F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

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Never seen the f2p russians.
Do they have their own bracket?

Yes, since they have their own russian realms.That's weird but their realms are separated from the rest of eu, might be due to their usage of different alphabet (cyrillic) or just the fact that thier subscription fee is significantly lower than the regular eu one.
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Please remove bubblegut from the list, he's botting. Just look at his flag cap/ return stats.

2Bubblegut @ KargathOrc Subtlety Rogue122172852 / 2569 (33%)1 - 9189 / 918 (21%)0 / 0 (0%)

Lol the memories of bubblegut... so many afk's. I like how a rogue that has played over 2500 wsg games has a whopping 9 flag returns :).

Lol doing the math, he averages returning 1 flag per 280 wsg games.
Thanks everyone for the feedback!

Regarding the use of images instead of formatted text, I had originally tried this for the AGM, LFH, etc. However, I discovered there is a limit of 30 images per post, which isn't going to fly for a top 100 listing.

I could add a faction column that is a red/blue square if the colored race names are too distracting. Regarding the color choice, I had to tone down (darken) the red because "true red" was too jarring on the page. For blue, I used a true blue since it needed to be distinguishable from Shaman and Mage classes.
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Yeah bubblegut did bot but he's been actually playing the past week and he's one of the only good rogues in the bracket now haha.

Say what you want but he's good.
Please remove bubblegut from the list, he's botting. Just look at his flag cap/ return stats.
While I can see that his record looks dismal, I won't be removing anyone from the top 100 listings so long as their armory is valid.

I present the raw data so that you can form your own opinions, but please leave them out of this thread! This is not the place to report bots.
Yeah bubblegut did bot but he's been actually playing the past week and he's one of the only good rogues in the bracket now haha.

Say what you want but he's good.

how can you say he is good:(
i dont even have to use scatter shot OR disengage against him..ever.I mean he is a bot after all. Even with his desynch.
Not to mention his bot doesnt kick,
and no he isnt playing-he is still botting like the usual-try talking to him next time
I'd just like to add that I have LFH as well
Its just I usually logoff in my fishing "lets get Sea Turtle" gear
Anyway you can check my armory now
It's automated, so next time the data is captured, and you have LFH on, it will be added. I have one too, I just rarely use my stam set, the same with MM.
I forgot to propose this topic for a sticky.
This topic is much better organized for search so imo ppl can find armories much easier here then on armory page.
The armory list was people on TI that wanted their characters linked to their TI accounts. Most of them were unfinished and a pretty terrible resource for looking up BiS etc. This is about the most active players, so hopefully, that means more likely to be BiS, or close to it. RNG is still a problem for some of the more difficult to obtain items.
Genara @ Area 52 AGM LFHBlood Elf Beast Mastery Hunter1400331152 / 1483 (78%)9 - 185 / 266 (32%)2 / 2 (100%)
3Nysona @ Area 52 AGM LFHBlood Elf Beast Mastery Hunter1400261151 / 1481 (78%)0 - 085 / 266 (32%)0 / 0 (0%)
4Vynari @ Area 52 AGM
Blood Elf Beast Mastery Hunter1399451152 / 1483 (78%)
1 - 085 / 266 (32%)0 / 1 (0%)

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