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  1. US 29 drama. So tasty!

    I just want to be not super busy the few nights we've had games =(
  2. Coolest rep to be Exalted with

    I wanted to vote for Ogri'la
  3. Mage Specs

    46 and 2 ahead of me
  4. US 29's bring on the atropine and adrenaline.

    I think I would be good with later tuesday or thursday games. keep the word out.
  5. F2P Aerie Peak 3v3 Arena Tournament

    Try something like: Most of us know the items available to F2P: BoEs that require lvl 20, and Boas such as chest, shoulders, weapons and trinkets. Other BoAs such as helm, cloak and ring, for example, are banned, as well as other forms of grandfathered gear no longer obtainable by f2ps.
  6. F2P Aerie Peak 3v3 Arena Tournament

    Where is this going to be? Are you going to move around to varios BC world arenas such as Nagrand and BEM? These maps facilitate more fun play than STV or DM arenas
  7. lvl 24 Fury warrior

    Question, why are 24s choosing stealth to cloak over 15 nature resist? It seems like a melee class, who could find themselves dealing with roots, earthbind totems, thunderstorms and rogue poisons could benefit heftily from the resistance, especially since few races can afford the spell pen...
  8. Horde Sporeggar rep raid starts today, reroll AP if you haven't already

    THanks for showing the spirit of the f2p bracket and doing something like this. Good stuff, makes me want to roll one
  9. US 29's bring on the atropine and adrenaline.

    I originally played 19s in Stormstrike US, amazing games. I never did much in the way of premades, but I really enjoyed the bracket and playing with the rest of the 19s from different battlegroups on the PTRs. The reason I went 29 was because I had a new toon on its way to 39 and liked the...
  10. Can someone show a BiS mage. Level 10

    What standout better gear is there for a horde mage at 14? I saw the blue boots, but all ratings take a hit, are the stats gained from BoAs and Poly really worth leveling to 14?
  11. sunday 6-12-2011 10-14 wsg #3 10pm eastern (US)

    Magiks - Nathrezim Horde I plan on attending. A question for those who were with me of the last games, anything glaring that I could fix in my playstyle? I'm new to frost mages and certainly not above making mistakes. I know I've also got some enchants to work on, but I feel I...
  12. Rogue on 29 and the Expertise

    Even though he can't travel back in time for skullbreaker, the racial expertise is definitely worth noting. Thanks for the reminder.
  13. Rogue on 29 and the Expertise

    It really doesn't matter what the cap is, Armor - Items - World of Warcraft those are the only two items that grant expertise at that level, its all you can have. Afaik, expertise reduced the chace that your attacks will be blocked/dodged/parried. In pve this is a standard value...
  14. US AB <1min

    No, nice attitude is making 10 xp off lvl 15 warlocks to stomp the horde in a 15v5. Great showing alliance, glad Vitalia could lead the way!
  15. Hey guys. Anything going on in Stormstrike?

    I remember you. Good to see some <Nada en la cabeza> trickling back. I play a little on arthas now since muskie/tus funded me a bit, I play when I can, but its definitely more difficult as horde nowadays, we could use more skilled players.
  16. argent dawn

    No it would not. As far as I know (and has been discussed in a number of other threads), Argent crusade has completely replaced Argent dawn as the "rep from kills" reputation in the plaguelands. It appears that basically "you had to be there" when it comes to AD rep, as it appears there is...
  17. Hit

    So what about casters, then? I recently turned a level 1 mage of mine into a twink, and +5 hit to boots is 16.25% to hit, which should theoretically mean I only miss .75% of the time vs ANY level mob (as per the stats reveal on the sheet). However, I find that when the mob is more than 5-6...
  18. Question about Ambassador title.

    This sums it up. Its an achievement for a title, it really shouldn't take only an afternoon (I guess explorer can be done this fast now, its sad). While now the tabards make this achievement "easy," it was technically only time consuming before. I started aiming before xp off was implemented...
  19. general Gilneas reputation info

    I spent some time yesterday doing what anyone in the face of new surroundings would: I explored. Now in this exploration I had a goal to begin aquiring Gilneas reputation. Aside from it being a new blemish in my home cities reputation, I wanted to see how close I could make it to exalted...
  20. 19 grandfathered items?

    Speaking of grandfathered things, your name simply isn't long enough. You should have created your account sooner =P