you should have thought to log on and actually play the fucking game instead of creating more TI accounts after you banned yourself.

2) Nah because whether you like it or not, I'm still a contributor and a member of this community. We all have the privilege to voice our opinions. Until Myrm chooses to remove my privileges, I'm going to voice my own opinions whenever and wherever I feel inclined to and there's nothing you can do to prevent me from doing such.

Honestly have no idea why you keep bringing up that being TI somehow made me stop playing WoW????? Are you ok?
Honestly have no idea why you keep bringing up that being TI somehow made me stop playing WoW????? Are you ok?

Because you guys are holding me responsible for why you were unable to play your twinks and queue games even though I was scheduling wargames weekly that none of you participated in lol.

Laff excuse is laff.

Pretty sure I'm done with you babe <3
Because you guys are holding me responsible for why you were unable to play your twinks and queue games even though I was scheduling wargames weekly that none of you participated in lol.

Laff excuse is laff.

Pretty sure I'm done with you babe <3

You guys is a generalization

I've never made this argument once
So 1. Mocha admittedly writes a fucking horrible CoC however long ago.
2. For years under his watch as Mod and Admin he constantly reminds people that he wrote the CoC and he will moderate accordingly.
3. Its been agreed upon that Shane as owner of the site was a fucking disaster.
4. Mocha was Shanes Admin/Mod when this site was run into the ground
5. Mocha now suddenly admits his CoC was poorly written
6. Why are we listening to Mocha's ideas about the CoC again.
So 1. Mocha admittedly writes a fucking horrible CoC however long ago.
2. For years under his watch as Mod and Admin he constantly reminds people that he wrote the CoC and he will moderate accordingly.
3. Its been agreed upon that Shane as owner of the site was a fucking disaster.
4. Mocha was Shanes Admin/Mod when this site was run into the ground
5. Mocha now suddenly admits his CoC was poorly written
6. Why are we listening to Mocha's ideas about the CoC again.

1. Nobody has to "listen" to any of my opinions. There's an ignore list feature on TI that everyone is free to use.
2. The only point that I'm tying to argue, is that the CoC shouldn't be obscure and have miles of grey areas that are up to interpretation.

Two people shouldn't post the same things and receive two different actions simply because two different people handled the reports.
I also think that moderation should be as consistent as possible, but I don’t think we can achieve a system where all grey areas and all necessity of individual judgement are completely removed.

What I think is most important is transparency. I personally think the best system we can achieve with hobby moderators will be something like this:

People are able to see who decided something and why they decided that, because the rule is in the Twink Charter. People always have an opportunity to give their input on things. Mods regularly consult each other. Mods may pick up the input and adjust decisions to be as fair as possible. If something new crops up or people make a fair point for change, we amend the Twink Charter in a way that makes future decisions easier.

Here’s my idea, crude first draft. ;)

Twinkinfo, November XX, 2015
A Twink Charter
By the Twinks Assembled

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Twinkinfo Users are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Likes, Liberty to Post and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Moderators are instituted among Twinks, deriving their just powers from
Myrm, That whenever any Form of Posting becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to bring attention to it in a respectful manner, and the Right of the Moderators to make Moderation decisions based on this Twink Charter and in such form, as shall seem most likely to effect the Happiness of all Twinks.

We, therefore, the Twinks Assembled, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good
Myrm, solemnly publish and declare, That the Rules outlined in following are to be adhered to by all Twinkinfo Users, and that by logging into and utilizing this Website, all Users agree to abide by these Rules:

I. Twinkinfo reserves the right to edit, move, or remove any signature, post, thread, blog, or profile at any time with or without explanation. (We do need this clause, just in case. We promise we’ll always try to explain our reasoning though!)

II. Every User is limited to only one account. Moderators may merge accounts if they become aware of one User having multiple accounts. The User may get a Warning or an Infraction without a Warning, depending on the circumstances. Users creating an account to circumvent a Temporary Ban will receive an added two weeks on their Ban, the additional account will be merged into the primary account or receive a Permanent Ban.

III. Users should try to stick to the topic of threads. Off-Topic Posting may get the posts moved to a more appropriate place, or deleted. The User may get a Warning in a post in the thread or via PM. Doing this again after the initial Warning will lead to an Infraction.

IV. Users should try to avoid creating unnecessary threads. Unnecessary threads may be threads that are duplicate / deal with the same topic as an existing thread, do not belong in the section they’re posted in, or contain next to no content. Unnecessary threads may be merged into an existing thread, moved to the correct section, or deleted. The User may get a Warning in the thread or via PM. Doing this again after the initial Warning will lead to an Infraction.

V. Users should try to avoid double-posting and instead edit their posts. Double posts will be merged. Depending on the type of thread, the occasional “bump” may be acceptable.

VI. Signatures shouldn’t be so large that they make reading threads bothersome for all. The size limit for signature pictures is 500x200 pixels and up to three lines of standard size text, and with smaller or no picture, up to ten lines of standard size text. In addition to the size limit individual judgement will be applied. Moderators will either ask the User to edit the signature, or edit it themselves. If they edit the signature, they’ll PM the user the content to reuse for a smaller signature. The User may get a Warning. Doing this again after the initial Warning will lead to an Infraction.

VII. Moderators will try to recognize and leave alone (within reason!) any harmless banter or threads that belong to “bracket culture”. Users participating in banter signal that they find a certain level of sass acceptable. Recognizing “bracket culture” may sometimes be difficult. Moderators will tend to wait for reports in the case of dubious threads, but reserve the right to edit / delete anything they deem too toxic, or move / delete anything they deem too irrelevant to the section. Banter should be mutual, attacking someone in threads intended to be peaceful by the OP may get the posts edited or deleted. The User may get a Warning in a post in the thread or via PM. Doing this again after the initial Warning will lead to an Infraction.

VIII. Encouraged insults when engaging in mutual banter are: tosser, scullion, rampallion, fustilarian, lubberwort, smellfungus, cad or braggard. Combine with illiterate or other fun adjectives. If the insult is amusing and clever enough, you might get away with it. Language that is exceedingly toxic is not allowed. To clarify, words like cunt, faggot or nigger are not to be used at all. Users should exercise their judgement and avoid words that are similarly crude. Hate speech of any form, including but not limited to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, socioeconomic status or disability is forbidden. Any posts or signatures containing profanity or hate speech may be edited or deleted. Excessive profanity or hate speech may incur an Infraction immediately, otherwise the User may get a Warning first and an Infraction upon repeat.

IX. New Users should never be treated with hostility. Treating new Users harshly when ignorance may be the reason for their posts may get the posts edited or deleted. The hostile User may get a Warning in a post in the thread or via PM. Doing this again after the initial Warning will lead to an Infraction.

X. Real life threats or telling someone to kill or hurt themselves will lead to an Infraction without a Warning. Moderators reserve the right to hand out a two-week Temporary Ban or a Permanent Ban immediately, depending on the severity of the case.

XI. Posting Prohibited Material will lead to an Infraction without a Warning. Moderators reserve the right to hand out a two-week Temporary Ban or a Permanent Ban immediately, depending on the material posted. The content will be deleted. Prohibited Material is anything that [ is / deals with / contains external links to information about ] the following:
--- Exploiting, hacking, or defrauding Blizzard/Activision or its games.
--- Cyber-attacking any website, online service, or individual.
--- Graphic Material, like nudity, sex stuff, drugs, alcohol, graphic violence.
--- Slander or malicious misinformation.
--- Spamming
--- Scamming: A scam is defined by TwinkInfo as any occurrence in which one party fails to abide by the original transaction terms that were agreed upon by both parties, or fulfill a refund or an alternate resolution agreed upon by both parties, within 48 hours of the agreed upon time of the original transaction. Twinkinfo reserves the right to hand out a Permanent Ban to any User participating in the carrying out of a scam, if Twinkinfo Staff can verify that a scam has happened. TwinkInfo also reserves the right to withdraw at any time from any mediation between parties in a legal dispute, and offers no legal advice nor takes any legal responsibility for transactions carried out between individuals through the site.

XII. Three active Infractions will lead to an automatic two-week Temporary Ban by the system.
Moderators reserve the right to make additional Temporary Bans happen to repeat offenders and eventually hand out a Permanent Ban, depending on the severity of the case.

XIII. Moderators will always try to edit posts over deleting them to preserve content. Moderators will try to be available to discuss any decision in the Discuss Moderation thread, if it’s brought up respectfully. Moderators reserve the right to not be available if they really don’t have time for it, they’re volunteers after all.

XIV. Black magic is only allowed for Shadow Priests and Warlocks. No threads on mantra tantra yantra may be created in the New User Forum. So very sorry.

Additionally, I propose a Discuss Moderation thread.
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I also think that moderation should be as consistent as possible, but I don’t think we can achieve a system where all grey areas and all necessity of individual judgement are completely removed.

What I think is most important is transparency. I personally think the best system we can achieve with hobby moderators will be something like this:

People are able to see who decided something and why they decided that, because the rule is in the Twink Charter. People always have an opportunity to give their input on things. Mods regularly consult each other. Mods may pick up the input and adjust decisions to be as fair as possible. If something new crops up or people make a fair point for change, we amend the Twink Charter in a way that makes future decisions easier.

Here’s my idea, crude first draft. ;)

Twinkinfo, November XX, 2015
A Twink Charter
By the Twinks Assembled

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Twinkinfo Users are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Likes, Liberty to Post and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Moderators are instituted among Twinks, deriving their just powers from
Myrm, That whenever any Form of Posting becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to bring attention to it in a respectful manner, and the Right of the Moderators to make Moderation decisions based on this Twink Charter and in such form, as shall seem most likely to effect the Happiness of all Twinks.

We, therefore, the Twinks Assembled, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good
Myrm, solemnly publish and declare, That the Rules outlined in following are to be adhered to by all Twinkinfo Users, and that by logging into and utilizing this Website, all Users agree to abide by these Rules:

I. Twinkinfo reserves the right to edit, move, or remove any signature, post, thread, blog, or profile at any time with or without explanation. (We do need this clause, just in case. We promise we’ll always try to explain our reasoning though!)

II. Every User is limited to only one account. Moderators may merge accounts if they become aware of one User having multiple accounts. The User may get a Warning or an Infraction without a Warning, depending on the circumstances. Users creating an account to circumvent a Temporary Ban will receive an added two weeks on their Ban, the additional account will be merged into the primary account or receive a Permanent Ban.

III. Users should try to stick to the topic of threads. Off-Topic Posting may get the posts moved to a more appropriate place, or deleted. The User may get a Warning in a post in the thread or via PM. Doing this again after the initial Warning will lead to an Infraction.

IV. Users should try to avoid creating unnecessary threads. Unnecessary threads may be threads that are duplicate / deal with the same topic as an existing thread, do not belong in the section they’re posted in, or contain next to no content. Unnecessary threads may be merged into an existing thread, moved to the correct section, or deleted. The User may get a Warning in the thread or via PM. Doing this again after the initial Warning will lead to an Infraction.

V. Users should try to avoid double-posting and instead edit their posts. Double posts will be merged. Depending on the type of thread, the occasional “bump” may be acceptable.

VI. Signatures shouldn’t be so large that they make reading threads bothersome for all. The size limit for signature pictures is 500x200 pixels and up to three lines of standard size text, and with smaller or no picture, up to ten lines of standard size text. In addition to the size limit individual judgement will be applied. Moderators will either ask the User to edit the signature, or edit it themselves. If they edit the signature, they’ll PM the user the content to reuse for a smaller signature. The User may get a Warning. Doing this again after the initial Warning will lead to an Infraction.

VII. Moderators will try to recognize and leave alone (within reason!) any harmless banter or threads that belong to “bracket culture”. Users participating in banter signal that they find a certain level of sass acceptable. Recognizing “bracket culture” may sometimes be difficult. Moderators will tend to wait for reports in the case of dubious threads, but reserve the right to edit / delete anything they deem too toxic, or move / delete anything they deem too irrelevant to the section. Banter should be mutual, attacking someone in threads intended to be peaceful by the OP may get the posts edited or deleted. The User may get a Warning in a post in the thread or via PM. Doing this again after the initial Warning will lead to an Infraction.

VIII. Encouraged insults when engaging in mutual banter are: tosser, scullion, rampallion, fustilarian, lubberwort, smellfungus, cad or braggard. Combine with illiterate or other fun adjectives. If the insult is amusing and clever enough, you might get away with it. Language that is exceedingly toxic is not allowed. To clarify, words like cunt, faggot or nigger are not to be used at all. Users should exercise their judgement and avoid words that are similarly crude. Hate speech of any form, including but not limited to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, socioeconomic status or disability is forbidden. Any posts or signatures containing profanity or hate speech may be edited or deleted. Excessive profanity or hate speech may incur an Infraction immediately, otherwise the User may get a Warning first and an Infraction upon repeat.

IX. New Users should never be treated with hostility. Treating new Users harshly when ignorance may be the reason for their posts may get the posts edited or deleted. The hostile User may get a Warning in a post in the thread or via PM. Doing this again after the initial Warning will lead to an Infraction.

X. Real life threats or telling someone to kill or hurt themselves will lead to an Infraction without a Warning. Moderators reserve the right to hand out a two-week Temporary Ban or a Permanent Ban immediately, depending on the severity of the case.

XI. Posting Prohibited Material will lead to an Infraction without a Warning. Moderators reserve the right to hand out a two-week Temporary Ban or a Permanent Ban immediately, depending on the material posted. The content will be deleted. Prohibited Material is anything that [ is / deals with / contains external links to information about ] the following:
--- Exploiting, hacking, or defrauding Blizzard/Activision or its games.
--- Cyber-attacking any website, online service, or individual.
--- Graphic Material, like nudity, sex stuff, drugs, alcohol, graphic violence.
--- Slander or malicious misinformation.
--- Spamming
--- Scamming: A scam is defined by TwinkInfo as any occurrence in which one party fails to abide by the original transaction terms that were agreed upon by both parties, or fulfill a refund or an alternate resolution agreed upon by both parties, within 48 hours of the agreed upon time of the original transaction. Twinkinfo reserves the right to hand out a Permanent Ban to any User participating in the carrying out of a scam, if Twinkinfo Staff can verify that a scam has happened. TwinkInfo also reserves the right to withdraw at any time from any mediation between parties in a legal dispute, and offers no legal advice nor takes any legal responsibility for transactions carried out between individuals through the site.

XII. Three active Infractions will lead to an automatic two-week Temporary Ban by the system.
Moderators reserve the right to make additional Temporary Bans happen to repeat offenders and eventually hand out a Permanent Ban, depending on the severity of the case.

XIII. Moderators will always try to edit posts over deleting them to preserve content. Moderators will try to be available to discuss any decision in the Discuss Moderation thread, if it’s brought up respectfully. Moderators reserve the right to not be available if they really don’t have time for it, they’re volunteers after all.

XIV. Black magic is only allowed for Shadow Priests and Warlocks. No threads on mantra tantra yantra may be created in the New User Forum. So very sorry.

Additionally, I propose a Discuss Moderation thread.
I hope the list of encouraged insults is negotiable. My self-respect doesn't allow me to use any of the ones on your list.
I hope the list of encouraged insults is negotiable. My self-respect doesn't allow me to use any of the ones on your list.
Sure, the above is just my unpolished suggestion for a Charter anyway. It's just my idea to make the Charter a bit humorous, a bit serious, and always open to amending.

That passage would just be intended to make people a little creative. ;) And make them cautious enough of mod wrath to motivate them to try giving their arguments without just resorting to the most vulgar words they can come up with. No offense to anyone specific, but some really good points recently have been greatly cheapened by including really crude personal attacks.

EDIT: By the way, I started styling the text after the actual Magna Carta first. Someone may appreciate my draft:
MYRM, by the grace of Ownership King of Twinkinfo, Lord of the Chatbox, Duke of the Portal and Brackets, and Count of Twink Guides to his Administrators, Moderators, Legends, Elders, Veterans, Donors, Guide Authors, and to all Twinkinfo Users, Greeting.

KNOW THAT BEFORE THE EARTHMOTHER, for the health of our site and those of our users, to the honour of Elune, the exaltation of the Holy Light, and the better ordering of our Twinkinfo, at the advice of our reverend administrators [MENTION=21759]Superstylin[/MENTION] archbishop of GetOnMyLevel, [MENTION=10938]Broken[/MENTION] archbishop of Islamabad, [MENTION=27445]the_admin[/MENTION] archbishop of Obscurity, and moderators [MENTION=22365]Burg[/MENTION] bishop of NagazWithAttitudez, [MENTION=12293]Cipe[/MENTION] bishop of Connecticut, [MENTION=189]Conq[/MENTION] bishop of GG19, [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION] bishop of HellHathNoFury, [MENTION=2477]Oliks[/MENTION] bishop of Denmark, [MENTION=17829]Roboartist[/MENTION] bishop of Somewhere, Grand Judicator [MENTION=18337]Valencia[/MENTION], [MENTION=10336]Yde[/MENTION] earl of Worg, [MENTION=11844]youbeezy[/MENTION] seneschal of Bisnation, and other loyal Users:

TO ALL FREE TWINKS OF OUR TWINKINFO we have also granted, for us and our users for ever, all the liberties and duties written out below, to have and to keep for them and us:

(1) For a trivial offence, a free twink shall be warned only in proportion to the degree of his offence, and for a serious offence infracted correspondingly, but not so heavily as to deprive him of his livelihood. None of these fines shall be imposed except by the assessment on oath of reputable twinks of the neighbourhood.

(2) If any user shall ... the moderator shall ... .

(n) Neither we nor our moderators will delete a post, so long as the post can be edited.

Both we and the Moderators have sworn that all this shall be observed in good faith and without deceit.
Given by our hand in the meadow that is called Twinkymede, between Reroll and Endgaimes, on the XXth day of November in the first year of our reign.

(i.e. 2015, 800 year after the signing of the Magna Carta)
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[MENTION=5141]Myrm[/MENTION] wondering if you could address the issue of real money trades on this thread before the final copy is written. It should be obvious by now that blizzard is not and will not be interested in assisting twinks and their not going to ruin us because we sell and buy accounts and items. They don't care what we do and it would be easier if we could do this stuff here amongst people we have come to know and trust.
its for the betterment of the community and this website. im willing to do my part.

Yeah but I'm not even mod... I'm just an every day forum visitor just like you. For you to suggest I impact your ability to participate in games, well I'm no wizard or anything, but I'd go as far as to say there's no correlation between text documents I publicize on an extraneous video game forum and your ability to play a game :/
its for the betterment of the community and this website. im willing to do my part.

No not really more like for betterment of yourself and a couple others... Don't speak for everyone not everyone has the same opinion as you. Kinda figured that was common sense.

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