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Oh lol, whats your average fps ingame? Thats an integrated graph card that is far too weak for playing anything newer than AoE 1 :p (no offense)
It could be freezing because your graph card is too weak, but thats just a wild guess... Im not an expert.

I have no clue about graph cards or vid cards lol.. Wouldn't even know how to replace one or how much one would cost but if they are cheap and if that maybe my problem I could look up how to install and buy one.

My avg fps is like 10ish when in PvE and 5ish in PvP and under 1 in high active places like gs sw or dal. Believe me though no offense at all :p I know I got a crap comp
You should ask someone you know who knows something bout hardware about graphic cards, i lack english skills to explain xD

So.. You did 130k HKs on 5-10 fps? Gratz. Thats like 250k on normal fps(~60) xD
You should ask someone you know who knows something bout hardware about graphic cards
[MENTION=8102]solvogero[/MENTION] fits this desciption lol

:p you're english and knows about things like this.. Wanna explain to me how to install a new one or how to make mine better if possible?

I always thought it was just my comp having low memory that gave me bad fps but if it's a simple cheap vid card that would be alot easier :)
Ok I got a few questions cause i'm thinking of trying out F2P bracket. I'll just list the questions one by one and hopefully someone is kind enough to take time to answer them :)

1. How mandatory is it to have BoA items for your twink? Can you get by without having any or are you seriously at a big disadvantage compared to those who have?

2. How exactly do you get BoA items over to your starting account since I noticed you can't use the mailbox on a starter account? :p

3. Does this bracket have a "special" queue so you only are playing against other F2P 20's or are you also facing P2P 20-24's in BG's? Do you lock XP on your 20 twink or is this not needed/not possible?

4. How balanced is the bracket overall? Any classes that are much weaker and not totally viable for play? Do casters do well compared to physical dps classes (usually the later mentioned dominate in lower brackets)? How strong are healers?

5. What EU realm is the most active F2P community right now? Are battleground queues linked between all realms so for example when talking about BG queue time it does not matter which realm I decide to play on?
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Ok I got a few questions cause i'm thinking of trying out F2P bracket. I'll just list the questions one by one and hopefully someone is kind enough to take time to answer them :)

1. How mandatory is it to have BoA items for your twink? Can you get by without having any or are you seriously at a big disadvantage compared to those who have?

2. How exactly do you get BoA items over to your starting account since I noticed you can't use the mailbox on a starter account? :p

3. Does this bracket have a "special" queue so you only are playing against other F2P 20's or are you also facing P2P 20-24's in BG's? Do you lock XP on your 20 twink or is this not needed/not possible?

4. How balanced is the bracket overall? Any classes that are much weaker and not totally viable for play? Do casters do well compared to physical dps classes (usually the later mentioned dominate in lower brackets)? How strong are healers?

5. What EU realm is the most active F2P community right now? Are battleground queues linked between all realms so for example when talking about BG queue time it does not matter which realm I decide to play on?

1.: Well, for casters, the loom grants +42 Spellpower which is a big deal, for melee dps it IS an upgrade (well, not for dagger-rogues) but it is not a huge change.

2.: You can't "get them over". You have to grind BGs for Honor-Points then you can either buy PvP-looms or buy Justice-Points (1.5:1 ratio, so for 375 Honor Points you can buy 250 Justice Points) and then buy PvE-looms. Also the Darkmoon Faire made another source of heirlooms available, for 110 tickets you can get any type of loom-armor or 1-handed weapon, for 130 tickets you can buy loom-trinkets and for 160 tickets you can buy loom-2-handed weapons.

3.: F2P characters are automatically XP-locked upon hitting level 20 which means we play in the 20-24 XP-off bracket. Formerly F2Ps could lock their XP for 10g at lvl 19 to play in the 19s bracket, but this is not possible anymore. You also don't have to pay for it at lvl 20 to play PvP.

4.: "Balance" depends on your point of view. You could judge every class by their own or you could judge different comps. But for a fact, healers and melee-dps classes like Rogue or Prot-Paladin are very strong. Practically anything that can heal itself or its comrades is stronger than a pure dps-class. Some people even roll healing specs and still do dps. (in my personal opinion the bracket is completely broken but that's a different story)

5.: Depends on your faction. For alliance your best bet is either Twisting Nether or Spinebreaker, for horde it's Aggramar. And yes, there are battlegroups of realms, which lowers queue times (avg. queue time for horde is about 2-10 minutes, for alliance it's 5-15 minutes). It does not matter which realm you roll on.

Looking forward to playing with you :)
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I have no clue about graph cards or vid cards lol.. Wouldn't even know how to replace one or how much one would cost but if they are cheap and if that maybe my problem I could look up how to install and buy one.

My avg fps is like 10ish when in PvE and 5ish in PvP and under 1 in high active places like gs sw or dal. Believe me though no offense at all :p I know I got a crap comp

My guess is you could def. see a huge improvement with a new video card. I use a 6yr old desktop with a new video card and WoW looks great on my 42" tv (performance is way better than on my 2-yr old laptop)....well, most of the time. It's a GeForce card and they've been having driver issues since last summer PLUS my guess is there's some issues between the PCI 1.0 slot and the PCI 3.0 card (even though they're supposed to be fully compatible) and those will never get fixed without buying a new motherboard.

in summary, for $120 odds are you can really improve your game without buying a new PC. if you don't know anything at all about the inside of PC, you should probably poke around for help.

if you want, send me a private message and we can talk through the whole thing and see what your options are.
A question from me, because I've been checking armories of epic f2p's for some nice items i may forgot, and I've seen that Earl is in the guild on his Holy Paladin. And my question here is:
Is he p2p with restrictions of f2p, or grandfathered old trial in guild, or, most interestingly, are guilds available for us now?
P2P (following f2p restrictions) - no guilds (still) for f2p.
Question, if I have a f2p account with 50k hks and merge it to my p2p account that has 210k hks . Will I get credit 250k hks and blood thirsty title on both accounts?
Are any 20 rogues here successful as combat besides Dank? Not just from a BG standpoint, but from an arena standpoint as well.
Can you merge an already existing f2p account to an allready existing p2p account?
That might be possible. If they both have the same name, it might be possible. Should possibly have to contact Blizzard tho.
i had an f2p acc from an old 10 days trial thingy u got when u first made battle net accs in wotlk. got all titles achivments and mounts from my p2p except a few.
i had an f2p acc from an old 10 days trial thingy u got when u first made battle net accs in wotlk. got all titles achivments and mounts from my p2p except a few.

Yeah, you can merge an old-type WoW game account to your existing account through the website. But to merge two accounts, that requires a call to Blizzard Billing Support 1-800-59-BLIZZARD (1-800-592-5499). Remember when you call them that this is not something that they are really supposed to do without good reason, so make it sound like you might actually give them some money at some time.

And above all, be really, really nice, or risk ruining it for everyone.

Also, if all you want to do is add another WoW account to your (so you can be logged into both at the same time and still have all your achievements and stuff linked), all you have to do is have somebody with a paid subscriptions send you a RAF invitation to the email that you use for login. Click the link in the email Blizzard sends you, and it will add an account. You can do this many times, each p2p can send you one invitation (I think that 's the max per inviter).
This isn't meant to be a trolling post but can someone list some of the better trial ally shammies that come to mind? Please no insulting so I don't get in trouble for asking this kind of question but it's a question bout F2P so thought I would :p ty in advance
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