10's Shadowlands Gear Guide

bis meta gem for balance/resto druid?
That's a tough one. Most likely it's the still-as-yet-to-be-nerfed 12 Crit Meta from Bashir's Landing. Outside of that, the chance to increase Casting can be powerful, but also unreliable. Int + 3% Crit ceiling is also nice, but not amazing due to how low 10's Crit for.
Honorable mention: The quest To be Prepared https://www.wowhead.com/quest=42782/to-be-prepared.
Gives an armor buff https://www.wowhead.com/spell=215387/polished-armor.
Gives a weak dmg proc https://www.wowhead.com/spell=215598/holy-enchantment.
Gives a free well fed buff of 2 vers.
9 (1 time only)bis bandages: https://www.wowhead.com/item=103644/blessed-bandage

If you skipped this quest because you did it before you can pick it up again in Dalaran in the main spire, where the council stands, from an Archivist. She will give you the option to start it again.

Don't turn in the quest and you will always have a dmg proc, well fed, and 30% armor buff for dungeons.

Works in dungeons and all zones but I am not sure about bg/arena/raid.
The problem is, if you don't turn in the Quest you cannot get your Artifacts for that Character. It is a great set of Buffs though.

Yes you can my dk has the buffs and weapon.
[doublepost=1610066959][/doublepost]still got the quest


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I remember it telling you that you can do it later or something.... just never looked into it myself. Love those buffs.
I asked this question in the 20s forum some days ago, for the rare situation where artifacts might not be BIS.
I did NOT think you could have both. So, do you 'SKIP: I've seen this before', get the artifacts, and then come back to that archivist?
Works in dungeons and all zones but I am not sure about bg/arena/raid.
As I mentioned in that thread, it's removed in BG, at least when you're not max for that bracket.
However, IIRC persists through death.
So, do you 'SKIP: I've seen this before', get the artifacts, and then come back to that archivist?

I've been getting the ring on all my toons, then skipping after that quest (think it's the only way you can skip for the horde, at least was for a while) and i just went to the archivist on a level 15 and she re-gave me the scenario quest.

Got all 3 buffs. I dont know what happens if you skip before turning in the ring quest but it 100% works after it.

I've been getting the ring on all my toons, then skipping after that quest (think it's the only way you can skip for the horde, at least was for a while)
So, currently looking at it from SW: "Recruiter Lee" is the only one currently offering a skip. I know that I can ignore Lee and get the buffs. Been doing that. Same, horde-side.

Now, out on the dock, next to the ship, I now see 'Knight Dameron' independently offers the quest/boat, which gives the blue/rare weapons. No skip offered, yet (or ring). So, I can bypass Lee and the ring, but when do they offer me another chance to skip? Don't mind doing the scenario, as you can skip about half of the cut scenes.
Seems clear I can just do the Broken Shore landing, leaving Lee and his buffs for later use and re-use.
Other ways to do this?

Seems like getting the ring, would prevent re-starting that quest, but @Wargave gets the ring AND can restart that pre-landing quest.
So, I can bypass Lee and the ring, but when do they offer me another chance to skip?

You can skip before the ring or after the ring, even accept the next quest. Just dont get on the boat... head back to Lee.

The screenshot i gave was on a toon i definitely got the ring on, but I vendored the ring cuz it was level 10 or I'd show it.
You can skip before the ring or after the ring, even accept the next quest. Just dont get on the boat... head back to Lee.

The screenshot i gave was on a toon i definitely got the ring on, but I vendored the ring cuz it was level 10 or I'd show it.
Well, if I don't get on the boat...how do I get the artifacts? Mage portal to New Dal? The class hall quest will be offered anyway?
Return to recruiter Lee and he still offers to let you skip to dalaran.

edit- get your buffs and ring and go back to Lee, he'll port you to dal as if you finished the scenario. Same with horde.

then when you want to get back to the phase with the buff tables, go to the archivist:

(showing the ring and an artifact weapon here for ya ;))

NEVER get on the boat tho, or you'll lose the ability to get the buffs, i believe. Maybe not, but no need to find out.

If you never drop or progress that quest the tables should always be there, barring some other xpac phasing, maybe.

Or probably leveling, it'd be an issue endgame if people could still get 30% armor buffs and stuff.
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Does ring enchants work on lvl 10? I noticed my char sheet stats don't change and neither the dmg on spell tooltips
Using Deja Addon I can't confirm that they do, other than for show. I have a feeling the Stat squish pushes them below 1 while they still show as 1. What leads me to believe this is that there are Enchants that give a benefit of 0 on the TT.
You can skip before the ring or after the ring, even accept the next quest. Just dont get on the boat... head back to Lee.
Working on both Alliance and Horde. Thx all
Note: at least on the Horde side, after getting the ring, I couldn't get the second 'skip' offer until I had accepted the quest from the guy at the boat. So: Get ring>> Accept boat quest >> back to first guy for the 'skip'.
NB: while you're in this phase, the SW boat doesn't run to Borean. Waited 10-15 min, and it never came.
So I've been testing out some World Bosses and so far no luck. Galleon won't give me loot on any 10 I've tried nor a 15 (the Level of the Zone).
[doublepost=1611471843,1611444893][/doublepost]Added a new section to the OP called 'BUFFS' after finding Food for 10's that's 5 Mastery, Abyssal-Fried Rissole. I will work on updating that section with any/all Buffs available to 10's now.
I now have confirmed proof that 10's CAN get at least something from World Bosses (Legion at least). I duo'd Humongris with my Achievement 10 and my main 60 and got 1x Curious Coin out of the deal, and like 25g. I did NOT get credit for the World Quest though.
LvL 10 World Boss_Humungrous_cropped.jpg
Now do that for 159 more coins and be world 1st twink with the self-earned turtle!

Honestly that mount is a feat for anyone though with the low drop rate of coins

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