F2P Aerie Peak 3v3 Arena Tournament

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hey, just wanted to update this post to let you guys know that this tournament will *not* be happening, due to lack of interest/teams. i'd thank the players who expressed interest, but only 3 of you (1 team) took 5 minutes of your time to put together a team

as always, if you're interested in doing 20 arenas, you can find players on AP - Horde who will be down to play *************************

it's time we had an organized arena event on aerie peak. i'm getting tired of rolling group after group of s-keying hunters in BGs, and i'm sure you are too.

i have extensive experience organizing twink arena tournaments in the past - some of you may have even played in them. you don't have to worry about this falling apart; i know what i'm doing. i just want to make sure that there is enough legitimate interest and commitment from players on this server to make this happen.

this tournament will be best-of-3 per match, with the final match being best-of-5. rules and restrictions to note are as follows:

1. No AGMS - sorry, but AGM in 3v3 in this bracket is just too large of an advantage to give to the small group of players who have been able to obtain it. i'm not doing this because i don't have an AGM, i'm not doing it to screw over players with an AGM. it just wouldn't be fair otherwise. no equipping it, no using it.

2. One Hunter Per Team - self-explanatory, i hope. i considered banning hunters outright, but i think that would be unnecessary and not fair to the players who happened to roll hunters, for better or for worse. which leads into the next point:

3. Hunter and Non-Hunter Bracket - teams will be placed into two categories: Hunter teams and Non-Hunter teams. teams with a hunter will be seeded into a bracket against other teams with a hunter. after team sign-ups are complete, i will announce how the pairings will work. as i'm sure you can imagine, the manner in which the two brackets are re-seeded into each other will depend on the number of each type of team.

i realize that some of you think that hunters are not overpowered enough to warrant this, but they are. no one will want to play in this tournament, or any subsequent ones, if they are facerolled by hunters. i am confident that this arrangement will work out surprisingly well for everyone who participates and allow everyone a fair chance to both do well in the tournament and enjoy themselves.

4. F2P Items Only - And No Grandfathered Items - again, i hope this is self-explanatory. i am well aware that some players have grandfathered items, and that P2P players have access to more items than F2P. no grandfathered items period, and no items that cannot be obtained by F2P players. this means no engineering over 100, crafted BoE items, etc. BOAs which are obtainable by F2Ps are allowed - shoulders, chest, trinkets, etc. BOAs which are not obtainable by F2Ps are not allowed - helm, cloak, etc. BoE weapons that can be obtained by F2P players, e.g. Diamond Hammer, are allowed. but please don't take it over the top.

*Addendum*: i am also going to disallow resist gear, for reasons that should be obvious. that means no resist rings, no keeshan's bandana, etc. gear enchants are also, of course, limited to enchants that F2P players can get (+15 health to chest, +1 stam to bracers, 16 armor kits, etc)

5. Teams of 3 Players Each - One Player Per Team, One Team Per Tournament - you can play on one character, on one team. no being on more than one team. if you have a character on a different account that you'd like to loan to someone to use, that's perfectly okay. each team will have 3 players with 1 alternate (if you want) who is included just in case they have to sub in for you the day(s) of the tourney. but you're not allowed to switch comps. respecs between matches are allowed.

here's what i'd like from you guys, to make this organization easier for me and everyone else:

- Team Signup

i'd like you to reply with your team if you'd like to play: 3 players (plus one alternate if you want) - character names and classes, please. list it out in a reasonably organized fashion. please only reply with an actual team. don't reply with something like "yeah, i want to play!", or "i'm interested, my friends are too!". reply with a concrete team that you want to sign up with. otherwise, it gets confusing for me and everyone else, and we need a list of solid teams in order to pair teams correctly and gauge interest.

if someone would like to make a separate thread to discuss teams/find partners, that would be great and encouraged

- Dates and Times

i live on the pacific coast of the U.S.A. there are many players in the AP community who live in europe or the U.S. east coast, and so it's going to be tricky to find a date and time to make this work for everyone. as well as including your team in your reply, please also include an ideal day of the weekend (saturday or sunday) that you would like to play on, as well as a general time range during that day (include time zone - important!). i'd like to give people at least a week to come up with teams, maybe a week and a half - so we would play 2 weekends from now. feel free to include in your team post, which includes your concrete team your thoughts on whether or not this time frame would work for you.

i realize that including the above information will force you to plan ahead and communicate with your team members - this is the idea. if we're going to do this, we need to make sure that it's organized. otherwise it amounts to wasted time for me and wasted time for all the players who would like to participate.

that being said, don't be intimidated - we want you to join in - it will be fun! i hope to see you at the tournament


ok, i am going to schedule this for saturday, november 19th, starting at noon (12 pm) PST (UTC +8). this means that it will be starting at 3pm on saturday for players who live on the U.S. east coast, and 8pm on saturday for players who live in the middle of europe. please correct me if i'm wrong

i need to know if this works for you guys. i'm doing it on saturday instead of sunday because i'm concerned that 8pm might be getting late for europeans on sunday. i can't start it any sooner than noon PST, because i don't really trust people to be ready any earlier than that, and it leaves a little time for last-minute changes. if we wait any longer than that weekend to do it, we run the risk of the patch hitting, and the 15% damage increase to explosive shot is going to make hunters pretty out of control

if you really want to play in this tournament, and that date/time does not work for you (as in you really can't make it, not that you don't want to do it at that time), please let me know, and let me know asap. if enough people can't make it then, we can change it, but i'd like to do so sooner rather than later.

i'm going to set the deadline to enter teams as wednesday november 16th. let me know your teams as soon as you can, so we can gauge how much interest we have for this. if we don't get enough teams, we can't have a tournament. talk to other people about making a team and get it figured out!
Team List

1. Cotus - Mage

Tyragankz - Paladin

Chingchang - Mage


2. Magic Hammer Cleave

Goldendays - Paladin

Squiddles - Shaman

Mialu - Mage
I call the 3 hunter team.
"don't reply with something like "yeah, i want to play!", or "i'm interested, my friends are too!". reply with a concrete team that you want to sign up with. otherwise, it gets confusing for me and everyone else, and we need a list of solid teams in order to pair teams correctly and gauge interest."
Where is this going to be? Are you going to move around to varios BC world arenas such as Nagrand and BEM? These maps facilitate more fun play than STV or DM arenas
Rule 4 bans BoAs or am i reading it wrong?

jdoring is correct, BOAs which are obtainable by F2Ps are allowed - shoulders, chest, trinkets, etc. BOAs which are not obtainable by F2Ps are not allowed - helm, cloak, etc. i edited the OP to make this more clear
Try something like:

Most of us know the items available to F2P: BoEs that require lvl 20, and Boas such as chest, shoulders, weapons and trinkets. Other BoAs such as helm, cloak and ring, for example, are banned, as well as other forms of grandfathered gear no longer obtainable by f2ps.
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