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  • @dirtypaws Do u know about chromie time bug, when the chromie guy can get to a present party time?
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    Reactions: Sketchbag
    The spot in Burning Stepps near Blackrock Stronghold, u can check in all chromie layers its farmed by bots, ~40-60k gph they do with this exploit, and in normal time i saw same farmers all of them are 59-60 lvls
    Oh yea that’s the normal player in chromie time that I said about the multi person mount.
    And they do the same but only in reverse,this is very interesting how its possible
    an invite to another group who also downed him, theory was because the 2nd was tagged before the first died you got loot twice.
    You know that is not as daft as it sounds, I remember world bosses could be looted twice a day if you tagged them in one phase, then got a
    Yeah, I figured it might be possible as you could loot more than one Throne of Thunder chests a week, if you could do it fast enough. Probably not worth it though tbh lol.
    Why is @Sun allowed to spam some shite stock, its off topic and he is trying to offer financial advice on a computer game forum.
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    Reactions: Sketchbag
    Sorry, I just dont like people pumping and dumping, sorry it you got suckered by WSB buying high and your trying to cash out.
    No, this is a historic play that is going to unfold over the next few months. This is a exceptional opportunity that will never happen again.
    The call to arms quest An Urgent Request will be offered to level 48 players and begin a storyline in your faction’s capital city- from blzz
    Well they are up na now, hopefully someone will test on a low level. 115 from Nathanos at 50
    Everytime im flying to a world boss location, as my computer draws the distance I see a slumping boss body hit the ground almost everytime
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