
  1. Twentified 9.2.5 Patch Notes

    NEW UPDATE!!! - Class Tuning 5/27/2022 - Source: https://www.wowhead.com/blue-tracker/topic/us/class-tuning-and-pvp-adjustments-coming-in-9-2-5-1250542 CLASSES All classes now generate more threat when in a tank specialization. HUNTER Beast Mastery All damage abilities and pet damage...
  2. Is There a "Best" Rogue Spec Atm

    Just rolled a rogue without really knowing what spec to play. Any input would be helpful, doesn't have to be the meta just wanna know what's viable atm. Thanks!
  3. scrow666

    20s F2P achivments, fishing and more.

    Generally i want to ask your ideas of what can we do f2p with our 20lvl twinks other than PVP and gear up. In my case i farm some of the world events (even the micro ones i think they are the best) and with farm i mean that i gather some pets, mounts and achievements. I do the Anglers rep for...
  4. Syneptic

    20s BGs don't open?

    Hi everyone, I'm playing on EU (Krag'jin) and I get baaarely any BGs to open. If they open it's always like 4vs10 players. Could be 10 Hordes vs. 4 Allies, or sometimes 10 Allies vs. 4 Hordes, they're always unequal. Do BGs open where you guys are playing? If so, on what servers are you...
  5. Kakakaka

    SL 20 Wargames

    With the amount of response on the previous thread, I'm going to organize wargames again. The first form will be on: January 14, 2022 at 8:00 PM EST. There will be streams available for those who want to watch. Rules regarding the games are in the discord under the info tab. I hope to see you...
  6. Kakakaka

    Wargame Interest?

    Hey. Been about half a year since the previous set of wargames, and since then a lot of changes have gone through that have changed the meta a bit. To the point, I want to know how many people are still around and willing to play. If this thread gets enough votes to satisfy me, then I will...
  7. Ivo

    20s Arena War Game Discord [EU]

    Hello everyone! A few guys from the EU arena community made an arena server with a similar goal as the US one https://xpoff.com/threads/20s-arena-discord.96764/ . Everyone who wants to play is welcome regardless of skill level. We have all kinds of players ranging from absolute noobs to multi...
  8. Asylum

    20s DH Guide (Shadowlands)

    Intro(vers) I see you have decided to cast aside others' doubts & persevere through the meme: #DHisBad@PvP... Welcome! Let me show you how to put the "Emo" back into Demon Hunter. The experience is unlike any other, and with time you will learn to dodge some of the pitfalls; but ultimately...
  9. Kirise

    Nirise's Shadowlands 20 Resto Shaman Guide

    Updated for 9.2 Shadowlands brought F2Ps and vets an unprecedented range of gear from which to choose, and the 20 bracket offers many ways to succeed. 20s offer random battlegrounds, wargames, arenas, tournaments, and other opportunities that can call for different approaches in playstyle and...
  10. KangOfWar

    Recruiting Twinks For Selling 10-50 Power Leveling

    Hey all, first time posting long time lurker. You may've seen me as Kangofwar or Kanghouly. After talking to some 20s members, I was encouraged to write a post basically hiring existing twinks from the 20s community, while also teaching briefly what it is I do so that others can start too. I...
  11. Zulu

    20s Arena Discord

    Hello friends and enemies <3 New things coming to the 20s bracket, come get involved. Looking to set up arena events for fun regular games, Notifications will be sent out on discord: https://discord.gg/WshJ8uXnUW Please if you are a Guild coordinator, please feel free to link this discord in...
  12. Current statement of EU lvl20 horde pvp

    So the current statement is a FUKING BIG PART OF SHIT! We have pushed around 20+ matches from tomorrow+today. Summary is 2 wins at start and we stand around 17+ suck in a row. Its dont fuking a thing if premade, russains or any crap goup we face against. There are still many brainless solo...
  13. Twentified 9.1 Notes

    Happy patch day, partially inspired by the previous 20's patch notes thread , here's a copypasta'd 9.1 patch notes with all the relevant 20's info filtered out CLASS CHANGES DEATH KNIGHT Blood Damage of all spells and abilities increased by 6%. Frost Chains of Ice now has a spell...
  14. CigNus

    How do I get that? | 20s Guides

    This is just an archive of all the "How-To" videos on my channel that are useful to 20 twinks. A lot of these guides might seem very self explanatory to you veteran twinks and F2P GODS out there, but to those just starting out, a lot of info can get lost in the random threads on here. Intro...
  15. Leveling vanilla enchanting efficiently?

    Hello Everyone, I have recently taken back my old F2P account and I haven't really found anything about leveling efficiently vanilla enchanting for my crusader. Do you have any information that would prove useful to me or can you redirect me to any ressource about the subject? Feel free to...
  16. Jaska

    F2P Guide to Shadowruby Band Crafting (An Alternative Way of Obtaining Chaos Crystals)

    1. Introduction Hello, guys. After doing all the possible Legion content on my level 20 paladin (zone quests, dungeon quests, rare mobs) I was only rewarded with 7x https://www.wowhead.com/item=124442/chaos-crystal. To say the least, it left me very frustrated, as I was aiming for at least...
  17. Lvl 20 balance druid

    Hey, I have played with feral for most time with my druid, but now i thought to switch balance to feel little caster type. Honostly I dont where to start: - I see mostly 2 tpyes of build int/crit/haste or int/haste/vers. - Really dont get this astral power / cast 2 wraths / cast 2 other s**t...
  18. CigNus

    Twentified Patch Notes [August 9th Hotfix]

    There's usually a lot of patch notes that don't apply to the 20s bracket. I want to make it easier to digest, and I obviously have way too much time on my hands... Stuff I'm not sure about I've added [UNSURE] to the front of it. Usually means I can't figure out if its a valid level 20 ability...
  19. WTB/Trade Harmonious sockets ILVL28

    Hey guys Looking for harmonious rings x2 and neck / back with sockets too pls I don’t care about tert ILvl 28 I also have a fair few of random items socketed we could maybe do a swap? aman’thul US
  20. Gobolord

    World Drop Farming Compendium (ilvl 28 BoEs)

    INTRO: Hey guys, I've gotten to a point in gearing where my remaining upgrades are random world drops. Namely ilvl 28 uncommons, and legion epics for chaos crystal. After searching through this forum, I found a few threads and some comments discussing the best places to farm. Since they were all...