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Patch 5.2 PTR and Patch Notes - February 25 - World of Warcraft

Players in low level Battlegrounds will have their effective level raised to the maximum level allowed in that Battleground bracket. Player's BASE STATS and spells are scaled accordingly, and are treated as the same level when determining hits, misses, and critical effect chances.

Straight from the horses mouth.

Interesting, it doesn't say "only base stats are being scaled"

What is "effective level'? Is blizzard setting two variables, one for actual level and one for effective level--used in pvp? Is this the same system already in place for raiding scaling on PTR? Will scaled boe/bop items be better than heirlooms?

jajajajajajajaja, seriously just wait till the patch hits.
I don't think the stats on BOA items will change, though it would be nice if they did. Remember, this is a gear driven game at its core. After you ding 10, stat scaling decay ratings set in. So, even though your base stats go up as you ding 11, your RELATIVE power drops.

That's half the reason that 70s and 80s are relatively competitive in their brackets, and why 80s can solo a whole boatload of content that they SHOULD get one-shot in.
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It also doesn't say that secondary stats will scale, or that lower level characters will get abilities that they aren't able to learn until they reach higher levels.

Read what the patch notes actually SAY, rather than speculating about things that the patch notes don't say.

I'm aware that a lack of evidence doesn't mean that something doesn't exist, BUT all we can do is go by what the creators of this game say is going to happen. Yes, they didn't say "only" base stats will scale, but they also did NOT say that secondary stats, etc. WILL scale.

Edit: BOE/BOP stats will be static, obviously. Why? Because they are. Bands of Serra'kis don't suddenly have 10 stam and 10 agility just because they are on a level 24 character. A character's base stats are completely unrelated to gear stats.
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Do BOEs have a higher chance to drop soloing a Dungeon? I have gotten 4 Rops on 3 different characters in Bfd on the first mobs. (and many other BOEs)
Or do the RNG gods favor me?
Do BOEs have a higher chance to drop soloing a Dungeon? I have gotten 4 Rops on 3 different characters in Bfd on the first mobs. (and many other BOEs)
Or do the RNG gods favor me?

The RNG Gods chose you to accomplish an important mission my son.
can anyone give me some tips and pointers for making a vid? im thinking about doing one with some clips of druid fcing and maybe some guardian pvp. im on a mac btw.
Is there a difference between f2p 20 bracket and p2p 24 bracket? What I mean is do f2p toons get matched up against p2p toons in battlegrounds?
how do you change teh color of your name? like Aradiel's is blue and nakedplumber is purple.

A blood sacrifice.

BSR has 2.8 speed. i have 0 haste, no haste gear on, and not a goblin. Why is my speed 2.79?
Not sure if serious or...

Anyway, your guides are infinitely better than many of the trash slapped together for the sole purpose of getting a white name. If you want one, it wouldn't be too difficult to get. You just need to ask the right people.
nah, no worries... i just thought it was some profile setting that i couldn't find.
Does any1 know if The Scavenger achive have been fixed in 5.2? Before the Bloodsail Wreckage part was bugged
[MENTION=8019]Aradiel[/MENTION], [MENTION=8102]solvogero[/MENTION]

Or have the right person play F2P. :eek:

Usually you'd have to message a link to a guide you wrote to get the user group, since it would be too much work to go through all the users and find out who's qualified, but I know your most awesome guides. ^^
Which setup is best for non human FCs now?


Before you say oh Insignia BiS always keep in mind most crap can be cleansed.. Also AGM can be purged but not sure if Tyranny can be yet

Tyranny can't be purged (and is awesome), the buff to Warbringer makes Insignia even more important imo. Its a tossup between Tyranny/AGM. BiS would be both of them to swap situationally. AGM if there aren't any shamans on you, Tyranny if they have shamans on O or AGM is on cooldown.
Which setup is best for non human FCs now?


Before you say oh Insignia BiS always keep in mind most crap can be cleansed.. Also AGM can be purged but not sure if Tyranny can be yet

agm+insig. if there's no one around to dispel, you'll probably die. if there's no shammy around, you have a 1k shield.
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