F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

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what about a 70-0
does that count as an achivement?Not bad for a f2p hunter
i can link my hunters armory
Pootispencer @ Daggerspine - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

imagine if it was a lvl 24.Id go probably 100-0.I dont have alot of flags returned though and im not sure if i capped any

Let me all tell you a little story about this chap.
We had a pugmade yesterday that encountered this guy on his beloved hunter (Kiwkala recognized him) ->


I told folks to behave, not to emote him or anything so he doesn't leave.
We ofc rushed to middle in hope of seeing Pootispencer, killed all rest allys but couldn't find Pootispencer.
I went to cap first flag, rest of folks kept killing allys and seraching for Pootispencer, but with no luck ->


Then it hit us - he must have dissmised pet and went somewhere and hid himself.
When we capped 2nd flag we realized he just killed a snake!!!! OMG a snake ->


Nearly @ end, Kochi found him, killed him and afterwards he left the BG (damn you Kochi! jk :D)
Unfortunately I had net problems so I don't have screenshots of next minutes, but you can all get the picture

It was such a disappointment so see a TI all star player that goes 70-0 (his personal record because of which he couldn't sleep for days trying to get more HK's then Felix) couldn't show us his amazing skills...
/sarcasm off

No really, do u GY farm a lot?
And yea, when you saw us, did we made u wet your pants a lot or just little?
Judging by the 0-0 with 170 damage for nearly 10 minutes I'd say a lot, idk ;)

I hope you won't hide again next time we see you in BG

P.S. This should have gone to a separate thread but it would be really pointless so I just left it here

P.P.S. I just read this in another thread, I'm gonna add it also, it just shows and proves how skilled Pootispencer is... when he is GT farming
sorry bud i get at least 40-0 or 50-0 every game im in(thats a bare minimum if i dont break it i force afk myself out)

but glad to know you only play horde
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10 trash vs. the best in the bracket and the trash win every single time. If you want to see someone's skill, that isn't the way to go about it. Ten minute, boring as fuck game against randoms, some of which don't even speak English. It would be different if it was a ten vs. ten premade. I'd have left before the gates even opened.
Nice interface Morg. :)

Aradiel, of course it's not a skill measure. With a 10-man, even "pugmade" we still expect to win. We were just disappointed that he didn't even want to try against us and hid.

Anyway, I hope for some fun competetive play with inoobupro, his pocket healer, and some good teammates one day. :)
10 trash vs. the best in the bracket and the trash win every single time. If you want to see someone's skill, that isn't the way to go about it. Ten minute, boring as fuck game against randoms, some of which don't even speak English. It would be different if it was a ten vs. ten premade. I'd have left before the gates even opened.
You would be surprised how bad some of the AP H PuGmades have become. Some players are rarely better than the average PUG anymore. Ofcourse there are plenty of exceptions...
10 trash vs. the best in the bracket and the trash win every single time. If you want to see someone's skill, that isn't the way to go about it. Ten minute, boring as fuck game against randoms, some of which don't even speak English. It would be different if it was a ten vs. ten premade. I'd have left before the gates even opened.

Point is that you have to try to win at least.
Whats the point of hovering over comrade's HP's and leaving if you don't even TRY and see what are you up against.
He never even bothered, he just went somewhere and hid himself

And judging by your comment I can only conclude that you play in those games you predicte you'll win?
That would automaticly mean that we should all leave when we see 2+ lvl 24's

I leave only when game turnes out to be a GY farm fest.
And Pootispencer knows damn well we never GY farm, which means we would have ended in same time as we did.
We would have just killed him couple of times more, thats all.

P.S. and I wasn't talking about skill (how much skill you need to have to play a hunter anyway?!?!?!), I was just referring to his bragging where he "gets at least 40-0 or 50-0 every game he's in"
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Mialo, I don't doubt it, unfortunately. A couple 24s don't bother me. I can destroy any number of different class/spec 24s every single time, without exception. 24 hunters, rogues and rets, I can not, and wouldn't even bother trying against, no. Not unless their HP was low enough for me to consider it. It has nothing to do with winning though. Some of my most enjoyable games have been very close wins/draws/losses. Actually, 0-0 draws are not very common.

I've also been in groups of five man AP vs randoms and I can tell you it was the most boring five to ten minutes of my life. I can't imagine being in a ten man to be any better, especially not with so many healers against random non English speaking scrubs.

Playing against ten mans, which I have done a few times, results in a) my being focused, and b) every single thing I hit being instantly healed. Zero fun. Zero point. I don't even bother anymore, because I know exactly what it's going to be. I did notice the sarcasm in your mentioning skill, and I have no love for hunters, but I just found it a little silly to expect anyone to waste their time trying to lead a bunch of non English speaking randoms against an organized group that stick together like glue, have multiple heals, when your own side has none. I also see no point in playing those games against randoms either, but to each their own.
@ Yde -> tnx, The Diablo-like interface is called rBottomBarStyler and from the time I saw it on some screenshot on MMO-champion, downloaded and tried it, I have never changed it :)

@Aradiel -> this time you elaborated more I so got what you meant.
As you can see, we rarely have any hunters in pugmades.
If allys have 4+ hunters (and usually its the case) and god forbid 1-2 healers, you would be surprised how even those games are.
ofc, we are in a pugmade which means all folks listen and act as 1 which is a huge advantage, can't deny that
Let me all tell you a little story about this chap.
We had a pugmade yesterday that encountered this guy on his beloved hunter (Kiwkala recognized him) ->


I told folks to behave, not to emote him or anything so he doesn't leave.
We ofc rushed to middle in hope of seeing Pootispencer, killed all rest allys but couldn't find Pootispencer.
I went to cap first flag, rest of folks kept killing allys and seraching for Pootispencer, but with no luck ->


Then it hit us - he must have dissmised pet and went somewhere and hid himself.
When we capped 2nd flag we realized he just killed a snake!!!! OMG a snake ->


Nearly @ end, Kochi found him, killed him and afterwards he left the BG (damn you Kochi! jk :D)
Unfortunately I had net problems so I don't have screenshots of next minutes, but you can all get the picture

It was such a disappointment so see a TI all star player that goes 70-0 (his personal record because of which he couldn't sleep for days trying to get more HK's then Felix) couldn't show us his amazing skills...
/sarcasm off

No really, do u GY farm a lot?
And yea, when you saw us, did we made u wet your pants a lot or just little?
Judging by the 0-0 with 170 damage for nearly 10 minutes I'd say a lot, idk ;)

I hope you won't hide again next time we see you in BG

P.S. This should have gone to a separate thread but it would be really pointless so I just left it here

P.P.S. I just read this in another thread, I'm gonna add it also, it just shows and proves how skilled Pootispencer is... when he is GT farming

never died sorry kid, my pocket healer did actually die i wont lie, and ill give you props for that but who cares?friar was made in 1 month

i know how to afk out.Dont teach me.I will give you 1month of a free wow subscription if you find a death of me in a bg and screenshot it.

your 24 ret did lay on hands himself though before i had to /afk out

i wasnt scared at all, its just 2 players with 2k life cant do much vs a whole team. When the rest of my team is 700 life warlocks
and all of yours has 1.4k life

this is how the story went

i went ontop of the flag room with friar. Stood there for good 5 minutes.Finally decided to go down there.Found you all at the GY, started shooting got jumped by like 5 ppl, /afkd. Sorry im too fast for you all, got dat trigger finger, ive been /afking so many times i know when and how to /afk

you all actually zerged/killed friar before he could afk out...dem reactions..not fast enough./salute
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You obviously don't know that things like CC exist in this game.No wonder, you are used only to clicking "shoot","shoot","backpedal", "/afk", "ctrl-alt","twinkinfo page"

look, i know what CC is.I have 3x healers i play.I get CCd all the time.
besides...my priest >yours
Demopan @ Daggerspine - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

now if we do a ratio of hks to deaths
61.96 hks per death

16.57 hks per death

go figure. As again, remember its all about the numbers.It is how skill is determinted.Plus i dont even /afk out on my priest.

back ontopic


Chélly @ Shattered Halls - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

looks like alot of hks to me
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look, i know what CC is.I have 3x healers i play.I get CCd all the time.
besides...my priest >yours
Demopan @ Daggerspine - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

now if we do a ratio of hks to deaths
61.96 hks per death

16.57 hks per death

go figure. As again, remember its all about the numbers.It is how skill is determinted.Plus i dont even /afk out on my priest.

back ontopic


Chélly @ Shattered Halls - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

looks like alot of hks to me

Ok, You are clearly better than me. You are pro. I am happy for you.I am an extremely bad priest btw, so sucks to be better than me lol. But you have an inferiority complex so that's all good.
P.S. I love how you add Chelly just to legitimize your trolling in this thread. Have some respect to Lofi (who is actually better than you) and stop being egocentric. Heloooo, you are not alone in this world and it doesn't revolve around your ass. We can always trash each other in your retarded threads.See you there, ok?
<WOW DIR>\WTF\Account\<Random account #s>\SavedVariables\F2PAddon.lua
*I'm not computer savvy* so I just copied and pasted this into the search function on my computer, got nothing. Where can I find this?
Seriously, just delete all posts related to this idiot and the thread is back to normal. He's a lying pos who thinks skill is determined by how fast you can click explosive shot in the general direction of the gy, why is he still here?
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