Recruiting Twinks For Selling 10-50 Power Leveling


Hey all, first time posting long time lurker. You may've seen me as Kangofwar or Kanghouly.
After talking to some 20s members, I was encouraged to write a post basically hiring existing twinks from the 20s community, while also teaching briefly what it is I do so that others can start too.

I made the Discord community, <MG/KG> to learn in detail:


TLDR: I have been selling 10-50 power leveling at the speed of under 6mins per level, for 5k gold per level, for a few months now, exclusively alliance side. Sometimes we have buyers who want the cheaper option of under 8mins or under 12mins per level for 4k and 3k gold respectively.

I am at a shortage of twinks and require more to balance the demand, as well as once my sub runs out and I begin selling Horde side in 9 days. The max population of Sargeras and Stormrage are 14k players each, while that of Area52, Illidan, Thrall and BH are in the 20,000's.

If you do not already have a twinked warrior or paladin, please do not worry.

My community fully sponsors new players interested in making a twink for this purpose. We will level you from 10 to 20, give you BOE socket greens, gems, and enchants provided that you cover the account transfer or veteran status. (Free to play pure characters struggle to obtain the same speed and results.)

The sponsorship and recruitment only applies to Warriors and Paladins.
We are still researching Mages, Shamans, and Priests at this time.


Logistics & Gold Per Hour:

1 Loop = 4 Runs = Lv10 to Lv 19
TBC Dungeons, xp ON.

6 Min Speed | 5k Gold Per:
This is comprised of a 3-Man Team. A level 20 xp on twink paladin, and two lv10 xp on mages. The gold split is 40% - 30% - 30%, and we average 8 minimum runs - 2 loops - per hour. With a level 10 buyer, 2 loops of 4 instances nets them a total of 16 levels, placing them at level 26. This total gold earned is 80,000g. This consistently yields 32,000g for the twink, 24,000g for each mage. The community and advertises do not syphon any of the income, you split it directly.

8 Min Speed | 4k Gold Per: This is comprised of a 2-Man Team. A level 20 xp on twink paladin OR warrior, and a lv10 Rsham or Mage. The gold split is 60% - 40%, and we average 6 to 7 runs per hour. Calculating the price for 1 Loop ( 4 Runs ), it is 9 levels for 45,000g. The twinks split is 27,000g, and 13,000g for the Sham/Mage.

12 Min Speed | 3k Gold Per: This is a 1-Man Team, a level 20 xp on warrior usually, but paladin also works. The gold split is 100%, and we average 4 to 5 runs per hour. Calculating the price of 1 Loop, this is 12,000g for the twink.

Now, the prices I gave you were for 1 buyer. Each group holds 5 total people.
6Min = 32,000g per buyer | You can hold 2 Buyers | = 64,000g per hour.
8Min = 27,000g per buyer | You can hold 3 Buyers | = 81,000g per hour.
12Min = 12,000g per buyer | You can hold 4 Buyers | = 48,000g per hour.

This is performed on the following twinks armories:

Prices, Speed, and Size pulled from selling on Moon Guard, Sargeras, and Stormrage.


TLDR TLDR: That's basically it, I need more twink team leaders to provide the number of runs that people seek to buy from me. I am willing to recruit existing twinks and fund aspiring twinks.
Bump this is cool, often wondered why this isn't more of a thing. A few questions for you:

1.) Healers: A few of those teams don't have one, is the thought the pally tank can self heal? Maybe things are dying so fast with the double mages it doesn't matter? Do you just pug heals and have it be enough?
2.) No Guardian Druid: Is Guar viable at all, seems decent with Bramble and bleeds/EF. Self heals, speed as well.
3.) What server should the 20 tank be on?
Bump this is cool, often wondered why this isn't more of a thing. A few questions for you:

1.) Healers: A few of those teams don't have one, is the thought the pally tank can self heal? Maybe things are dying so fast with the double mages it doesn't matter? Do you just pug heals and have it be enough?
2.) No Guardian Druid: Is Guar viable at all, seems decent with Bramble and bleeds/EF. Self heals, speed as well.
3.) What server should the 20 tank be on?

Heya! Thanks for inquiring, I love answering questions on this subject.

1) Regarding healers: the Paladin in the 3-Man Group actually acts as a threat generating healer. In the sense that, when paired against a lv10 mage, no one can hold aggro. So the priority shifts to picking a tank that is durable enough to chain pull multiple mobs and soak some threat, while pumping every WOG into the mages to keep them afloat.

Since Arcane Explosion has a cap of 20 targets, you need to be pulling 3 to 4 mobs whenever possible to maximize it, which means they're dying in 2-3 hits but at the same time if your mages aren't careful about threat generation then they instantly die lol. It's a fun game of juggling aggro with mashing AE. Prot Paladins have a talent that makes their hammer reduce the damage of anyone hit by the spin, which ultimately aids this further.

We're experimenting with Mistweaver Monks in the 2-Man, 8 minute group currently because crane kick + a warrior should be enough. The main trade off is both Prot/Fury warriors pump out more damage than a Paladin, but lack the sustain by comparison.

2) IMO Guardian isn't viable when paired with 2 mages because even with Parjesh and Lifestealing on bramble, I was struggling to keep myself alive when pulling 3-4 packs. They put out more damage than a paladin, but bring even less sustain than them.

I believe Fury warriors are the best at a 1-Man team, because double crusader + bloodthirst allows them to be indestructable - they just have to choose where Fury warriors can only whirlwind a max of 5 targets compared to 20 from AE, and they also struggle on Ramparts because of the spam disarms blocking their sustain. (Prot Warrior fixes this with Clap, Shield Block, and Shield Slam all being usable while disarmed, but you have substantially less sustain due to one less crusader and no aoe spammable proccing tool.

3) Generally the consensus I go by for US servers at least is if you're going to min-max and go straight for BC Blues, then the priority becomes Talasite gems. Which would be any server of your preference where there's like 30 in supply for cheap. If you want it instantly geared through our program, we require them to be on Bleeding Hollow horde or alliance so we have access to the BOE Socket Green economy. For reference, Talasite gems on BH cost roughly 10-15k per, where as on Area52 I'm buying them or around 2k a piece.

Bonus Question 4) I've been on the fence about posting semi-publicly (this isn't like, as big as reddit or youtube) for a while, but realized that if I kept the incentives high and didn't syphon any gold from their profits, perhaps anyone who thought "I don't have to team up with Kang, I can just do this myself" would instead realize we can work together while still building our own profits. Plus who knows, encouraging and creating an "event" to bring in new players could work out well!
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We just made it through our first week of our shop being open.
We raised prices and are still struggling to keep up with the demand from our buyers.

Just a reminder that we're fully funding leveling from 10 to 20, gearing, enchants, gems,
and can teach you the entire process to work at your own schedule and make 30-45k an hour on average (low capacity, worst settings, VS max capacity, high settings) while relaxing and god-mode killing monsters in dungeons!

Join our discord here:

We've rebranded to <COOKIE'S CARAVAN>

2 Man Teams at max capacity - YOU EARN 97,200g in an hour
3 Man Teams at max capacity - YOU EARN 67,000g in an hour
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Wondering how you find buyers? You just spam trade chat?
Generally ya! We use / hire advertisers to post in trade. Word of mouth travels because we're the only seller that does 10-50 power leveling. Whenever we do instances we also have a macro we plug basically saying "hey the reason this dungeon is ultra fast is because it's a carry. Buy one for yourself here-"

Some communities /try/ to sell Freehold boosting but charge 10k for levels 10-30 and 20k for levels 40-50. It's slow and overall unpleasant, even worse when they try to do islands.

We use twinks so we can afford to sell it cheaper and faster.
So you spam random TBC dungeons? That's now better then Freehold?

Ya, imo. It's objectively superior to Islands, but I think it's comparably better than Freehold, at worst it's equal.

You can redo the quests via party sync, so 4 dungeons (a 30 minute loop) takes someone from 10 to 19, then 19 to 26, then 26 to 31, then 31 to 35, then it becomes one level per dungeon until 50.

Freehold requires a lot of micro management because the player can't fully afk or /follow, and then the PVE 60s have to be really geared.

For TBC dungeons you just take 1 twink and some lvl 10 mages and plow through while the buyers either afks at the gate or /follows for xp soak

But some quests you have to pick up things and stuff like that right. So they can't just afk ?

If they afk it's one level per dungeon, if they choose to be semi afk then it's almost 2 levels early on.

We've found that most players are going to be at their computer anyway - whether it's to leave the instance portal and reset the dungeon in freehold, moving along to stay in xp range - or to turn just follow along and turn in quests.

They also have the option of afking at the start for around one level, or /following for about 30% extra due to killing the dense, TBC packed dungeons. It accommodates the buyer by giving them options based on how much effort they want to commit
I'm very interested, I have a very open schedule. I just have a few questions and may need to be walked through the proper process so I can get it all down. would love to hear from you on discord, Monkkie#8004
NA realms only ?
ya sorry about that, we only do NA/US realms at this time
I'm very interested, I have a very open schedule. I just have a few questions and may need to be walked through the proper process so I can get it all down. would love to hear from you on discord, Monkkie#8004

Hype!! added you :D
I'm on quite a bit. If Emerald Dream US works let's talk

Friend request sent in game! I'm OniGiri#11570 :D

Now recruiting Alliance / Horde Level 10 Monk Twinks, Lv11 Druids, and Lv20 Tanks.

45-70k per hour, need more boosters to match the demand. Hit me up for any questions in game or in discord!

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