This list is about measurable stats, not skill. If you want a skill ranking, we have duels or arenas, but barely anyone actually does arena, other than a few hardcore dedicated arena fanboys, and possibly girls. The stats here are just for reference. They are just raw data. It's up to you how you choose to interpret that data. It certainly does give hints to playstyle. Personally, I'm disapointed in the lack of BGs quit stat on armory. I'm pretty sure I'd be winning that one too. I also consider HK to KB ratio far more important. Any scrub can stealth in mid and soak up those HKs without ever really doing anything.
Anyway, this is a great thread. It incorporated all the things I suggested in the previous one, that I was too lazy to actually do myself and is a great reference. A couple suggestions, swap the AB and WSG wins/played around. That way you can more easily see how many games played to flags capped and returned, rather than have to try and ignore the AB list. Another suggestion, that would make it easier to read, would be to color code the classes. Not sure how much more complicated that would be, but it would be a lot easier to read, and find high HK/achieve players of a certain class, who would be more likely than not to be BiS, which is a great reference.
Things not measurable by armory, do not belong in this thread. This is not where we subjectively judge a person's play style or skill, but rather unequivocal data. Just the facts. Opinion belongs elsewhere.
Also, the reaon AP is so over represented on this list right now, is that's where most of the armory data came from. If you know someone that belongs on the list, link their armory.