F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

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out of 174 people in the spreadsheet, only 19 of them have WSG win/played ratios less than 0.5. 93 of the 174 are Horde.


does anyone know at what point Blizz counts a BG?
Only if you're there for the end. /afk 5 seconds before the game is over and you haven't played it, according to Blizz.
Only if you're there for the end. /afk 5 seconds before the game is over and you haven't played it, according to Blizz.
ah. that makes sense...silly though. imo if you're in long enough to qualify for a deserter buff, it should count as a game...but whatever. I'm not sure if that stat is really worth even looking at as it means absolutely nothing..
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Well, I don't care much about it, but as you can see my stats are abysmal. I usually stick out every bad pug till the end. ^^ Good on everyone with a high ratio.

I'm more impressed with Sweetluvin's almost 3,5k duels. :)
Lofi, aside from tracking HK's vs KB's (at least for dps'ers....which has been talked about before), here's something i've been thinking about as far as measurable statistics go. not sure if it makes sense, or if the idea is any good, but here goes:

looking at the date of the achievement "complete 100 WG victories" and the date of the "x,000 honorable kills" (same for AB wins). i'm thinking that a person who gets 100 WG wins before the 10,000 honor achievement is generally more skilled than the person that doesn't get the 100 wins until after the 25,000 honor achievement (or whatever the general benchmark would turn out to be...same faction of coarse because of the horde/alliance imbalances).

i'm sure you could somehow come up with a list of achievement date comparisons to better evaluate a player (at least in its earlier life (like below 25k HK's)....and its also assuming everyone is in it for wins AND achievements, which might not really be the case.

...just an idea and not sure if its a good one. ...and not even sure if it would identify good players...more make bad ones stick out (case in point, and can't remember the player's name, but they were exalted with WG and still didn't have Ironman).
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Lofi this is amazing, I remember when you, me and kale were like the only f2ps with over 2500 achieve points, of couse I quit for a while and I also dont really achieve hunt anymore but man!, soo many new f2pers now . This ranking board is sick, idc about getting to the top I just hope this list gets and more f2pers get involved and get high achieves and HK's. I took the time to check out your armory too, very impressive

respect :)
Lofi this is amazing, I remember when you, me and kale were like the only f2ps with over 2500 achieve points, of couse I quit for a while and I also dont really achieve hunt anymore but man!, soo many new f2pers now . This ranking board is sick, idc about getting to the top I just hope this list gets and more f2pers get involved and get high achieves and HK's. I took the time to check out your armory too, very impressiverespect :)

her armory is exactly same as mine except...for moar numbers
i'm sure you could somehow come up with a list of achievement date comparisons to better evaluate a player (at least in its earlier life (like below 25k HK's)....and its also assuming everyone is in it for wins AND achievements, which might not really be the case.

Terrible idea on two counts. First, it doesn't prove anything, and certainly has nothing to do with skill. Second, once you get more than 10k HKs, the achievement is overwritten and is not visible on the armory, which is where these stats come from.
I think the minimum ought to be raised to 2k achievement points or 50k HKs, personally. But if no one agrees, feel free to ignore this.
I am planning some changes here, the minimum criteria to be added to the spreadsheet will be 1000 achievement points or 10k HKs. Then I will list top 100 (or whatever forum allows) for each category. I am currently pulling stats from everyone in my F2PAddon database but I am only active on AP Alliance side.

I would appreciate if someone active on AP Horde side could send me their F2PAddon database, so that I can pull armories of all the most active Horde players on AP. Also I would appreciate any databases from other servers with semi-active communities.

If you would be willing to help out, please upload your: <WOW DIR>\WTF\Account\<Random account #s>\SavedVariables\F2PAddon.lua
and send me a PM with a link to the download!

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These stats visualise so good if some are bad, GY farmers, objective players, midfarmers,...
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