Twentified 9.2.5 Patch Notes


NEW UPDATE!!! - Class Tuning 5/27/2022 - Source:

  • All classes now generate more threat when in a tank specialization.

  • Beast Mastery
    • All damage abilities and pet damage increased by 4%.
  • Arcane
    • Arcane Missiles damage increased by 8%.
    • Arcane Blast damage increased by 10%.
    • Clearcasting can no longer be dispelled.
  • Mistweaver
    • Reduced cooldown on Zen Focus Tea (PvP Talent) to 30 seconds (was 45).
  • Windwalker
    • Rising Sun Kick damage Increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
    • Fists of Fury damage to primary target increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
    • Blackout Kick damage increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
    • Tiger Palm damage increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
  • Discipline
    • Blaze of Light (PvP Talent) increases damage to Smite and Penance by 30% (was 15%).
  • Discipline, Shadow
    • Power Word: Shield absorb amount increased by 10% in PvP.
    • Fixed a bug that reduced the value of Power Word: Shield critical strikes in PvP.
  • Outlaw
    • Between the Eyes damage increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
    • Pistol Shot damage increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
    • Sinister Strike damage increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
    • Blade Flurry damage increased to 60% of single target damage (was 50%). This change does not apply to PvP.
  • Healing Stream Totem’s healing increased by 20% in PvP.
  • Elemental
    • Earth Shock damage is no longer reduced by 10% in PvP.
  • Demonology
    • Felguard’s Legion Strike now reduces effectiveness of healing on the target by 25% (was 10%) in PvP.
  • Arms
    • Mortal Strike damage increased by 10%. This change does not apply to PvP.
    • Overpower damage increased by 10%. This change does not apply to PvP.
    • Execute damage increased by 15%. This also affects Protection Warriors. This change does not apply to PvP.
  • Fury
    • Battle Trance (PvP Talent) now generates 3 rage (was 5) every 3 seconds for 18 seconds after using Raging Blow twice in a row on a target.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Bone Shields consumed by Tombstone (Talent) to not reduce the cooldown of Blood Tap by the correct amount.

  • Players are now able to directly invite members of the opposite faction to a party if you have a BattleTag or Real ID friendship, or if you are members of a cross-faction WoW Community.
  • Premade Groups in the Group Finder listings for Mythic dungeons, raids, or rated arena/RBGs are now open to applicants of both factions, though the group leader may choose to restrict the listing to same-faction applicants if they so choose.
  • WoW Communities now have the option to be cross-faction, while Guilds will remain single-faction.
  • Random matchmade activities like Heroic dungeons, Skirmishes, or Random Battlegrounds will all remain same-faction. [LEARN MORE]
  • The following instances are not cross-faction:
    • Darkmaul Citadel (Exile's Reach dungeon)
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Blizzard Shop transmog cosmetics to temporarily disappear from your collection.
  • Fixed an issue where Jingles battle pet would display as "Unknown" when summoned and its wreath and candy cane accessories were the incorrect size in the Pet Journal.

  • All search filter dropdowns now have a button that lets you easily remove all active filters.
  • The default hand cursor now has new, higher resolution art for its larger sizes under Interface Options → Accessibility.
  • The Report Player pane has been redesigned, with new categories added.

Looks like the biggest things in this patch are the Cross-faction communities/Group Finder and the new Cosmetic items for Blood Elf and Dark Iron Dwarves, but they are gated at level 60 and 50 sadly. Release date is slated for 5/31 (May 31st)
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This player says random BGs "has queued xFaction already". Has anyone tried it? Does this mean a cross-faction party can queue on the side of the party leader regardless of faction? Ex: alliance leader invites 4 hordes and queues them on alliance side.
The only thing you need to know about 9.2.5 is:

You can now get Horned Viking Helmet on Alliance without paying $30 (or $60) through cross-faction grouping (at least, I could on the PTR).


Also, your transmog you paid real money for won't randomly disappear all the time, hooray! It's only a bug that's existed since (at least) Wendigo Woolies was put into the game and to think they continued to release new transmog that also fell victim to the bug. It's like this company has no integrity whatsofuu-ever. Imagine continuing to sell faulty products to people well after becoming aware of said fault all while admitting you have no idea how to fix it... for years. Yes, I'm salty, thanks for asking.
Also, your transmog you paid real money for won't randomly disappear all the time, hooray! It's only a bug that's existed since (at least) Wendigo Woolies was put into the game and to think they continued to release new transmog that also fell victim to the bug. It's like this company has no integrity whatsofuu-ever. Imagine continuing to sell faulty products to people well after becoming aware of said fault all while admitting you have no idea how to fix it... for years. Yes, I'm salty, thanks for asking.
If they actually fix it that's lowkey best part of the new patch
The only thing you need to know about 9.2.5 is:

You can now get Horned Viking Helmet on Alliance without paying $30 (or $60) through cross-faction grouping (at least, I could on the PTR).


View attachment 20973
This player says random BGs "has queued xFaction already". Has anyone tried it? Does this mean a cross-faction party can queue on the side of the party leader regardless of faction? Ex: alliance leader invites 4 hordes and queues them on alliance side.

Yeah, Mercenary mode for random BGs has been around since BFA, so there's not really much of an excuse not to release it with this patch, other than the fact that they are still probably trying to get it to work for Random PVE dungeons. The funny thing is that, a lot of players probably don't know this feature still exists because they probably mostly play alliance, and this has only ever been available to horde players (because they have always outnumbered alliance players)
just incase the above screenie causes some confusion... you dont *need* to have a horde toon trade the item to you. Alliance toons can loot the dwarves


arenas skirms 'bout to become even more annoying
Thanks for clarifying, it seemed like you could but all I was getting was potions and the recipe and I was too lazy to run it again after I got the helmet on my horde toon. I should've clarified that you could loot the dwarves.

I apologize for any confusion. The salt had floweth forth and clouded mine judgement.
not sure why epics would stop dropping. I'd be interested in where you got that to hear their reasoning.
I heard it from some other level 20 in-game, he says hes been spam farming it because its getting GFed and when i asked why he couldnt really explain (his english was not good at all, he was french).

Maybe there is info written in french on twinkunivers website about it and that is where he got it from, idk
I heard it from some other level 20 in-game, he says hes been spam farming it because its getting GFed and when i asked why he couldnt really explain (his english was not good at all, he was french).

Maybe there is info written in french on twinkunivers website about it and that is where he got it from, idk
Regarding Ulda, it's getting a remake in DF. If history is any indicator, we should hit it & score everything we can outta there before that happens; cause chances are the remake will erase the old dungeon.

Haven't heard a single thing about wd-epics. How would that even work?
Regarding Ulda, it's getting a remake in DF. If history is any indicator, we should hit it & score everything we can outta there before that happens; cause chances are the remake will erase the old dungeon.
That might be what he's thinking of but I think people are getting a little over their skis here. They didnt say they were remaking Uldaman, they said there would be a special level 60 version of it for the pre-patch event. There are also apparently "unknown chambers" listed under the "new dungeons" on the official DF website.

But none of that says "theyre remaking uldaman". It seems like theres just gonna be a temporary one off (kinda like Korraks isnt actually AV) and a new dungeon thats located in the same spot.

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