I don't know hunters, but I do know shamans.
10/10. I went over the gear, talent tree, and glyphs with a comb, and found a really unique setup here. You don't see (m)any spellhance shamans in the 39 bracket.
You went higher on stamina and intellect than I expected, and really maxed out your stats in a "bang for the buck" kind of way. I think that's the second Green Lens of the Eagle I've ever seen, for the record. Combine your gear with your utility glyphs and talent choices, and I imagine you have a very specific playstyle: instead of burst, you tie up as many opponents as possible and wear them down. Once I understood the playstyle implied by this build, all my suggestions went away. I can't think of a single piece of gear I would change, and that includes keeping your current chest over a BoA option. I really don't like the [ITEM]Robes of the Lich[/ITEM], but for what you're doing, I think they're the top choice.
This shaman was built as a total team player. All shocks, interrupts, and totems. You probably have the [ITEM]16055[/ITEM] as part of your engineering, as that would complement your options. If not, I recommend getting it.
I wouldn't have considered a spellhance shaman for the 39 bracket -- this one sets the standard. The sign of a good twink setup is one that makes others think, and this shaman succeeded admirably.