F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

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i like these rage essays and all..but the facebook ones are betta
There are rage assays on Facebook? Please tell me more about this subject.
inoobupro this is completely unrelated but you seem like you roll every freakin class in f2p bracket, show me your armourys man im curious.
Stop projecting your dumb assery onto me. You're the one that made baseless accusations and provided no reasons to back them up.

The only thing that you're capable of are assumptions. Oh, and ad hominem attacks.

Stop projecting your dumbassery onto everyone on this thread, whenever I read any of your stupid bitter comments I loose a couple brain cells. Baseless accusations on what lol? the only "accusation" I made there was a declaration to your superiority which was infact sarcasm because your just about one of the biggest noobs ive ever seen on this forum, how the hell did you make it in the highscores is what im thinking, I think im just going to leave your sorry ass alone because ive pwned you enough.

Nah you know what pal, I was just kidding you see, I actually quiet envy you and everything you said was correct, screw lofi and screw the system man theyre just jealous of you, VOTE 1 for garret! let him control the f2p highscores!

*cough* jokes..... your an idiot..... gtfo :(
Closing thread due to how much garbage is on this thread. Lofi, go ahead and create a new thread in this forum with this same title and I will bring the content over from your OP.

- Shane
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