Questions & Answers

You have no idea how much that made me laugh.

dat asterisk :cool:

Also, by the time you run there, you may not be level 1 anymore, if that's a concern. In that case, the portals are your only real option.
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No p2p help for me! I (very briefly) considered just running straight south. But then sanity returned and I decided that EPL at lvl 1 would likely not end well (though no repair bills! Yay!)

Plus I'd likely level up a few too many times more then I'd like.

So if I swim from Grom'Gol to Elwynn, I shouldn't be higher than 2 or 3 right?

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how do I post a thread about complaining without getting turned into a trollfest.Its a QQ thread and qq Threads usually turn into trollfests and look like as if I'm deliberately inciting people to troll. it's like a free pass...
So if I swim from Grom'Gol to Elwynn, I shouldn't be higher than 2 or 3 right?
Yeah that sounds about right, just be careful not to kill anything, and if you stay far out enough in the water, you may be able to avoid some discovery xp.

how do I post a thread about complaining without getting turned into a trollfest.Its a QQ thread and qq Threads usually turn into trollfests and look like as if I'm deliberately inciting people to troll. it's like a free pass...
The Q&A thread was originally created to answer simple questions, your quandary is quite complex and stabs right to the heart of human nature. I'm not sure if I can help you without more information. Do you have a specific question that you need answered or are you just speaking in general?

Honestly, inoob, I lol at most of your posts, especially the one last night—even if it was a little over the top. Some people just don't like people that speak their minds, and they will call you a troll no matter what you say, but I would say that tone matters big time when it comes to writing. Without the benefit of facial expressions, body language, and voice inflection, the way you phrase things in written language matters a lot. You've said a lot of cold hard truth, but people don't grasp it, not because of your content, as much as the way you say it. For example, COTUS got banned a lot, and called a troll, even though he was right most of the time, and it wasn't because of the content of his posts (in most cases). It was because the way he wrote just seemed to piss people off.

If you want to come of as less abrasive, I would suggest editing your posts, and while doing so, asking yourself if there is anger or sarcasm bleeding through it. Sometimes you want it to, sometimes you don't. What you don't what, is to have it come out where it doesn't suit you.

I don't know if that's the kind of answer that you were looking for, but maybe it will help someone write better.

p.s. Never hit send while drunk and angry, just save it, read and edit, and maybe even delete it the next day. That's just a little life pro tip for everyone.
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how do I post a thread about complaining without getting turned into a trollfest.Its a QQ thread and qq Threads usually turn into trollfests and look like as if I'm deliberately inciting people to troll. it's like a free pass...

people round here think you're automatically trolling if you have your own opinion.
WW would look like BiS rogue.
MW would look like BiS resto/boomkin.

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Just curious, what would a Bis WW monk look like? and also a Bis MW monk.

loom should
glowing liz/bandit
loom chest
serra kis/black wolf
defias belt or satchel of bandit

treebark/loom/bfd quest
musty tome
bfd quest/leech/gaze/silk
rompers/sandals of sac
So inscription or alchemy as a final profession to go with herbalism? keep in mind this is for agility dps and i don't have swift pot or agility elixir recipe.

As an agility DPS without a swift pot recipe, I would keep my in-between-DMFs professions as Skinning (Master of Anatomy) and Herbalism (Lifeblood).
Inscription provides more agility until you drop the rare alch recipe. The str from Giant Growth recipe provides almost as much ap. Without rare recipes no profession is "final". For now, I would go inscription.

So inscription or alchemy as a final profession to go with herbalism? keep in mind this is for agility dps and i don't have swift pot or agility elixir recipe.
Inscription provides more agility until you drop the rare alch recipe. The str from Giant Growth recipe provides almost as much ap. Without rare recipes no profession is "final". For now, I would go inscription.

I assume you're referring to the scrolls of agility? Those can be purchased from a vendor In fact for some attributes (I don't remember off the top of my head whether agility is one of them) the rank 1 scroll scales to one point higher than the rank 2 scroll. With the ability to purchase the same scrolls that Inscription produces, you can have all the advantages of Inscription -plus- another profession advantage, like Master of Anatomy. And bonus perk: you don't have to go farming anything.
Why do streamers block their chat windows with an logo? Is it required for twitch streams or is it just a preference they have

Also is there a way to download other people's saved streams?
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Why do streamers block their chat windows with an logo? Is it required for twitch streams or is it just a preference they have

Also is there a way to download other people's saved streams?

To block people from reading chat perhaps and yes there are a few programs who can download streams. I use an addon for firefox. Works perfect :)
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So you just download a video you see right ? Doesnt have to be on youtube ? And how do you download it lol i mean the video?
It is a browser cache downloader. I've not noticed anything yet which it can't download. It kinda works like; you watch a little of a video in your browser (sometimes it is not even needed, sometimes you have to watch all) and you click the icon of Ant in your browser like in the picture of the link with that magnifyingglass when it starts changing and you can download it.

Hard to explain this in english. Just go to the firefox homepage and type Ant Video Downloader in the search. For some reason i can only get on the Dutch version of this site otherwise i would have linked it and the recent news is that it not works with a few sites after the last update. I just tried this out and its not working for me for youtube atm but some other site worked and i bet it will get fixed in time with an update. Been using this one for ages and never had troubles :)

Anyway, it might be in dutch but still the pictures show how to use this addon.
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Is there an addon that keeps track of how many players I encountered in bgs?
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