Its a Enhance Shammy!

So I got asked to play an enh shammy. After looking through some reasources I see a lot about "spellhance" builds and gear, but the info looks old and nothing much is really said about playstyle. Anyone know any good enh shammy guides that are current?
Here's a mini-rundown on spellenhance.


That spec is pretty standard for spellenhance as is the gear ( normally he uses BoA chest and aquamarine eagle ring). You should have all the normal alt gear like rings, trinkets, 30int weapon. Bleh, I just realized he's elemental.

The World of Warcraft Armory

That is the standard spellenhance spec. Playstyle is very much centered around utility. In bg's you wade into the middle of combat adding purges, grounding totems, offheals, spell cc (wind shear), and windfury burst dps. The reason spell enhance tends to be in the middle of things is twofold. First, our manaregen relies highly on watershield. So unless you don't have a pet on you or a player attacking you.. mana can be an issue. Secondly, we take dmg well and dish out a respectable amount all the while adding group buffs and cc all over the place.

Stoneclaw totem + frost shock + earth bind totem + ghost wolf is your escape measure. Part of the allure of spellenhance is that it can add a ton of pressure to an enemy team via purges, shocks, and surprisingly good 1hand windfury dps.

I think the problem with the majority of spellenhance's right now is they focus too much one one aspect of the character. You see them tunnelvision dps or hang way behind trying to outheal a paladin. The best spellhancers I've seen are constantly changing rolls depending on the situation. Purging a FC while cc'ing a healer, marking rogues while offhealing a group. A lot of people only see the endgame stats and don't take full measure of what spellenhance brought to the table in any given game. I'm fairly new to the class but I'm sure we can get someone like Grodala or Arock to offer there insights as well and I can try and answer any specific questions you have.
would you ever use a 2H with spellhance or is survivability more important than burst, I dont see the build as really being able to win by damage alone. Also do you have a non-BoA gear set, im guessing revelosh eagle shoulders and ZF mallet, but what about chest?
You can 2hand spellenhance against casters obviously. You actually do respectable dmg with sword and board via windfury. I would wear Robes of the Lich if you don't have access to boa's and yeah eagle rev's on shoulder slot. Yeah I would use ZF mallet as well.

You need to remember though.. Either you go full enhance and lose a ton of the survivability / utility or don't expect to be doing rogue dps all the time, every time. You are dependent on windfury and shocks to do burst which at times *can* be nice. I had a combo today that landed in the neighborhood of 900 (windfury crits and a shock non-crit). But again, that's not your main focus so don't think that you can just lolswordandboard and be 'numba one on the charts'.
Well I'm not lookin to try to play it as something that its not, just used to ehn shammy at 70 which was lolWF2hit. I'm assuming the only attacks i'll be using are shocks and autoattack. So is the focus more on totem choice and purges, heas and such? Thx for the info btw
Yeah, that's basically it and np.
Use the SM shield.
go sp. you want a lot of sp
Dagaz said:
go sp. you want a lot of sp

i would think this.

Though without me knowing the way that spec plays very well, i've seen several shams still running around with sword and board, but with a goosed mallet.

not really sure what that's all about though.
well basically goose is only gonna make you do good melee dps, and after you've probably been meleeing for a bit to get goose to proc...and honestly idk if you should even be doing that much melee.

SP on the other hand enhances all of your other moves like shocks, heals, certain totems....and all the're not putting yourself in extra danger so that you can get a goose proc ya know?

so i say go with sp, but really this is all coming from someone who would probably tell you to just spec Elemental lol :D
Mongoose is pretty terrible for a shammy in this bracket...with no instant attacks it is going to force you even more into a really bad RNG melee game plan which while every now and then is spectacular, its a bad playstyle and most of the time wont happen.

I havnt looked at various peoples specs lately...but keep in mind with 3.3 you are most likely going to be taking the earth totem talent (reduces cool downs on earthbind AND stoneclaw...with stoneclaw especially being bread and butter of the spec/class) so that could change some specs slightly to take advantage of. Angedevie was running that talent anyways back when I saw him activly playing so even if you spec it now youll be in good shape ;p Situations spec is actually pretty different than a lot of the ones ive seen in the past, soo Im not sure if just he specs that a bit different or if thats just the way people are playing it now?
well from what situation was saying sounds like I need to be meleeing for watershield mana regen, and theres not much point putting WF on a weapon if you're not gonna be meleeing. Obviously I'm not gonna stand in front of a rogue and try to beat him down faster than he beats me but I have seen a lot of shammys with savagery or goose on a SoJ using it to murder casters. I was thinking 40 SP would be better for my 1H cause I'm going to be playing defensively everytime I swoard and board but I wasn't quite sure.
yah, I use savagery on my 2h...the ap yields the best overall effect since when im using it its against casters or against an FC where big burst hits is what im going for.

On my 1h I use 30sp (I use BoA mace) because it yields best overall results when shocking, dropping totems, healing etc.
Ok, well that makes sense. I'm dissapointed, mongoose is the most OP enchant and I wanted to be able to use it lol.
Hi there.

The basic goal of the spellhance spec is to be able to put pressure on people while you support your partner. The dps can be fairly substantial, especially when you are taking hits (lightning shield hurts), but you will most likely not be keeping up with rogues/hunters/warriors in terms of damage output.

Some people prefer to play spellhance like a resto build. Frozen power is used as a peel, and they prefer to heal/support over DPS most of the time.

If you have any questions regarding the build feel free to ask. But before you do, I would like to know what your main goal is. Will you be focusing on arena (And if so, only 2s?) or WSG or both? What do you seek to get out of your shaman?

In the mean time I will read all the posts and see if I can make anything more clear or to correct anything people have said that may be misleading about the spec.
Well im only really looking to do WSG, I got asked to play an enh shammy but spellhance looks more viable in a premade situation, any information about pure enh shammys would be nice as well
For premades there are a good portion of people who still think only an actual resto build is viable...but the various dps versions could have their place as well.

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