Inc Jadyn...

Hey Jadyn. It's been a while sir. I think last time I played with you I was in Brumbles Army on the PTR. Good times!
What's going on in here?...

It's like a time warp in here -- first Jadyn, now Grodala!

Grodala, years ago I came across a post of yours that explained getting started with macros in a simple and straightforward manner. I saved that post for months, waiting for when I had the time and desire to really delve into the intricacies of macros. I never got a chance to thank you, so I'll take that opportunity now -- your post considerably helped my game, and I appreciate that. I'm sure I was one of many.
Holy shit...

Lol, hey guys, how's it going.

Hey Jadyne, long time. i've really enjoyed spriest lately, at first i wasnt too keen on it due to losing SW:death and some other things, but its really good right now regardless. i've went int with my priest and do not feel squishy. Qeteb @ Shattered Hand - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

And in my day, 39 priests didn't have SW:D. Sounds like you guys have it easy compared to back then. Damn kids these days...
you do know that 39's get shadowform?

In my day, 39 spriests felt lucky to have mindflay!

Hehe, but yeah, I know. Not sure how I feel about it though, since I originally stayed below 40 so that I wouldn't have shadowform. It sounds like the changes they made to talents forces players into more specialized roles.
I remember Purple Haze! Do the names Andridius, Ukkos, or Glasser ring a bell? :p
Meh, does anyone in the 39 bracket ever get on the TI vent server? I just finished setting up vent again, and no one's here. >.>
You had a 49 priest also correct?

Nope. I leveled my original 39 priest up for before we heard about xp-off (regretted that obviously), but I didn't stick her at 49. When I last logged, I think she was 51 or 52. I never played much 49 bracket, it just was a little too much leveling, and not quite balanced enough.

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