50s also don't have to deal with any xpoff restrictions if you transfer over to a bfa capped account afterwards, its one of the main reasons I am focusing on 50 and not 48/49 especially since they are fairly similar now. 50s get access to a bit more gear as well. I am pretty sure I can access most things below 50 by using party sync as well, so it doesn't restrict much in that use case.That’s a massive grind, and since we have no shadowland dung access, it’s literally gear just to power through BFA dungeons or the occasional wpvp. Deffo thinking to go the 50 route for this.
That is a VERY good point and something I didn't think of, 50's may be THE defacto Twink Level (higher Levels) if Blizz goes through with this stupid forced-XP On shit.50s also don't have to deal with any xpoff restrictions if you transfer over to a bfa capped account afterwards
I have found no way to get a 49 into a SL Dungeon. There are 4 that are open to 49's, we can Que, it'll form the Group, but then it fails to port you in even when doing it manually. I haven't tried walking in since these changes took place, I'll do that later today and test it but it was "You must be Level 50 to enter this Dungeon" before.Can 48/49s access the dungeons manually?
All great points, very tempted but last time I tried moving a char it was from bfa to legion and I got locked out. Does it work fine moving from shadowlands to bfa, get my first renown, all these rep rewards and switch?50s also don't have to deal with any xpoff restrictions if you transfer over to a bfa capped account afterwards, its one of the main reasons I am focusing on 50 and not 48/49 especially since they are fairly similar now. 50s get access to a bit more gear as well. I am pretty sure I can access most things below 50 by using party sync as well, so it doesn't restrict much in that use case.
I think you get access to the world quest 50% bonus week at 50, but I am not 100% sure and can't really remember because I didn't focus on world quests or rep before now because they didn't seem beneficial. I have not tested it at 48/49, 50 may be the cutoff for the event bonus but its been a while since i've watched for it, i remember it was very close to max when you got the buff. I guess we will see when it comes around at the start of march, if we still have xpoff access by then.
Do Shadowlands dungeons provide rep through bosses or something similar? Or is it just the one time quest you get in each zone? Can 48/49s access the dungeons manually?
Threads of fate questlines for 50s have worked perfectly for me so far, haven't had any problems except some lvl 60 stuff that i've tried to obtain still requiring lvl 60 which is to be expected.All great points, very tempted but last time I tried moving a char it was from bfa to legion and I got locked out. Does it work fine moving from shadowlands to bfa, get my first renown, all these rep rewards and switch?
Regarding rep and dungeons on 49, we can’t get it manually, via finder etc it’s been a non starter (tried on the PTR too and still the same). At 50 you will be able to complete the weekly quest for the dungeons which will reward iirc 500 rep for your chosen zone and the quest you mentioned (not sure if they will reward rep or not).
49 in threads of fate are very buggy, some quest lines just stop because your unable to loot mobs for a quest item, I read 50’s don’t have such problems so you may be able to progress further in the one quests too.
thank you again DeLindsay
I was thinking about it, i said i could confirm but didnt talked about the apparent bugs. Basically, like said before, some things are kinda buggy on 48-49, like cant looting mobs, also in this list is that WQ dont pop on our minimaps, but they pop com WoW Companion appCould you please link the 500 rep weekly or give an example name? Don't think i've seen or done that so it would be really nice to get 500 rep extra each week from a single quest, guess its another nice point for 50s. I am unsure why they dont allow 48/49s into the dungeons, guess they just set the cap then forgot about it or they really want to you to be 50 minimum before doing everything(or they just forgot or didnt realize they set lvl allowance at 48 so they balanced it around 50 of the minimum). Hopefully they fix it eventually, or maybe its best they don't know so they don't restrict it to 50+ only.
I always wondered about that Trinket but never got around to testing if we could get it scaled down. Have you tried starting the Event on a 50 that has Fae Covenant?https://www.wowhead.com/npc=166140/senthii-as-guldan#drops
does anyone know how to get this rares items at below 60? i have seen someone wearing epic 104ilvl of that trinket before. i went there 2 days in a row and its been lvl 60 and dropped a level 60 item each time (hasnt been the guldan one though.)
i tried summoning the rare while party synced to 50 on my 60 and didnt change anything. maybe gf'd?
You have to be 60 to spawn the npc, no way around it from what I can tell. It needs a covenant sanctum upgradeI always wondered about that Trinket but never got around to testing if we could get it scaled down. Have you tried starting the Event on a 50 that has Fae Covenant?
I see some are ilvl 128 and some are 140, what's the deal with that?
He was still in the bastion questline portion of SL... was waiting (gave up) until that belt admitted defeat to go ToF.
edit- just got an epic proc on my favorite trinket... starting to want to try again...