Elemental Shammys are good? WTF no wai.

K. 20% increase in crit bonus gives you 5% more damage crit% of the time.

So if you have 10% crit like you say that one talent point gets you .5% more spell damage total. If you have 10% crit then 1% more crit gets you 1/110thns more damage/healing or .9% more damage and healing roughly (slightly lower because spell crits aren't at the full 200% in this case).

With 10% crit 1% more gives an additional:

melee dps .9%

healing .9%

spell dps .9%

With 10% crit 20% more spell crit bonus gives an additional:

melee dps 0

healing .5%

spell dps .5%
You multiply the current crit bonus which is an additional 50% damage by 20% for each talent point. Giving you 10%. This gives you the same outcome as bumping your crit multiplier up .1 for each point. So it goes from 1.5 (standard spell crit multiplier) to 1.6 to 1.7 etc ending finally at 2.0 for 5 points.

So deciding what to do with your last talent point, you've already got 4 points in the talent giving you a crit multiplier of 1.9, boosting this up to 2.0 is adding 1/20th to the total making it a 5% boost in damage on crits.

I think a lot of this is coming down to play style...im simply not playing it like you guys were maybe thinking...could be good, could be bad I suppose.

I have been using mostly flametongue and more often than not (cept vs healers) im not trying to melee....slowing groups, kiting around fire totems has been key for me. I dont really like this spec for doing the kind of things spellhance was doing.

Maybe thats why im not really going along with your line of thinking.

The dps is pretty hot playing this ele spec as ele....outside of full affliction locks ive been able to out dps just about everything when im not stuck on a boring defense or something. Its like...a mid range class which is kinda not normal for this game I guess...weve got ranged casters and melee for the most part...this is kinda in the middle.

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