Watch the mongoose proc give 3 agility when scaled to 24.
More likely they'll scale it inline with vanilla endgame enchants, i.e crusader.
I've heard 88 agi somewhere, but I don't know where they got that information.
Watch the mongoose proc give 3 agility when scaled to 24.
More likely they'll scale it inline with vanilla endgame enchants, i.e crusader.
I've heard 88 agi somewhere, but I don't know where they got that information.
its not retarded its logical why would the scaled enchants give less stats than vanilla enchants (crusader)90 agi 22 haste because scaling is retarded atm.
One may also ask why those higher enchants were not usable at low levels until 5.4.its not retarded its logical why would the scaled enchants give less stats than vanilla enchants (crusader)
what kind of question is that. obviously because they didnt have the whole scaling idea earlierOne may also ask why those higher enchants were not usable at low levels until 5.4.
its not retarded its logical why would the scaled enchants give less stats than vanilla enchants (crusader)
90 + 22 = 112, crusader = 100.
haste is a secondary stat they arent worth the same
One may also ask why those higher enchants were not usable at low levels until 5.4.
Or, if reapplying that logic, why does Dancing Steel [MoP enchant] on PTR give less stats than Mongoose [BC enchant] and Crusader [vanilla] (str wise that is)? And so on.
so if we divide it. 22/2 = 11
90 + 11 = 101
still superior to crusader.
mongoose doesnt give rogues 100%+ crit at 20/24Low level rogues will have the possibility to reach 100%+ crit with Mongoose while low level warrior will only get attack power from crusader. Doesnt look fair for me.
Low level rogues will have the possibility to reach 100%+ crit with Mongoose while low level warrior will only get attack power from crusader. Doesnt look fair for me.
Low level rogues will have the possibility to reach 100%+ crit with Mongoose while low level warrior will only get attack power from crusader. Doesnt look fair for me.
- Explosive Shot damage has been increased by 18%.
From 5.4 PTR Patch Notes - August 14 - World of Warcraft maybe i'm being an idiot and can't read.
ATM with BIS gear the calculations are (considering +50% focus on AS):
ArcaneShot Old 313 New 230 =>26% nerf
Aimed Shot Old 640 New 800 =>25% buff
Explos Shot Old 360 New 420 =>17% buff
Arcane Shot now deals 125% ranged weapon damage (up from 100%) and had its focus cost increased by 50%.
Bingo!maybe i'm being an idiot and can't read
Ya screw you blizz for that patch... and the one before!
Base Resilience now reduces damage players deal to others players by 72% (up from 65%).
Battle Fatigue now reduces healing for players that are engaged in PvP combat by 55% (up from 45%).