You can mog one BOA to the other. Did that with my two BOA staves.
Anyone know of an addon that could keep track of how many chests I have opened, and for example how many thorbias gauntlet I have looted or any other rares?
ye but i asked because its not possible to transmog the plate looms (which are mail before lvl 40) to other mail items, same with mail looms which are leather before lvl 40.
ye but i asked because its not possible to transmog the plate looms (which are mail before lvl 40) to other mail items, same with mail looms which are leather before lvl 40.
can someone please post when the brewfest beer stam buff and light as a feather festive mug buffs are available? what time of year? more than once a year? thanks
It wouldn't be so bad if they gave you some bagpipes to complete the set.^^ This. The same problem is with plate/mail BOA, they can't be mogged to anything. I have contacted GM with this question and his reply was something like: "We are aware of this problem and testers/programmers are working on it". But this was back in 5.1 or 5.2 and I think this case is not so difficult to deal with and solve, guess they just don't care.
http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/f2pdev-chardev-org-trial-twink-54388/is their a BG stat scaling calculator?
When DMF comes, you can buy one of your upgrade options, try them out for about an hour, return them and get all your tickets back (BoAs can be fully refunded if returned within 2 hours), and try another upgrade. If you're alliance, you can do DPS testing (before factoring resilience) on level 1 indestructible dummies in Theramore (a boat away from the Wetlands bay town), or duels, or battlegrounds.With DMF starting this weekend, I will be able to get some BoAs on my F2P alts but I'm not sure what to prioritize.
On my resto/ele shammy, I have Spell Axe of the Farseer and would like to get Devout Aurastone Hammer, but I still have cloth shoulder pads, so not sure if I should get Mystical Pauldrons of Elements. I'm thinking the spell power would be better, but would appreciate advice from experienced shamans.
I have a similar problem on my disc priest. I have BoA shoulders, Robe of Kelris, Riot Stick with lesser int, no BoA trinkets. Not sure whether to get a trinket or upgrade staff/chest. (Priest is human so maybe Discerning Eye of the Beast or Swift Hand of Justice for trinket?)
When DMF comes, you can buy one of your upgrade options, try them out for about an hour, return them and get all your tickets back (BoAs can be fully refunded if returned within 2 hours), and try another upgrade.
Personally, I recommend the +(spell power) weapons to be your first priority on casters. In terms of spell power (SP), 42 (or 49) SP is as much SP as given from 42 (or 49) int (1 int gives 1 SP+(small amount of spell crit)), which are multiples more than the int upgrades from the other slots (not counting stam, crit, etc.).
With DMF starting this weekend, I will be able to get some BoAs on my F2P alts but I'm not sure what to prioritize.
On my resto/ele shammy, I have Spell Axe of the Farseer and would like to get Devout Aurastone Hammer, but I still have cloth shoulder pads, so not sure if I should get Mystical Pauldrons of Elements. I'm thinking the spell power would be better, but would appreciate advice from experienced shamans.
I have a similar problem on my disc priest. I have BoA shoulders, Robe of Kelris, Riot Stick with lesser int, no BoA trinkets. Not sure whether to get a trinket or upgrade staff/chest. (Priest is human so maybe Discerning Eye of the Beast or Swift Hand of Justice for trinket?)
Clasically it's weapon > armor > shoulders > trinkets > transmog.
Main hand.For sub rogue do I need dagger in MAIN hand or ANY hand to get the ambush damage bonus?
Another question: If I use Subterfuge talent which makes me lose stealth 3 sec after dealing or recieving hostile actions will picking up flag make me visible instantly or after 3 sec?