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head slot gear options?

specific - alliance / paladin
Why would you play US if you're EU?
Because once upon a time, there was no EU F2P community and we all moved over to US.
Not specific to F2P, but . . . why is my computer turning off while playing WoW? After about 20mins of being logged-on, computer turns off without warning. When I turn it back on, there isn't the usually message about (paraphrase:) "computer suffered a serious failure".

This started happening yesterday after I dusted the vents with forced air, so I thought maybe I somehow disabled the fan or something . .
But it only happens when playing WoW. I fell asleep last night while streaming a movie and when I woke up the computer was still on.

Can't think of anywhere else to ask this
Not specific to F2P, but . . . why is my computer turning off while playing WoW? After about 20mins of being logged-on, computer turns off without warning. When I turn it back on, there isn't the usually message about (paraphrase:) "computer suffered a serious failure".

This started happening yesterday after I dusted the vents with forced air, so I thought maybe I somehow disabled the fan or something . .
But it only happens when playing WoW. I fell asleep last night while streaming a movie and when I woke up the computer was still on.

Can't think of anywhere else to ask this
what kind of video card do you have and have you also updated the driver recently?
Could be many different things. If I had to guess it would be a power issue or graphics card issue.
I've been having a very annoying problem where WoW will randomly just close and an error message will come up. I'm not exactly sure what it says but I will write it down next time. It could be a glitchy downloaded client or vid card or just low memory but how can I check what kinda of memory card I have?

Thanks for any help :p just thought I'd jump on the info giving
I've been having a very annoying problem where WoW will randomly just close and an error message will come up. I'm not exactly sure what it says but I will write it down next time. It could be a glitchy downloaded client or vid card or just low memory but how can I check what kinda of memory card I have?

Thanks for any help :p just thought I'd jump on the info giving

In windows, right click on "my computer", go to "Manage". Then go to "Device Manager", then open "Display Adapters". My wild guess is you have a Nvidia card and you're getting a TDR error.

I think your problem is different than wih's.
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No idea.
No, haven't updated recently

what R Prime could be a lot of different things. You could have even blown a piece of dust into the wrong spot and its shorting shorting something out. You could try unplugging the PC, grounding it, and then blowing everything out again...check and make sure everything is seated firmly (including hte power cord in the back) and then try again. if that didn't work MY next step would be to take the video card out, wipe the connections down and then try again.

that's just me though.
Anybody having bad latency problems and DCs since the servers came back up? I was thinking it might just be weather related but I see alot of complaints on the forums.
I've been having a very annoying problem where WoW will randomly just close and an error message will come up. I'm not exactly sure what it says but I will write it down next time. It could be a glitchy downloaded client or vid card or just low memory but how can I check what kinda of memory card I have?

Thanks for any help :p just thought I'd jump on the info giving
Does your WoW just randomly shut down, and in the error message u have the option to 'Send' or 'Cancel'?
In windows, right click on "my computer", go to "Manage". Then go to "Device Manager", then open "Display Adapters". My wild guess is you have a Nvidia card and you're getting a TDR error.

I think your problem is different than wih's.
Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller.. No idea ifthis is good or bad but I think Intel is a bad one lol
Does your WoW just randomly shut down, and in the error message u have the option to 'Send' or 'Cancel'?
Yes to both. It seems like sometimes if I try kiting and jumping in like sw or a high pop place I get a freeze frame and I think I just dc'd (happens alot :/ ) but then I get a beep and error msg saying wow was unexpectingly shut down. I will be able to quote it once it happens again but it says something along those lines
I got that all the time on my old computer, was never able to figure out why. I always got it when I was alt + tab'ing between programs...
Can blood elfs still get the 1stam on shield enchant? If so, how? I just leveled to 100 and don't have the option to buy from the trainer in org.
Yes. Even though your skill level says it's locked at 100, blood elves can actually increase it to 110. So just get those last 5 skill points and you can learn the recipe from your trainer.
Using a p2p account I'm able to invite an f2p character on another realm into a party, but only when both account are in the same account. When the accounts are unrelated I get the message "blah-blah declines your group invitation".

Can anyone confirm this?

Edit: Invites work if both characters are on the same realm but different accounts.
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Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller.. No idea ifthis is good or bad but I think Intel is a bad one lol

Oh lol, whats your average fps ingame? Thats an integrated graph card that is far too weak for playing anything newer than AoE 1 :p (no offense)
It could be freezing because your graph card is too weak, but thats just a wild guess... Im not an expert.
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