Rate my 39s hehe

Grodala: [char=Gnomeregan]Grodala[/char]

Fatdala: [char=Gnomeregan]Fatdala[/char]

fyi, I have BOA shoulders for my hunter coming soon - RIP naxx flints :(
I don't know hunters, but I do know shamans.

10/10. I went over the gear, talent tree, and glyphs with a comb, and found a really unique setup here. You don't see (m)any spellhance shamans in the 39 bracket.

You went higher on stamina and intellect than I expected, and really maxed out your stats in a "bang for the buck" kind of way. I think that's the second Green Lens of the Eagle I've ever seen, for the record. Combine your gear with your utility glyphs and talent choices, and I imagine you have a very specific playstyle: instead of burst, you tie up as many opponents as possible and wear them down. Once I understood the playstyle implied by this build, all my suggestions went away. I can't think of a single piece of gear I would change, and that includes keeping your current chest over a BoA option. I really don't like the [ITEM]Robes of the Lich[/ITEM], but for what you're doing, I think they're the top choice.

This shaman was built as a total team player. All shocks, interrupts, and totems. You probably have the [ITEM]16055[/ITEM] as part of your engineering, as that would complement your options. If not, I recommend getting it.

I wouldn't have considered a spellhance shaman for the 39 bracket -- this one sets the standard. The sign of a good twink setup is one that makes others think, and this shaman succeeded admirably.

Thank you for the in depth analysis :)

I would have agreed with you when you said I probably have a very unique play style but lately it seems that my build is becoming more popular, although it is utilized a bit differently.
Grodala said:
Thank you for the in depth analysis :)

I would have agreed with you when you said I probably have a very unique play style but lately it seems that my build is becoming more popular, although it is utilized a bit differently.

same score as above poster.
I'm the opposite, going for the Hunter.

At first look, your crit chance is much too low, so much of the hunter playstyle and the class in general relies on the burst damage of crits, having only 11.36% crit chance is in my opinion much too low.

IMO with access to BoA items the shadowcraft tunic is inferior to the champion's deathdealer brestplate.

The Dual vanquishers sword is nice (from faction xfer?).

Ravelosh of the eagle are nice, but with your crit chance i'd try for a monkey set.

I would comment on the shoulders but you've allready said that your getting the BoA so 'nuff said.

Overall Gearwise is pretty good 8/10, losing points more than anythign for lack of crit chance (a setup with surefooted is nice: 10 crit 10 hit is the overall most beneficial ench imo)

Talents in general are nice, but surefooted talents imp aren't really worth it, all the classes that require kiting can easily reapply their snare well before the duration reduce comes into affect.

Not having survival instincts is a bad point: 4% less dmg and 4% additional crit chance on arcane shot is alot to miss out on considering it's only 2 points.

Having only 1/3 in entrapment is a bit iffy imo and trap mastery is a wasted talent. Having 3/3 entrapment and 2/2 survival instincts is much better than 3 / 1 / 1 / 0.

I approve of the 1/3 Lock and Load though, it is a exponential dmg increase procc, and 33% is well worth the 1 talent point.

I'd say 9/10 for specc.

So then, overall 8.5/10.
Stunted said:
I'm the opposite, going for the Hunter.

Not having survival instincts is a bad point: 4% less dmg and 4% additional crit chance on arcane shot is alot to miss out on considering it's only 2 points.

Having only 1/3 in entrapment is a bit iffy imo and trap mastery is a wasted talent. Having 3/3 entrapment and 2/2 survival instincts is much better than 3 / 1 / 1 / 0.

So then, overall 8.5/10.

Frost shock hits you

Frozen power hits you

you are rooted for 5 seconds

shaman and partner catch up to you

you die.

I prefer surefooted/trap mastery to keep frost trap down indefinitely. It's a personal choice, and I like it better for arenas.

1 - 1/3 trap mastery only keeps frost trap up for an additional 3 seconds, which is negligible and is why the point is wasted.

2 - I'm not saying that surefooted talent isn't good, but that it's not as good as whats available.

3 - You should be kiting a shaman. Frost shock has a relatively short range, treat them like a warrior and kite at long distance, they pop GW and u can scatter -> Scare beast (most will change back to caster mid cast but if they don't then u've got 10 secs to bandage / reposition etc). Disengage on 18 sec cd means that even when they do get close u can just tap and then get away, follow by a quick fd or tidal or whatever it can be used to get out of frost shock range. Even in GW if you limit then to 100% by snaring you can se cheetah to stay out of frost shock range. When they get close use monkey and u'll have about 33% avoidance, which means alot of their attacks will miss, severly gimping their dps as they rely on autohits to procc WF, and it's even more fun when u double dodge a WF.
Still the best spellhance shaman I've seen. A quick question, though: why not go on to 315/300 herbalism, or do you indeed plan to get there at some point? Just curious.

Bwappo said:
Still the best spellhance shaman I've seen. A quick question, though: why not go on to 315/300 herbalism, or do you indeed plan to get there at some point? Just curious.


300 herb is a crutch o_O

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