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A paladin can mog healer mail heirlooms into the shaman/hunter mail looms because both are mail but not the plate ones into plate nor mail. nor can hunter/shamans mog their into mail nor leather heirlooms unless they are wearing leather looms.
to those who don't have a naga or some other awesome mouse, how do you strafe? no matter how i work it, i just can't spare the binds w/out my naga
i mean, it looks like i've got xcv and s-xcv, wse and s- or a-wse (e's kinda rough with my middle finger), caps and tab and a-caps/tab... and that's it if i want to constantly have the option to strafe
Maybe try moving with s (left strafe) e (move forward) and f (right strafe), then you can easily bind Q, W, R, T, G, A, D, Z, X, C, V, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Not using it myself, because I have no problem using Q, E, S, F, R, C, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 + modifiers (shift, ctrl and alt). F2P doesn't require an insane amount of binds anyway

Using qwerty key board btw
to those who don't have a naga or some other awesome mouse, how do you strafe? no matter how i work it, i just can't spare the binds w/out my naga

I use a Naga, but the keys don't get used much. They slow you down, and make your control sloppier. I use qe to strafe, with no backpedal bound at all. I would suggest finding 2-3 keys, 2 if you don't need a move forward key, and unbind the rest of your movement keys. Take the binds you have and throw in control, shift, or alt. Using all 3 turns 5 binds into 20.
Human for spirit bonus, not that great. BUT! Extra trink is huge.

Gnome escape artist is pretty good. Expansive Mind used to be THE BEST caster racial. It's still good, but not as much as it was during Cata...
Getting bored of my F2P warrior and thinking of making a level 20 monk on my P2P account under F2P conditions. Any advice?
Why do people find trolling/funny/mean posts better then informative or helpful posts...? I've always wondered this since seeing stupid insulting one liners or rude posts getting more likes or praise then extremely helpful posts :confused: Just something I was wondering while passing by.

A lot of users are starting to call these people out, regardless of their forum rank, so that's a start. I've also been trying to inform a lot of people of the forums ignore function. While it's not ideal, as it's a cut and dry break in communication, a lot of flaming could be simply avoided altogether if people used the ignore function instead of flaming back at their "attackers" which completely derails threads.

I do agree completely though. I've lurked for a long time and watched the general community passively accept the transition from bad to worst.

It's just like what happened to the AP community and now it's spreading here.
Why do people find trolling/funny/mean posts better then informative or helpful posts...? I've always wondered this since seeing stupid insulting one liners or rude posts getting more likes or praise then extremely helpful posts :confused: Just something I was wondering while passing by.
I donut know, but I think it's just a combination of being human (well, most of us anyway) :O
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