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  1. Inc Jadyn...

    What's going on in here?...
  2. I want to roll a 39, many questions

    US.... Not euro
  3. Elemental Shammys are good? WTF no wai.

    Where did you get 5%?
  4. Elemental Shammys are good? WTF no wai.

    I posted this thread on the Nightfall forums.
  5. Elemental Shammys are good? WTF no wai.

    Just some quick input on the new fire nova spec. Fire nova scales terribly with spellpower (on single targets) because it is an aoe ability. So stacking int/stam is going to be more beneficial in most cases, especially arena. This spec has amazing burst potential but it is VERY mana...
  6. [Video]Boostz III Mage PVP

    I enjoyed the vid. I felt dumb though because for about 10 mins I kept wondering how you had deep freeze and blazing speed at the same time. Then I realized after it procced while you weren't being hit that it was rocket boots ><.
  7. [Video]Boostz III Mage PVP

    I don't understand.
  8. 30-39 item changes(credit to Ishh)

    I wonder why they didn't change Icemail Jerkin.
  9. Rate my 39s hehe

    Why, yes. That way if someone says "lol 300 herb and AGM" I can say "nou".
  10. Rate my 39s hehe

    300 herb is a crutch O_o
  11. Rate my 39s hehe

    Bump. Updated.
  12. Its a Enhance Shammy!

    Don't even bother listening to Lunar. He is only here because he believes in running perfect 10v10 comps with 6 hunters, and doesn't think that you should put in a shaman where a hunter could be there instead.
  13. Its a Enhance Shammy!

    Because although resto can outheal a spellhance shaman, the other utility that it brings adds much more to offensive flag returning.
  14. Its a Enhance Shammy!

    As a spellhance shaman in WSG, your main goal is to be on offense. You will be providing the following: 1. offensive purging on the flag carrier 2. interrupts on nearby healers 3. average dps and lots of frostshocks/earthbinds on the flag carrier itself 4. heals and cleanses for your...
  15. US Green Lens of Stamina (+25/24/24)

    any of these still up for grabs?
  16. Its a Enhance Shammy!

    Hi there. The basic goal of the spellhance spec is to be able to put pressure on people while you support your partner. The dps can be fairly substantial, especially when you are taking hits (lightning shield hurts), but you will most likely not be keeping up with rogues/hunters/warriors in...
  17. What class?

    Cyclone for EU Nightfall is the only US BG worth going to.
  18. Rate my 39s hehe

    Frost shock hits you Frozen power hits you you are rooted for 5 seconds shaman and partner catch up to you you die. I prefer surefooted/trap mastery to keep frost trap down indefinitely. It's a personal choice, and I like it better for arenas. o_O
  19. Rate my 39s hehe

    Thank you for the in depth analysis :) I would have agreed with you when you said I probably have a very unique play style but lately it seems that my build is becoming more popular, although it is utilized a bit differently.
  20. Rate my 39s hehe

    Grodala: Grodala Fatdala: Fatdala fyi, I have BOA shoulders for my hunter coming soon - RIP naxx flints :(