F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

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Lists/spreadsheet are updated! Color coded both faction and class. Added new PvE statistics!

Edit: Currently a bug with number of Titles statistic for Horde. Unfortunately I have to recapture the data to correct this.

Awesome! Love the colour-coding. :)

Added the thread to the sticky like this:
Imirak's original F2P Rankings: PVE & PVP has been continued in the most awesome way by lofi: F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more! is a fully colour-coded list of the top-ranked 100 world F2P twinks with links and up-to-date relevant statistics, also links downloadable spreadsheets with even more players, and is just indescribably fantastic!

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If i dont want to be on these lists is my descision and not yours to make. A little more respect towards the people who dont want to be on these lists doesnt hurt please.

ps still something wrong with the eu hk list.
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. I created these lists with the intention of providing the most accurate data on the top-ranked F2P players in the world. As such, it is my decision that there is no opting-out of the listings. I am merely showing publicly available data in a convenient format.

As for the EU HK list, it looks fine to me. Maybe you need to refresh your browser?
Awesome! Love the colour-coding. :)

Added the thread to the sticky like this:

TI scares me today. Why does it add these random line breaks in my quote? Just before while saving the changes to the sticky I had a minor heart attack when the save deleted half my post. Praise cache...
There are some problems with the PVE statistics....

ex 1 : I have 49 pets atm ... not 48

ex 2 : Нитортик has at least 4 titles ... not 1

Same title problem at Zoria and all the horde chars. Hope you will fix it :).

Great Job Anyway !
Thanks for the feedback! I'm aware of the bug with number of titles for Horde and should have it corrected soon. (EDIT: This is corrected now.)

That's strange about the companions statistics. Seems to me as a bug with the wow armory statistics. I will fix this to use achievements to track number of pets collected when I get around to it.
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Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. I created these lists with the intention of providing the most accurate data on the top-ranked F2P players in the world. As such, it is my decision that there is no opting-out of the listings. I am merely showing publicly available data in a convenient format.
You are putting my toon in those lists wich i dont want. Its ok that you want to create an uptodate list and such with everything but i dont want to be part of that. Never.

What do you want me to do? delete my toon or something? Im sure that if i talk to a moderator they will remove me from these lists. So just remove it before i do and report you for attacking my privacy and i dont want that.

As for the EU HK list, it looks fine to me. Maybe you need to refresh your browser?
At #64 it starts with maratian again the #1.
You are putting my toon in those lists wich i dont want. Its ok that you want to create an uptodate list and such with everything but i dont want to be part of that. Never.

What do you want me to do? delete my toon or something? Im sure that if i talk to a moderator they will remove me from these lists. So just remove it before i do and report you for attacking my privacy and i dont want that.

Leo please... use the pm... to talk with Lofi .. this thread has "suffered enough".
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You are putting my toon in those lists wich i dont want. Its ok that you want to create an uptodate list and such with everything but i dont want to be part of that. Never.

What do you want me to do? delete my toon or something? Im sure that if i talk to a moderator they will remove me from these lists. So just remove it before i do and report you for attacking my privacy and i dont want that.

At #64 it starts with maratian again the #1.
Thanks, I fixed the EU listing (hopefully for good this time).

I am not "attacking" your privacy any more than Blizzard is by publicly listing your armory, nor do I have any interest in providing an intentionally incomplete list.
Thanks, I fixed the EU listing (hopefully for good this time).

I am not "attacking" your privacy any more than Blizzard is by publicly listing your armory, nor do I have any interest in providing an intentionally incomplete list.

So is this an excuse to do it? because blizzard does too? You have the choice wich makes it in my eyes not the same. On top of what blizzard does you are putting an 11th floor on the 10 floor building.

Leo please... use the pm... to talk with Lofi .. this thread has "suffered enough".
This is not talking but demanding (now) he removes my toon from these lists and everyone may see that. I bet that there are more people who dont want their toon listed and op should respect that. Using pm's for this now is useless because he allready made clear he is not going to remove the people who dont want to be on these lists.
The companion disparity is because the DMF balloon does not show up in the companion tab, but is counted in the achievement tracking. This is a problem on Blizz's end. If it's possible to track quests done though, it should be possible to track companions from the in progress pet achievements. I have 50 pets, and the 50 pet achievement, but the companion tab only shows 49. Again, because the DMF balloon is not in the collected or the not collected tab.
The companion disparity is because the DMF balloon does not show up in the companion tab, but is counted in the achievement tracking. This is a problem on Blizz's end. If it's possible to track quests done though, it should be possible to track companions from the in progress pet achievements. I have 50 pets, and the 50 pet achievement, but the companion tab only shows 49. Again, because the DMF balloon is not in the collected or the not collected tab.

I know it's the DMF balloon.. I was just poiting out to Lofi what to track :) ... I think it's a helium ballon... it just flew away from the armories...
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I'm hoping (and assuming, sorry didn't read the entire op) that this is for semi-active players. There's not a chance in the world that I'm 36th in the US. Hell, I could proably name 30 people just from AP horde that have more than I do.

But; I do owe someone some thanks (Lofi, that's you.) Reading this tempted me to log on and I actually had lots of fun today bging and getting master of wsg, so I'm gonna keep playing after a 2-3 month hiatus.

I remember helping you get the fast cap, was interesting games we played back then
Hope to see you online more often anyway m8
Updated lists and spreadsheet! Added AGM, LFH, MM, RoP and Sea Turtle icons to the listings (see the new legend). Fixed counting of companions to use achievement tracking.

Shfthappens @ Aerie Peak AGMLFH MMTauren Restoration Druid14953616 ST94275104the Diplomat
Well shit. now I need RoP

Get on it. :p

Great thread. Very informative. Color coding of the classes works incredibly well. I only have one criticism, and more of a suggestion, but rather than red and blue, which somehow seems to look not quite right and slightly distracting, would it be better with
symbols next to the names, with the races in the same color as the class, or in standard color? Again, just my opinion, and not sure if that would be too complicated, or just not how you wanted it done. Using race/class/spec icons would also save space so there's more room for the information.

Edit: Just to clarify, something like:

Shfthappens @ Aerie Peak AGMLFH MM

14953616 ST94275104the Diplomat

With all the new information, it saves it from being so bunched up.
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I have a minor suggestion as well. On the legend things like AGM and LFH are easy to find on a ctr + f, but when looking to see who has a Sea Turtle it's more much difficult with just ST. Would it take too much space to maybe do something like SeTu, or just anything to ease searching? It doesn't really matter, and isn't a big deal, but I figure I'd mention it anyways.
I didn't consider ctrl+f to find things. In that case, you'd want to keep the Tauren Restoration Druid although I still think the
would be better as
Tauren Restoration Druid.
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