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Okay, last Sunday, I got my LFH, and lost 4 hit from that. Now I'm 1 Arena Master from AGM, so I'll be losing 10 hit. I am an Elemental Shaman, so spirit gives me hit, but my question is, what is the best item to use to make up for that hit rating until I get loom ring, and 1 spirit enchant to bracers.

Oossttyy @ Vashj - Community - World of Warcraft is my armory.

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Do level 19 twink items like thorbia's gauntlets and feet of the lynx drop from chests in hilsbrad,I've been getting drops that require level 21+ to be equiped for weeks now?
Do level 19 twink items like thorbia's gauntlets and feet of the lynx drop from chests in hilsbrad,I've been getting drops that require level 21+ to be equiped for weeks now?

don't give up, keep opening those chest

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Okay, last Sunday, I got my LFH, and lost 4 hit from that. Now I'm 1 Arena Master from AGM, so I'll be losing 10 hit. I am an Elemental Shaman, so spirit gives me hit, but my question is, what is the best item to use to make up for that hit rating until I get loom ring, and 1 spirit enchant to bracers.

Oossttyy @ Vashj - Community - World of Warcraft is my armory.


Assuming you don't want to switch any items with crit on them, replace argas with WSG vendor ring. It gives 6 spirit before scaling. Lose 2 int, and 3 stam for 6 hit before scaling. Once you have AGM that means it's a 9 stam gain before scaling.
Assuming you don't want to switch any items with crit on them, replace argas with WSG vendor ring. It gives 6 spirit before scaling. Lose 2 int, and 3 stam for 6 hit before scaling. Once you have AGM that means it's a 9 stam gain before scaling.

Appreciate it. I was going to use Deep Fathom Ring, but that's even better IMO. Thanks a bunch.
specify please.

well last time i tried to mog it was sword could only be mogged to sword, boas could only be mogged to boas, ect

but now i see people mogging maces to swords, i am curious as to what the "rules" are now. :p
the above and:
daggers alone
fist weaps alone.
plate is also alone

You need to be able to use the weap for example.
rogue can mog axe to sword but a shaman can not.

this was changed in 5.2.
Also, for mail wearers, the leather wearer's BOA's that scale to mail, you can mog some green quest mail shoulders for Herod's and the others and vise versa, Same goes with chest, ETC.

HOWEVER, this doesn't work for plate, Plate BOA's are technically plate at level 20, You can't mog plate BOA shoulders to mail boa shoulders.
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that is incorrect. A paladin and warrior can mog the mail looms but a shaman or hunter would not see the day when such a thing is possible.
that is incorrect. A paladin and warrior can mog the mail looms but a shaman or hunter would not see the day when such a thing is possible.

That's what I mean, added like, 5 words for clarification.
Does retribution need 4% or 8% hitcap? Alliance.

I was thinking 8% for Judgment, is judgment considered pure spell for ret? What about Ret's other abilities?
so we can now mog leather items into the BoA leathers ect?

thanks :)
if u are a leather user but then again thats always worked. dont let Xao confuse u if u mean shaman/hunter chest because that still don work.
BTW (not sure) aren't we able to mog plate looms into hunter / shaman looms?

Unfortunately not. Plate heirloom still count's as Plate below level 40. So you are not able to wear them as hunter/shaman => No mog of items you cannot wear

Other way: If you are a paladin and want to mog an original Plate loom into a original Mail loom that won't work too because loom's always count as their origin. Not what they count as below 40.
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