
  1. 20s and queues

    Hey, I just need to know if 20s get queues with xp off or do games only pop for f2p/vets with no sub/game time? Trying to see if it's worth the effort making a twink on a subbed account. Thanks.
  2. Gryffon

    Blizz removed the Honor Kills from the PvP tab?

    Anyone else see this? Im guilty of always looking at it, and I miss it now.
  3. Gryffon

    Farming IL 28 gear in Nazmir, only getting cloth.

    I am farming on a level 20 hunter in Nazmir and I am only getting cloth greens. Am I just farming the wrong mobs, or is something else going on?
  4. Nkopala

    Spanish-speaking Latino Forum

    Some time ago there were different forums dedicated to specific languages, but they have been deleted including some long important writings related to the subjective experience of each nation, country language. For this I wanted to know what the reason is and if it is possible to add a portion...
  5. Asylum

    Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    INTRODUCTION Shadowlands is perhaps the most historic expansion to an MMORPG we have ever seen. The sheer scale of the leveling system changes is only rivaled by overhaul projects for other MMOs. So, with that said... @Chops & I are aiming to cover the absolute essential "Quality of Life"...
  6. Shadowlands - Legion gear fix?

    First of all, hello! I'm septvm/yutoh ingame. So as everyone knows now, the legion dungeon gear was nerfed from ilvl44 to ilvl25ish, We all can see so many posts about it already (including this one, sorry!) But i made this thread in the hopes of finding a solution, as it seems some people...
  7. Asylum

    F2P/Vet Picture Thread

    a fresh thread for the tons of fresh Shadowlands Dragonflight content that has descended upon us.
  8. US Epic Battlegrounds

    TL;DR: Scheduling of this event has been put on hiatus due to lack of interest. Hopefully a break will rejuvenate public interest. With the expansion coming to an end and more people playing 20s than ever before due to quarantine, this is probably NA's only (and last) shot at getting epic...
  9. US Party with the Firefighters - WoW's 15th Anniversary

    Howdy fellow community, WoW's 15th Anniversary is coming much sooner than we initially expected (this upcoming Tuesday to be exact.) I'm sure anyone that's even remotely active on retail knows about the AV event that's coming up and its once in a lifetime potential. If this version of AV...
  10. Radical

    Selling Grandfathered Arcanum Leg Enchants

    Hello twonks. @Boognish recently stumbled across a handful of grandfathered arcanum enchants and we've teamed up to sell them here on twinkinfo. 3x Arcanum of Focus (3sp at lvl 20) 4x Arcanum of Rapidity (4 haste at lvl 20) 4x Arcanum of Protection (6 dodge at lvl 20) Prices: Focus 750k (1mil...
  11. Kakakaka

    US Greetings.

    New 20's player here, With the bracket dying, let's get straight to the point: Who is the best currently? By that, I mean to ask simply what players are actually impressive or good at the game. I haven't been playing this bracket very long, but within my small experience of ~150 bg's...
  12. ohti

    US <Teldrassil Firefighters> - Alliance Kel'Thuzad Guild

    Hello! Future ohti here. If you're reading this thread after October 31st, 2022, <TF> has (mostly) moved to Classic under a new name. More info can be found here: https://xpoff.com/threads/hey-sport-soccer-dads-is-recruiting-wotlk-39s-alliance-pagle.98626/ <TF> will continue to be around on...
  13. EU+US BiS Talents Guide

    hey so heres a list i've put together for each spec talking about what talent you should pick and stuff if the choice is a no brainer I wont go into much detail but if you can pick and choose i'll explain why also theres apparently a photo upload cap of 25 so some of the last few specs are...
  14. BOOMDJ

    US 20s Horde Community

    Hi all - since there doesn't seem to be a community specific for the 20s bracket, I decided to make one on US Horde side (Vets & F2P). Hopefully this will help with forming groups and sharing info in-game. Link is below, please share with anyone you'd like. US Horde 20s XPON
  15. EU+US Alterac Valley?

    So I know that it's an "option" to queue for alterac valley. I was wondering if there was a way that we could recruit massive amounts of Vets and F2ps to all queue up at the same time (both horde and alliance obviously) and somehow get it so an AV pops. I haven't played AV since burning crusade...
  16. ohti

    Veteran Quick Start Gearing Guide [BFA]

    Introduction Welcome to the veteran's quick start gear guide. The purpose of this guide is to give new veterans a solid reference when gearing their toons. Some of this can apply to pure free to play players aswell, but not all of it. This was a doozy to write, so I needed some help. Proper...
  17. Schalood

    EU Random Epic Battleground

    We can queue, get on, get in.
  18. icehawk

    EU+US Patch 7.3 gear changes for 20's

    With the recent changes in 7.3, I was hoping to get a list of gear changes all in the one place. If you are aware of any changes to BiS gearing, please post and I'll try keep this thread updated. This relates to 20's only. I don't have a lot of toons, so I can only report what I've found on...
  19. US <Warsong Outriders> BH Horde 20-29

    <Warsong Outriders> 20-29 Guild, we are looking into making a team for wargames vs other guilds, and arenas. We can fund most of the pieces like the rock and the neck, if you guys are interested in joining add Craftyfc#1271 or message Gaspedalyo-Bleeding for inv.
  20. US 20-29 PvE

    Hello, for those of you who don't know me I am Towerz the Night Elf Druid along with several other alts. I have been looking for more interested people for raid like content. I have found a few bosses and areas throughout azeroth that are fairly consistent with raid like difficulty. Many places...